
An unknown ceiling

Have you ever had one of those mornings when you don't want to get out of bed? As if your bed has a Gravity that pushes you closer?

If you have to understand my feelings, but don't measure how God keeps sleeping, I'm the type of guy who wakes up and can't sleep anymore, so I force my eye to open and see a ceiling made of stone.

"Um, an unknown ceiling."

I felt that not the bed was pushed at me, but the sheet that is so thick and heavy and a surah made of some kind of black fur. Pulling the covers up and sit on a king-size bed that I'm sure is not mine.

I look around and see a room that looks like it came out of a medieval movie, with stone walls and ceilings, with no decoration other than a rustic wardrobe, a mirror, a table beside the bed with some sheets of what looks like be papyrus and a simple wooden chest at the foot of the bed.

When I get out of bed I feel something strange, my feet don't reach the floor and when I get rid of the dizziness of sleep that I still have, I start to realize what is happening, placing my hands in front of my eyes I see that they are well smaller and more delicate than I remember and much more pale, don't get me wrong but I was always a little too white but now I was closer to those twilight vampires that my sister made me see during my adolescence.

I get up (jumping) from the bed and go to the mirror, in its reflection I see a 10-year-old child with silver hair and electric blue eyes and a face that looks like a small, thin version of the lich king but without the appearance of a corpse, Strangely it looked like a fusion of Rhaegar Targaryen and Robert Baratheon, when looking at the nearby desk I see a different letter because it is made of a different paper from the others, visibly more modern and it is written on it

'"Young man, I was bored so I transmigrated you to a fictional world that you know well, The Game of Thrones but be careful because the world you are in is a mixture of books and series and a little bit of the game, I took the freedom to give you a little cheat so you don't die too fast, the longer you last and the more fun I have the better the final rewards will be, ranging from a cookie to immortality so play well

your cheat is a very simple system but if you know how to use it it will show a great power in the world where it is, I got it from a game of your memory called warcraft III, it has been modified a little to meet the demand but your feeling remains the same, to match your appearance you will represent the Lordaeron faction, you can sell items for your system in exchange for gold that can be used to summon heroes, units and constructions, but the buildings needed basic resources to be built, the system it will also provide you with a store where you can buy Azeroth items and an annual birthday gacha and an inventory, I took the liberty of leaving a starter pack, the system can be handled with mental commands so try not to seem completely crazy talking.

By ROB "

PS: the moment you finish reading this letter it will destroy itself and you will receive the memories of your body, let the games begin hahaha


Instantly I feel a piercing pain in my brain and memories start to jump in my mind, Some are simple feelings and others are as clear as day, but all passing at an absurd speed and finally, I discover my name and where this ROB left me.

I passed out with one last thought, I am Arthas Magnar, Son of Terenas Magnar who died yesterday becoming Lord of Skargos, a land that by books is said to be so unproductive and infertile that it forces its inhabitants into cannibalism during the winter

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Arantyrcreators' thoughts