
A Spartan's galactic empire

A baby crashes on earth during the time acient Greece ruled the Mediterranean sea. After his spaceship malfunctions, his escape pod falls to the earth at breakneck speeds. after falling down to earth he crashes in Greece and gets stuck in the mountains. Leonidas sent on a search party by his half brother, cleomenes the first. Finds the small, garlon and decides to adopt the child, naming him Deimos. I might still use different works as inspiration but I will create all characters in the book myself and create the universe and world's independently too.) And if I use other lightnovels or other works as inspiration, I will put it underneath my chapters afterwards. also a few tags so you know if it is something for you no harem no smut a lot of gore and violence ( once the war arcs begin) sci-fi cunning protagonist ruthless when needed but is capable of showing empathy.

jonas_karel · Fantasy
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51 Chs

lessons of a father

It was a hot day when the expedition was ready for departure.

The kind of sticky pressureing hot, you have before a summer storm.

"Everything is ready your highness " said Dillius.

"Good" Leonidas awnserd towering over his men.

The dynamic of their relationship changed over these three years.

First they followed Leonidas because he was of the royal family, and how he lead them during the years of training as their captain.

But now they follow him out of admiration.

It was a legend that the two royal families were descendants of Heracles, but now it was all but confirmed.

When Leonidas grew up he was always way stronger than his peers.

But from the moment he adopted Deimos he started to slowly grow.

Becoming one of the biggest Spartans around, only olificus is bigger than him. Standing at a staggering 7ft or 2,1m that big oaf was not the brightest but he was a good soldier.

Gorgo holding the two little men by their hands, moving down to sit beside them. Deimos make sure you take care of Phobos and listen to your father.

"Oke mom" Deimos said.

"Same for you too Phobos, keep a eye on Deimos" she said.

He has nack to get himself in trouble just like your father.

Turning to Leonidas she said to phobos "Phobos go help your father pack the luggage".

After hearing this both boys stood up to run to their father.

But before Deimos could get far Gorgo grabbed his ear.

Phobos turns to see why his brother was not following him.

"you go on Phobos" said his mother.

"Oke mom" Phobos reacts.

Deimos a small word, before I let you go with your father and brother.

Deimos surprised by her actions nods his head.

"Look Deimos" she begins "I know you are a bit different from us, and I am not talking about your eye colour".

I have seen the other things you can do, you experiment with them in the woods behind the palace.

Deimos eyes went wide.

This was his biggest secret besides Dariel. He did not want to be different from his family.

His great strength could be explained by Heracles bloodline, but why is he the only one in his family that can fly shoot lazers out his eyes and has psychic energy.

"Listen " his mother exclaimed when she saw him sinking into his thoughts.

When she saw light returning to his eyes she continued.

I will explain why you are different from your brother but not now.

Deimos nods his head, not knowing it would only be after many years that he learns of his origins.

You have to promise your mother that when you or Phobos are in danger you will take your brother and fly away.

"I promise mother" says Deimos.

"Good of you go then. "

Hearing this Deimos runs to his father and begins with loading the wagon.

About 45 minutes later the wagon was filled with the supplies needed for 30 strong Spartans.

The Agiad Royal palace had around 300 royal guards so there were enough left to defend the palace from enemy's.

Looking at her three boys Gorgo gave a smile waving them goodbye, this would be the status quo for the next three weeks.

Phobos and Deimos waved their mother goodbye, ready for their first real adventure. They looked around from the well guarded wagon.

Their father was riding a big stallion in the front wile three rows of 10 Spartans followed.

10 on the right of the wagon 10 on the left 5 in the front and 4 in the back.

Fully protecting the children and supplies. The environment looked dry, tall yellow grass rugged short trees and a lot of rocks litters the surroundings.

It was all so novel to the two young boys.

But after seeing it for a couple of hours they got bored of it.

Say Deimos do you think we could ever grow as tall as father.

"Yes" awnserd Deimos absentmindedly. Stelios sitting next to them, steering the wagon chuckles.

So the first few days went by.

Tomorrow they would make it to the hellot farms of their family.

But this night the promised storm finally arrives.

Heavy rain and strong winds howled as the Spartans sat by a fire, their backs against a cliffside protecting them from the harsh winds.

One of the less recognisable Spartans takes a glance at Deimos.

He hesitated for a moment, but decides to wait muttering something onder his breath. "Claus is there something you wanted to say" asked his colleague.

Hearing him mutter

"No no there is nothing" awnserd Claus.

After a wet and uneasy night they decided to start moving again.

They walked to the Agiad helot farm for half a day.

Arriving there they were welcomed by the helot family's.

Your highness they exclaimed before bowing to Leonidas.

They have see him before and we're shocked by his chance.

But it was not something they would concern themselves with.

"Haha Elliott good to see you again" said Leonidas.

Both his sons looked weirdly at their father. Elliott was the village head and a bit older than Leonidas half-brother.

Sir Leonidas good to see you again.

"We have reserved accommodation for you, and your men" said Elliott.

Please follow me.

Leonidas and his sons got a house for themselves, while his man had to sleep together.

After a long days journey and, after the storm raging on yesterday there was finally a place rest.

Lying under the blanket together with Phobos, Deimos decided to ask the question that had been plueging his mind. Father why were you so friendly to that slave.

I heard from my friends that a slave is beneath us, and if we give too much freedom they will get thoughts of rebellion. Looking at his son Leonidas started explaining.

"Look Deimos", was that person I spoke to just now a beast or a human.

"A human" said Deimos.

"Correct " said Leonidas "so if I treat him as a beast, he wil resend me."

"And if it continues long enough, he wil start acting as a beast."

"And why would a wild beast have any loyalty to his master."

"Besides you are of the royal family, you stand above the normal civilians too."

"Does that mean you should treat them worse?"


"It means that you must live as an example for them to follow and strive for."

"It's the same here; that they are slaves does not mean they are suddenly not human anymore."

"For we are all made in the image of the gods."

Something sat not right with Deimos in this sentence.

But he would leave it for now.

"And most important of all always give them hope" said Leonidas.

"If you take away their last light they will have nothing to live for."

"And there is nothing scarier than a man without reason or purpose."

"Except for a man with too much purpose and no reason."

"That's why they are allowed to have a family, worship their gods and farm the land. Ensuring livelihood for their family."

"Remember Deimos and Phobos a rulers greatest weapon isn't his sword it is Hope."