
A Spark Between Us

“Even with all of his kind gestures, she knew deep down that he was dangerous and how could she ever trust someone like that?” Would you change everything you believed in for the sake of destiny? Clara’s average college life takes a chaotic turn when she and a handsome stranger acquire strange powers which make her question everything she thought she knew about herself. Will he corrupt her or will she warm a cold villain’s heart? *mild offensive language/violence and sexual situations (no derogatory terms, no rape)

Alaura90 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

A spark

It had been hours since Clara arrived home and she had not had a buzzing episode since. She sat on the foot of her bed in only her underwear and painted her toes. On her right, in the corner of the room there was a full length mirror. She glanced at it and noticed she wasn't looking as sickly as before.

She rose from the bed and went into the kitchen. She was lucky enough to have snagged an apartment of her own with no roommates that's also in walking distance to the college. The whole apartment complex was occupied by students from the university and loud parties were very common. On this night however, all was silent and peaceful.

She was pouring herself a glass of water when she felt something that she had never in her life felt before. It was like someone had jump-started her heart like you jump-start a staled car.

The cup that was just in her hand moments before was now in an array of sharp pieces on the ground. Clara had never even realized it had fallen.

The buzzing from earlier started intensifying and soon it was rippling through her whole body and burning her insides. She watched her hands helplessly as small bolts of what could only be described as lighting sparks danced around her palm and fingertips. She could see bluish-white sparks slither under the skin of the rest of her body.

She staggered to her room to look at the mirror. Lightning bolt shaped veins covered her arms, bare chest and the rest of her body.

She gasped and something quick and suddenly in her mind told her to run. Now.

Seconds later she was flying out of the house, whipping her dress over her head and hopping into her shoes as she sprinted out the door.

She had no idea where she was going. The car just seemed to drive itself as Clara's heart beat as fast as a hummingbird's. It was agonizing and frightening. Her senses were magnified and she was in a heightened sense of alertness that she had never felt before. The shock waves continued at every turn.

She eventually found herself pulling into an old abandoned warehouse. She couldn't recall how she got there and she wasn't even sure where she was. The only thing she knew for certain was that a magnetic force was pulling her towards this exact location. Her hands buzzed and snapped on the steering wheel.

As her wheels crunched on the pavement slowly, she noticed a black suv just around the side of the embankment. From the main road, the vehicle would be out of the line of site to oncoming traffic.

She put the car in park and pondered over her next move. "I should just leave, what am I even doing here?" She thought as her eyes darted from corner to corner nervously. She didn't see any other evidence of abnormal activity. Besides the SUV, which Clara assumed was a security guard, all seemed empty and unoccupied. The gravitational pull called for her to go inside.

Defiant to every instinct and every loud voice in her mind screaming to leave this place immediately, she opened the car door and stepped out. Even though the night was relatively warm Clara shivered profusely. Her steps crunched on the old road and she tried to make them quieter. She reached for a nonexistent pocket and realized that in her haste she had forgotten to grab her phone. "Crap" she muttered.

She took a few steps forward, unsure what to do next when very suddenly her hands started prickling with even more intensity. The buzz was reacting like a beacon and Clara was certain that she was supposed to follow it.

She found her way to a broken basement window. At least, it looked like a dark creepy basement to Clara but it was actually the lower level to the warehouse used for over-flow storage and large items. She carefully squeezed through the broken window, making sure to not impale herself. It was high, but she used a pile of pallets as means to descend into the darkness further. It was only then that she realized she wasn't alone.