
A Spartan's galactic empire

A baby crashes on earth during the time acient Greece ruled the Mediterranean sea. After his spaceship malfunctions, his escape pod falls to the earth at breakneck speeds. after falling down to earth he crashes in Greece and gets stuck in the mountains. Leonidas sent on a search party by his half brother, cleomenes the first. Finds the small, garlon and decides to adopt the child, naming him Deimos. I might still use different works as inspiration but I will create all characters in the book myself and create the universe and world's independently too.) And if I use other lightnovels or other works as inspiration, I will put it underneath my chapters afterwards. also a few tags so you know if it is something for you no harem no smut a lot of gore and violence ( once the war arcs begin) sci-fi cunning protagonist ruthless when needed but is capable of showing empathy.

jonas_karel · Fantasy
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51 Chs

a wicked king

Earth year 512 BC

Time skip

Three years have past.

Two years ago a delegation from Sythian came to Sparta ,seeking aid in repelling king Darius of Persia.

Cleomenes although wary of Darius does not want to mingle with the powerplay at hand, so the endeavour of the Sythian delegation was fruitless.

Now both Deimos and Phobos were three years old the age were they wanted to explore the world.

Deimos and Phobos were both bigger than average for their age Deimos was 1,2m while Phobos was 1,1m.

This was possibly because they both had devinity in their blood making them grow faster bigger and stronger.

Heracles the originator of the royal families bloodline.

Was known to have been 13 ft or 4 meters tall.

And Phobos who was always in close proximity to Deimos kept getting a purer bloodline.

This was because Deimos had 2 true blessings, meaning he had Devine power of the highest purity in him.

Especially the blessing of Devine strength helped in purifying Heracles bloodline.

Since Heracles had the same devinity as this blessing.

"Phobos how is it going over there"? said Deimos.

"All good over here" he replied.

"Haha father is gonna get a suprise when he comes back home" Deimos awnsers.

They were playing by the creek, but because of a stunt they pulled on their mother they had to clean the stables.

Now what jong man or lass want to do a chore?

"No one" that who so they came up with a plan.

They would recreate the story of Herakles and the stables of king Augeas.

So they dug a trench from uphill all the way down to the royal stables.

This was only possible because of their ridiculous strength.

While they are doing this Stelios was keeping a eye on the two young princes.

He was tasked with protecting them.... From themselves.

He was on a small hill some 40 meters away. Laughing about the mess Leonidas would find when he got back home.

He was tasked with keeping them away from danger not stopping them from digging their own grave.

So het let them do their thing.

When their mother found out, they could only hope to see the sun again the next four years.

"Are you ready Phobos"?

"yes I am" he screamed back.

Phobos was waiting in the reservoir they build uphill, they dug a deep en wide pit before closing off the creek.

There he was waiting with a self-made wooden boat.

"Oke we can start then" Deimos said.

He begun lifting the boulder that kept the creek from following the newly dug canal.

As soon as he did that the water poured out. Sweeping him along.

Phobos watched with wide eyes, as his older brother got sweeped away.

Before he could process this he went with the flow too.

Getting dragged in the turmoil with his shabby boat.

And down they went, one tumbling in the roaring river and one tumbling on top of it. Stelios who saw this could only shake his head and laugh.

When the condensed creek made it to the royal stables it had already calmed down considerably.

Only scaring the horses but not injuring them.

Phobos and Deimos lay among the wet hay and hoseshit, looking at each other they laughed.

Than Deimos opend his mouth.

"We are in trouble brother".

Phobos rolled his eyes and continued "why are we laying down then" "let's run"!

Just as they we about to escape a hand reached out and graped them by their nape. Turning their head slowly Deimos started first: hey mom.

Back in the Eurypontid royal castle.

leotychidas was sitting in his study going trough political affairs.

There was a nock on his door he said "enter".

After a short silence the door was opend, in walked a elderly man, he was the new head priest of Ares.

After the first one got his head obliterated. Your highness I bring news.

Another failure I presume leotychidas states.

Yes your majesty.

Sigh leotychidas was trough, he tried killing Deimos over en over sinds the day he came to Sparta.

No matter the tactic it did not work, no poison no knives or swords no heavy object and even not drowning.

That cockroach could survive hours under water.

Don't lose hope sir I got a vision from Ares, he told me that he sent a special insect that suppresses the kid, and should be able to kill him.

Leotychidas eyes lit up what are we waiting for then.

The location said the priest.

"We know the general location but not the exact one".

"Ares told me the insect loves sunbathing, and makes his home in the hottest places".

"How long has the search been ongoing and why was I not informed?!" leotychidas demanded a awnser.

"Quell your anger your majesty we did this to first gather results before handing them over".

"We now know it had lives in a Helot village on the outskirts of Sparta.

Now we only have to find the insect itself. The helloten didn't dare get close, fearing its venomous bite.

"Good let them go and catch the insect."

"Verry well your highness."

The priest left the office leaving leotychidas alone.

Turning to the door is eyes dark, I will not let your power grow Agiad the throne is mine and soon your throne will be mine too.

Back at the Agiad royal palace Deimos and Phobos were thrown in a bathhouse.

"But mother that is not fair" was the reaction after hearing their punishment.

They had to help clean the old armour of the soldiers when not in use.

"You have made it so yourself" she responded.

Being depressed Deimos shut his mouth. Phobos on the other hand tried looking cute to get out of it but his mother would have none of it.

After half a hour they heard footsteps and armour klinking.

Leonidas walked in he originally was 1,68 or 5ft 6, but now he stood at a impressive 6,7 foot or 2 meters.

The children were not the only ones having abnormal growth; after living close to Deimos his bloodline started to get purified too.

"Hello my beautiful wife."

"Hello husband she replied."

"Well what do we have here?"

"two little piggy's?"

"I heard from Stelios what you have been doing."

"What!! That's not right he promised not to tell."

"Well he had to tell it was on my command as a general."

The two little guys were sulking hearing their father saying this.

"You know what?"

"We will go and do a routine inspection next week."

"I will take you both along"

"You two boys have been stuck here, and haven't gotten the chance to see the rest of Sparta."

When they heard this their eyes started to sparcle "that's a deal father!!"

Gorgo being done bathing the boys stood up.

She was no different from Leonidas after staying close to Deimos she too started a sudden growth spurt now standing at 6ft 5 or 1,95m instead of her originally 1,60m the family of four was slowly turning into giants.