
hello New world

Satoru had always wanted his death to be against someone as powerful as he was, his fighting instincts were quick and precise, and his power cursed, so he didn't have that many people to make him release some of his effort in the fight.

And now here he was, dead in a dark, endless void, alone with his thoughts and nothing else.

His last battle had shown him what pain and frustration really meant, being stabbed in the back would not be his favorite way to die, if he were to die he would die in a bed surrounded by beautiful women.

Even if he trained his limitless to be automatic and protect him from close range attacks, he was not invincible, megumi's father was proof of that.

It sucks here, I can't do anything, I can't see anything and I can't feel anything, almost as boring as those old people's lectures, who would have thought that dying would be like this ? - Satoru was in a complete state of boredom in this place.

He doesn't know how long it lasted but at one point he felt a huge energy in the darkness, it was a strong energy of warmth and comfort, his feet were getting warm, rising to the top of his head, until he saw something for the first time since he died.

A blue screen in front of him, it was the size of an 80 cm flat screen television, it had strange questions and at the end a button written start.

'What is this? I guess someone decided to give me a little entertainment in this place by sending me some kind of quiz' - satoru joked trying to hide his curiosity about this screen.

'hmmm what happens if I answer ?' - satoru looked at the screen and thought about the answers since he couldn't feel any body parts to write anything on the screen, and the screen itself seemed to be holographic, so he just deduced that he would have to think about the answers.

(Do you want to keep your memories ?)

What do you mean 'keep my memories' ? - Well, I think I'd better answer everything without asking anything.


(Do you want to keep your appearance and powers?)


(Do you want to change gender?)

'no' - why the hell would he change his gender ?, What the hell kind of questions are these ?

(Do you want to have your body younger or like a baby ?)

ok now this was getting too weird, I wasn't even that old so I was pretty young when I died but being a baby no way' - satoru just snorted and replied.

'have a younger body' - satoru finished answering and waited for what would happen.

After a few minutes of the screen processing the answers he heard a small alarm on the screen and it changed to something like a random roulette, he knew what it was because he had played this before, won some and lost some, but this one had nothing he remembered, it was strange they had names he didn't know.

- attack on Titan

- Avengers

- game of thrones

- Berserk





Satoru continued reading until he realized that they were almost infinite names, they were hundreds and hundreds of names, he then realized that he couldn't find any button to think of to push and watch the roulette wheel spin, he tried and tried to force the roulette wheel to spin without touching it, he tried for some time until he gave up, he was already frustrated when the roulette wheel started spinning at an extremely high speed, the words were now just blurs, after a few minutes he saw the roulette wheel stop spinning slowly until it stopped for good, he then saw what it said.

~C DC world chosen by user, user must wait a moment to be sent to the chosen world, thank you for waiting and enjoy your new life~.

DC world?, What is DC? - satoru was confused now, the screen said chosen world, so what world was this ? And new life? I'm going to have a new life ? - gojo was standing in the void just waiting for the answer until everything suddenly became clear, a bright white light suddenly appeared in front of him.

A strong light appeared in a random alley in the city, bags of trash and rubble were lying around when the light stopped shining and from it appeared a tall and extremely handsome man lying on the ground, he had white hair sticking up and a blindfold over his eyes, this was satoru gojo, once the greatest and most powerful sorcerer of his former world.

"Hah, shit, couldn't you have sent me somewhere less stinky? - satoru spoke up, trying to cover his nose at the disgusting smell of garbage near him.

He stood up and saw for the first time the place where he was, it was a dark and dank alley, there were some plastic bags and two garbage containers.

"At least now I feel my limbs and can speak, the screen said I would be in a different world didn't it ? Well I guess I should enjoy my new home now" - Satoru stretched and stretched his arms and legs a bit, walking to the exit of the alley.

As he left he was greeted by several people walking and talking to each other, from the language they spoke it was definitely English, so he was in America? He had a little knowledge and was not very fluent in the language but he now understood perfectly what they were talking about, it must be something to do with the blue screen, since he was in a new world he adapted the most popular language to communicate, so he was a little relieved since he would love to see America someday, even if it was just for some curse problem.

He walked among the people looking for a place to stay, since he had no money, much less a place to sleep, but Gojo didn't realize that as he walked he was being watched by the people around him, especially the women, they were blushing and some were trying to hide their excitement at the sight of Satoru's beautiful face, because even with the blindfold he was still very handsome, but the men had different reactions, they looked at Gojo with jealousy and hatred.

Satoru walked more cautiously now, seeing and feeling not so generous looks in his direction.

Just as he was about to enter an alley and teleport somewhere else he saw a small newspaper on the ground and picked it up, in it was an article posted a few days ago.

~The gotham police are still trying to find the thief and recover the diamonds from the famous businessman William, some have claimed that the thief was a woman wearing a cat costume known as catwoman, some people are starting to think her she has some involvement with the famous hero Batman, as they have been seen together several times~.

"Woman in a cat costume ? Haha that's a good one, is she a fan of nekos or something ? - gojo scoffed at this story and noticed the other individual.

"A guy dressed as a bat, well each one with his own lifes," - Satoru continued reading the newspaper until he saw news about a man in a red cape called Superman, which he discovered was an alien, a woman wearing a sexy and revealing outfit called Wonder woman, which was an Amazon warrior as they called, another is a guy called flash and several others, and he ended seeing a name of the group they were part of, was called justice league.

"And it looks like I've been sent to a world even more bizarre than my own" - Satoru closed the newspaper and decided to get some money to rent a place to sleep.

He walked for a few minutes until he realized that he was in a slightly more obscure part of town, he saw men wearing ragged clothes and some prostitutes casting hungry glances at him.

He was about to go when he felt a gun poking him in the back, he stopped and stood still.

"Pass everything of value you have now, or I will bathe the floor with your blind brains" - he heard a hoarse voice from behind and turned his face a little, he was a little shorter than satoru and wore an old leather hat.

"Oh, not that one what will become of me now mister mugger ?" - satoru smiled and sneered at the man without any fear, which made the man turn red with anger.

"I was just going to rob you and beat you up and then leave, but now you've pissed me off, you blind bastard" the thief spoke and pointed the barrel of the pistol at satoru's head, he then pulled the trigger expecting to see satoru fall to the ground and grab his wallet, but what he saw was not what he expected.

The bullet simply stopped in mid-air and fell to the ground.

The robber's eyes widened and he began to tremble where he stood, his gun still pointed at satoru's face.

"Y-Y-You are one of those hero freaks aren't you ?" The thief shouted and continued shooting at satoru but with the same result, the bullets stopped and fell to the ground.

Satoru kept the same smile the whole time seeing the thief's reaction.

Satoru then held his gun and in an instant punched him in the face making him fly a few feet to the ground, he walked up to the thief and broke his two arms with his foot, making the thief scream in pain, just as he was about to put his foot on the thief's head he was hit by an object in the shape of a bat, gojo didn't know it but he was being watched by someone from the top of a building, he was wearing a gray and black suit with a bat mask and a cape, the bat man then jumped off the building and went towards satoru, who to his surprise was intact with the impact of the explosion.

"Who are you and what are you doing? - gojo heard the bat-man speak to him as if he were a child.

'So this is the famous Batman I saw in the newspaper? He is stranger than the picture.

"Why would I tell you who I am? You didn't tell me who you are? - gojo decided to challenge him a little.

Batman was confused, how could this young man not know him, all of Gotham and even the world knew him ?

Batman then saw his blindfold and thought the boy was blind and had never seen him, but more importantly how he had come out unharmed from the explosion caused by one of his batarang.

Gojo seeing no reason to joke around anymore decided to talk to Batman.

"My name and is satoru gojo it's a pleasure to meet you Batman!" - satoru spoke relaxed.

Batman surprised by this sudden introduction decided to get more answers from the boy.

"What is a young boy like you doing in this dangerous area of Gotham? - Batman asked waiting for his answer.

"Well I was looking for a place to stay besides money since I don't have any, but you keep calling me young, how old do you think I am? - satoru asked.

"Batman spoke now more relaxed with the boy who seemed to be just lost.

"You say your name is gojo satoru, so don't you have a place to stay ?" - Batman was wondering if he could use this boy as a companion to dick and barbara, or even Young justice and maybe the league itself, from what he saw he had a lot of potential.

Gojo just scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and nodded.

Batman then let out a sigh and decided to help him.

"If you want I can help you with shelter and food but you will have to do something for me too" Batman said trying to get the boy to go with him.

Gojo smiled in jest and joked.

"You know, I know that the clothes you are wearing are worn by a certain kind of man, but I don't swing that way Batman" - gojo laughed.

Batman just got choked up at that answer and quickly replied.

"No, no, no, that's not what I mean, I don't swing that way either, I just want you to join a certain group of heroes and help them with missions that you will receive.

Gojo then thought a bit about the advantages and disadvantages of joining a group of heroes, it took him a few minutes before he agreed with Batman and accepted the proposal.


"Nice house you have"- gojo spoke sitting in an armchair, he was looking at the immense and luxurious Wayne mansion, Batman or now called Bruce Wayne was sitting in another armchair in front of him, a few hours ago he heard Bruce speak his name and that he owned a billion dollar company, that he used a codename called Batman and that he fought crime, they talked while Alfred served them snacks and some drinks.

"So what powers do you have ?" - Bruce asked looking at satoru's calm face.

Satoru seeing no reason to lie decided to answer.

"Well I have an ability inherited from my family called six eyes, with them I can see things with more precision and detail, I also have limitless" - gojo spoke drinking a tea with cookies.

"Limitless ? And what is that ?" - Bruce asked curious.

Gojo just smiled and raised his hand in his direction.

"It's better to show than to tell! - Satoru spoke up and asked Bruce to put his hand against his.

Curious Bruce moved his hand towards his and tried to touch his fingers, but to his amazement he couldn't. He tried to use his strength but it wouldn't come any closer.

"What is this? How do you do this? - Bruce asked, shocked.

"That is limitless, to simplify, you don't totally stop, but you slow down as you get closer, I can bring the infinity question to reality, that is you slow down infinitely where there is an infinity between you and me so you can't touch me.

Bruce thought with shock at what he just heard, if what satoru said is true then no one could defeat him not even the league should he become an enemy.

As if reading Bruce's thoughts gojo decided to calm him down.

"I know what you must be thinking right now but don't worry, I'm not invincible or anything.

"So which group will I join? I'm curious.

"You will join a group of young heroes called Young Justice, since you are too young to join the league I will send you to them, they are almost the same age as you" - Batman Said.

Gojo just smiled and leaned back in his chair.

"young justice huh? I have nothing to lose, so let's go." - Satoru just relaxed and decided to live like a hero in this new world.

well i hope i can make gojo hook up with a lot of girls here, which girl do you want to see the most?

THE_WRITTERcreators' thoughts