
Conversing with a black man, instead

"Huh, so it does just Kinda float there," I mutter as I am about to reach the ledge on my nimbus. After reaching the ledge I hop off of my nimbus and wave at it as it flys away. I turn around and see Mr.Popo staring at me creepily.

"Hello there, Maggot, do you have the badge," He says with a smile that looks like it came straight from the pits of Tartarus. I nodded rapidly and fumble as I pull at the badge that Korin left me. I hand it to him and he lets out a quick laugh.

"Hah, good, we can begin," he says with that creepy smile. "First I'll explain the pecking order it goes, you, the dirt, the worms inside the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, and then Popo, got that Maggot?" he says right up in my face. I gulp and start sweating bullets as I nod once again. Without any warning, he punches me directly in the face sending me sprawling to the ground.

"Gonna have to be more perceptive maggot, now let me teach you the rules of Popos training," he says with a sinister smile. I quickly power up to max and get into the kami style stance. He looks a bit vaguely surprised for a passing moment before letting out an even more sinister smile. We begin trading blows. I throw a punch to the cheek; He blocks effortlessly. I back away before racing forward with a kick; he deflects it to the side and lands an uppercut to my chin.

I quickly regain my bearings and rush at him activating my aura to enhance my punches. He dodges a blow to his midsection and ducks under a punch. He sweeps my legs and kicks me away. I recover and fly away into the sky. I send a barrage of ki blasts his way; he knocks most of them away and bounces a few back to me. I dodge and charge a Kamehameha.

"Ka...Me...Ha...Me," I begin chanting.

"Rule one, don't talk about Popos training," he says nonchalantly as he charges his own attack.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAA," I yell and shoot the cyan attack at him. Our beams meet in the middle. Our attacks are neck and neck not giving an inch. The sky darkens and debris begins breaking away from the lookout. He smiles sinisterly and his attack begins to overtake mine. Sensing the danger I dodge out of the way and let go of my attack. I barely dodge the ensuing explosion.

He disappears and reappears in front of my face kicking me away. We begin trading blows again. I manage to land a glancing blow on his midsection before being knocked away. He rapid fires ki blasts toward me before I can recover. I dodge a few but most hit me in my mid-section and face. Angered by this I charge toward him and we lock hands, getting into a deadlock and beginning a battle of strength and stamina. The lookout begins to shake and he continues talking.

"Rule 2, you DO NOT cry during Popos training," he says with a jovial smile. We activate our Auras and my veins begin to bulge. Popo wins the contest of strength and knocks me away again with a punch. As I fly away from his blow he disappears and reappears in my flight trajectory and kicks me away as soon as I make it to him. I land in a heap. Nose and face bloody. Armor cracked and broken. I struggle to get up but I do and activate my Aura. He appears in front of me.

"Rule 3, only Kami can talk back, no exceptions," he says before backhanding me into the sky. I stop my self with my fly skill and my aura.

'There has to be some way to beat him, you know what screw it, I'm putting all my power into this attack!' I think as I begin to power up my final attack. "HAAAAAAAAAH," I scream as I envelop my self in a stronger aura pushing it to the max. I spread my body out and focused my energy on my hands.

"Ooooh, I can actually slightly feel that maggot," Popo says excitedly as he stands there with his arms crossed smiling. I keep infusing my energy as high as it could possibly go and beyond.

'Now I understand why my final flash was so weak on my status page, I didn't truly do it correctly,' I thought as I strained my energy. " laugh at this Fool!" I scream in anger. I brought my hands together. Lightning exploded from my hands cutting through my surrounding like a hot knife through butter. Finally, as my power couldn't go any higher I chanted the words.

"FINAL FLASH," my scream rang out as A chaotic golden beam of energy exploded from my hands like a raging tsunami. Mr.Popos smile slightly sagged. As my beam racketed toward him my hair began to flash gold and my eyes turquoise. Mr.Popo's Aura engulfed him as he attempted to block the Final Flash. Mr.Popo realizing that he was going to die if he didn't let out more power, powered up, and deflected the beam back at me.

I didn't have enough energy to completely dodge the attack so I dodged as much as I could and erected a Ki Barrier to block the attack for me as much as possible. The attack collided with me and I fell to the ground exhausted and out of energy.

"I'm impressed, maggot you move one tier up the pecking order," Mr.popo said with a genuine smile, "However," his smile turned more sinister and I gulped, "Rule 4 of Popos training, don't eat my stuff," he said. With that thought, he punched me in the face and knocked me out.


The years passed on as I trained under Kami and Popo. I learned many things under their tutelage. I learned telepathy, telekinesis, farsight, and a higher form of martial arts and power. But now it is time for me to leave and say goodbye to earth for a while. I need to complete step 3 of my plan. I walked out of my room on the lookout after waking up to talk to Kami And Popo. I walked out and saw Kami standing there with Popo.

"Goodmorning, Lantro we need to speak with you," Kami said, "You are one of our finest students ever and your power has grown leaps and bounds, we have nothing left to teach you."

"You have almost caught up to me, Maggot," Popo says, " I'll need to begin training again too to put you in your place." We all said our pleasantries and I told them about my plan.

"Thanks for everything guys, I'll make sure to visit!" I yelled as I flew away. I made my way to where I hid my space pod. I would make routine trips here to make sure everything was alright with it every half year. I look around the landscape and enjoy the sensation of flight. Flying is a real treat, at this point, I can't live without it.

I arrive at my destination and grab the pack that was inside the pod. I take out my most prized possessions - the 7 Dragonballs! I arrange them on the ground and they start glowing.

"Arise, Shenron, and grant my wish!" I call out as I raise my hands in the air. The glowing intensifies. The sky darkens. Lightning bolts hit the ground as a beautiful grand beam of light pops out and dances all across the sky as it encircles itself. The glow dies down and Shenron appears.


"I wish to be able to speak Namekian fluently and perfectly!" I called out. Its eyes glowed an intense red for a moment and knowledge entered my brain.

"YOUR WISH HAS BEEN GRANTED, FAREWELL," Shenron glows gold and flows back into the Dragonballs. As the balls fly up into the sky and are about to disperse I used my faster than light speed to catch them. I marked the Dragonballs with a sharpie before using them so I know what number star ball they are. I quickly and quietly put all the Dragonballs back where I found them except for when I went to Gohan's place.

I knocked on the door and he answered.

"Oh it's you again, how are you doing, Little girl?" Gohan says. Despite his kindness, I now have the urge to punch him in the face. A vein grows in my forehead but I steel my nerves.

"Oh, it's nothing I just came to return this to you," I said handing the Dragonball. I used an illusion to make it seem as though it was still active. Gohan thanks me and I leave back to my pod. As I go back to my pod I begin to think that I never actually saw myself in a mirror for all that time. Planet Vegeta had no mirrors and no one ever commented about my looks there. I stop by a lake and see my reflection.

Instead of the dashing handsome young man that would sweep women off there feet, I always envisioned myself to be, the visage of a cute little girl stared back at me. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" I cried out in anguish.


Back in the blank white void an entity made of inky blank and what appeared to be stars and galaxies on its body watched through a small window into reality.

"Hahahahahahaha, man I am so evil," The entity said to itself as it watched Lantro's plight.


Name: Lantro (Jason Mackenzie)

Race: Saiyan ( Super Elite innate latent battle power)

Age: 6 yrs

Power level: 6,657,654

[Martial arts]----------

Kami style martial arts(S+), brawler(C)

[ki abilities]----------

Ki control(S++), Ki sensing(SS), flying(SS), ki aura(S+), ki shaping(A+)

[ki techniques]----------

Ki blast, Thunder Shock Surprise(S), Galick Gun(3x), Final flash(10x), Big bang Attack(3X), KamehameHa(5x), ki barrier(A), Super Kamehameha(7x), illusion(B)


Genetic Access(locked until stronger 100mil or more), unlimited potential, unbound soul,


Mastered Oozaru(10x)


My first-ever written fight scene, what do you think? remember to review. Also TFS popo for the win. Just so you know the MC is still a male just made to look like that because of a prank.

Chad_Thundercockcreators' thoughts
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