
A Song to Forget

"In the depths of winter, I found within me, an invincible summer." Chi Yun was the best student at an esteemed music school and once had a bright career ahead of her as a talented pianist. But she had to take a long break from her education due to an unfortunate tragedy. Now that five years have passed, she is at last going back to school. However, she quickly finds herself embroiled in a heated argument with Wang Zhanyan, a disturbed student with a twisted past and a propensity for disruption, as soon as she arrives. Excerpt... Chi Yun sized up Wang Zhanyan and teased, “My, my. How could Chef Lu ever fancy you with a weak body like yours? Have you seen the difference? Which chef does not have a strong body?” Was Chi Yun belittling his strength? Wang Zhanyan grew indignant. “You really shouldn’t think so little of me. I beat up Cheng Xin and the others. Have you forgotten?” Chi Yun thought about it and agreed. Although Wang Zhanyan appeared frail and gaunt, he did possess some modicum of skill. Wang Zhanyan thought Chi Yun did not believe him, so he lifted his shirt and grabbed Chi Yun's hand, running them down his abdomen. “Hah! Can you feel them? I’ve got six-pack abs; count them if you don’t believe me!” The sudden warmth and firmness under her touch sent a jolt down Chi Yun's spine. She tried to retract her hand, but Wang Zhanyan, incensed, refused to let go and insisted she felt his abs. Thankfully, there was no one around. Otherwise, Chi Yun felt she would probably have to find a hole to hide in. It was so mortifying she would not have had the face to greet anyone. “Wang Zhanyan, unhand me!” Chi Yun hissed through gritted teeth. ... Highschool romance x entertainment industry. Two-faced fl x troublemaker ml

Rhaini · Teen
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11 Chs

First impression gone wrong

There were wooden walls and exposed brick, and the shelves were made of heavy oak that had been sanded smooth. The floors were wood as well, and the whole feeling of being in the library was cozy and relaxing. It was like stepping back in time to a simpler, more dignified age.

The place was filled with the scent of leather and parchment, and it felt like a step back in time to the age of knights and castles and of heroes and legends. It was a place where scholars could research and discover the mysteries of the world, and it was a place where history was preserved and honored.

It was Chi Yun's first time in the school library, so it was normal for her to be taken aback, but Lin Xin, who has been there many times, still couldn't help but be amazed every time she stepped in.

Lin Xin looked at Chi Yun. "Chi Yun, what do you want to read? We could just ask the librarians since they know every corner of the library like the back of their hands."

Chi Yun nodded at her suggestion. "Okay. And since we're the same age, you don't have to call me Chi Yun; it's too formal. You can just call me Yunyun, and I'll call you Xin-er, okay?"

Lin Xin, who heard this, was happy. Finally, she's much closer to her. Calling her Yunyun must mean she also wants her to be friends, right?

Lin Xin looked down and hid her face. "Yunyun," she murmured.

After finding an empty table, they both sat down.

"Yunyun, what type of book do you want to read? Oh! How about Romeo and Juliet? Have you read it?" Ling Ran asked her with curious eyes.

"Yeah, I've read it. How about Crime and Punishment? It's really a popular literature novel." Chi Yun has always wanted to read it, but the copy was hard to get.

Lin Xin was excited. "Wait here, Yunyun. I'll find the book real quick. I know where that is located."

Chi Yun nodded at her.

Chi Yun stood up and walked to the nearby shelf to look at the books. She walked until she was at the end. There, she saw a whole empty table. She wandered her eyes off and saw one occupied table.

Chi Yun snuck a peek at the young boy who was reading. She was curious about him and couldn't help but look at him. His concentration on his book made him even more intriguing, and she couldn't help but notice how handsome he was. Chu Yun found herself wanting to keep looking at him, but she didn't want to be noticed. She found herself curious about him, and the more she watched him, the more she wanted to know more about him.

He saw a boy the same age. For a second, she forgot how to breathe. The teenage boy was so focused on his books that he hardly seemed to notice anything around him. He was completely absorbed in whatever he was reading, and it looked like nothing could distract him from his work. He had an intensity about him that was almost like he was in his own world, and it was as though he was in tunnel vision. He seemed to block out any noise or distractions, and he was fully focused on his reading. His dedication to his work was admirable, and he certainly had a strong sense of determination and focus.

The teenager had a gentle demeanor about him, with his golden-rimmed glasses and otherworldly looks. He seemed to possess wisdom and understanding that were far beyond those of most teenagers, and he had a presence that commanded attention with his aloof nature and the aura of mystery that surrounded him. He seemed like he was from another world, and he radiated a sense of wisdom and kindness. There was certainly something special about him, as if he were not of this world but of an entirely different one.

He turned to look at her when he felt someone looking at him. Chi Yun was startled.

He looked an otherworldly gentleman, gentle as a jade.

In front of him, Chi Muih don't know what to say.

She was so flushed in embarrassment when he caught her looking.

"What are you looking at?"

She was flabbergasted. What? What am I looking at?

Chi Yun forced out a smile as she apologized. He was so rude, yet he did not apologise. Such handsome features were wasted on him.

She was fuming in anger as she walked back to their table.

Ling Ran came back and saw Chi Yu covering her face. "Yunyun, what are you doing?" she asked as she handed the book to her.

Chi Yu plastered her professional smile. "Nothing. Oh! Is this the book? Thank you, Xin-er. What book do you want to read?" She quickly changed the subject.

Lin Xin was so seduced by her smile that she forgot what her previous question was. "Oh, it's a history book. I don't know what history book this is; I just casually picked it up."

Chi Yu made an oh.

Lin Xin sat down. The two of them started reading their book.

Lin Xin peeked at Chi Yun. Chi Yun had one hand supporting the book so it wouldn't fall and the other fiddling with her hair, revealing only half of her face. Half of her curly hair had slipped down, and her fingers were long and clean. The faint blue veins in her hand could be seen. Her bones were thin, as if they would break at the touch.

"Yunyun, can I ask something?" Lin Xin murmured; her voice was almost inaudible.

Chi Yun nodded.

"I know it's not that late of the year, and I really don't want to sound rude or nosy or anything, but can I ask why you transferred here? Is everything going okay for you? It can be so difficult to make new friends and adjust to a new school, but I hope you're settling in okay. If there's any way I can help, just let me know!"

Chi Yun smiled at her. Did Lin Xin think that she transferred because she was being bullied? "Do you know the Best Idol Program?"

Lin Xin understood what she meant. "Yeah? I know; it's a really big program, and I heard from my company that it will start in 4 months."

"Well, I wanted to participate in that program; that's why."

Lin Xin sighed in relief.

The Best Idol program is one of the most prestigious and competitive programs in the world.

Anyone between the ages of fifteen and nineteen is eligible to participate in the competition. It was designed to find the best young talent in singing, dancing, and rapping.

The competition is extremely tough, though. Those who make it to the top five in their country go on to compete on the international stage. It's an incredible opportunity for anyone to show off their talent and make a name for themselves, as well as a chance for young talent from all over the world to come show off their talents.


The final bell finally rang, and she felt a wave of relief wash over her when she realized that class was finally over. As she began to make her way toward the door, her phone rang, and she saw a number she didn't recognize.

The call kept ringing, and it had been for some time now. She was starting to get annoyed and upset, to the point where she wanted to snap at whoever was calling. She was fed up with the constant calls, and she wanted to be left alone. She was so fed up with the constant calls that she was ready to scream and shout at whoever was on the other end of the phone. She was angry and frustrated, and her patience was wearing thin.

Chi Yun picked up the phone in annoyance and frustration. She was fed up with the constant calling and ringing. She didn't recognize the number, and she wanted to ignore it, but she felt that she needed to answer and see what they wanted. She picked up the phone and answered to see who was on the other end. Chi Yun was curious and frustrated, and she was ready to say whatever she had to say to get the caller to leave her alone.

The caller was none other than her father.

"Chi Yun, can you come for dinner tonight? Your grandma and grandpa miss you."

"Yes, I'll drop by," she said through gritted teeth.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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