
A song of Ice and Fire : The World Emperor

How would you feel when your miserable life would end. Would you feel sad? Or angry, or maybe you would feel happy because God gives you another chance at a new life in your favorite universe. Castlevania and A Song of Ice and Fire.

Lukas_Blast · TV
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6 Chs

The free city of Myr

"Get out! All seven of you!!" said Alucard, and then he whispered something, more to himself than the others. "You are not going to need my name, my name would not mean anything for some corpses" and then, slowly he started to walk towards the bushes and trees which the bandits were using as cover, sadly for them...they didn't know that a butcher, was walking towards them.

And so they did, one by one they went out and began to surround Alucard, the ones with bows, kept their distance, while their comrades with swords and spears advanced. The situation was not good at all, blood would be shed that day, but it would not be his blood.

You called us, we came, now tell me little beauty, what do you want? A little attention? Maybe some affection? I mean please excuse us, but we just wanted to kill those 2 over there (he said as he pointed his finger in the direction of the father and son) and have fun with these two beauties (changing the direction of the finger to the two women), or maybe three, I mean seriously look at you, you're prettier than Ben girls and the bastard has ten (said the bandit chief, making everyone else laugh), I really don't want you to feel offended by what am I telling you now but ....

"How about you shut up and leave, I'm sure you don't want to sacrifice people's lives in vain, what profit would this job bring you? Nothing more than death." said Alucard with an emotionless face.

* SHOCK * Everyone was shocked, bandits were left speechless, and their boss was no longer shocked, but angry, how dare this peasant stay in his way ? Who does he think he is ? Is he blind ? Doesn't he see that he is outnumbered, or maybe he dares to believe that he can take on all of them ? That's stupid! "Gut him boys!". The leader of the bandits shouted, and at that moment all the bandits jumped on the attack, the family became even more fearful and began to move easily away from that place. As for Alucard, let's just say that he just avoided a spear predestined to his chest, these bandits really don't know who are they fucking with." Argh!" A bandit screamed as Alucard cut his arm clean off and then sliced the blade across his throat, ending his life. Alucard then turned around and kicked another bandit in the chest, sending him flying to a nearby tree, the bandits were shocked, even the family, when the father paid him for protection, he wasn't expecting to find such a fine bodyguard, but... what about the killing ? Didn't he say that he never killed someone ? And yet the father remained mouth agape when all the bandits dashed towards Alucard, who simply avoided and deflected their hits, making them more furious and frustrated. "What the fuck is this, gut him already you cunts !!" screamed the bandit leader, but nothing worked, they were 7, and now they are only 5, he took out two of his men in a few seconds, just who in the bloody seven was this guy ? And from the looks of it, he is going to lose a lot more, because another bandit came screaming at Alucard, shoving his sword forward, easily deflected by Alucard. Another bandit started to run up to Alucard, but that turned out to be a mistake. The moment the bandit got close, the cold blade sliced across his chest. "ARGH!" The bandit screamed in pain as blood gushed out, making him to fall down, groaning in pain until his last breath, the archers started to shoot arrows, but none of them hit. For the archers, there was nothing more frustrating than this thing, they trained since they were young to hit a target from great distances, and yet this FUCKER !! Didn't want to get hit, just what the hell was going on. At that moment, a realization hinted the chief bandit, and he started to shout towards the archers "Shoot towards the family !!!" , knowing what their boss meant, both of them changed the direction towards the family, preparing to shoot, steady, ready, shoot and hit, the father got hit in the knee while the son was already down, an arrow in his neck, both girls got on their sides, screaming in pain... the only thing they could do in that situation, and Alucard? He was shocked, he wasn't fast enough... what use for superhuman abilities if you are not using them, what use for godly powers if you can't save anyone, for him the time look like it stopped, looking towards the bandits, he saw them laughing, most likely because of him? Or because they killed those people ? He didn't know, he didn't know what to do anymore.

"Alucard !!" was a waking up call for him, looking towards the mother and daughter, both of them were kept by the bandits, knives close to their necks, one wrong move, and they would die, he couldn't afford that anymore, could he ?

"There is no need for you to do this, release them and I promise that I would not kill you, look around you, look at your brothers, do you truly want to join them ?! " Asked Alucard, but the bandits only laughed

"Hahaha, do you truly think that you can demand something from us, now ? True, we underestimated you, but no more of this shit, how about this, you turn around and leave, I promise that you would not be hurt, a show of respect from a warrior to another, what do you say ?" asked the bandit chief with a big smile, showing his rotten teeth.

Everyone was waiting for the answer, the girls started to be afraid when Alucard didn't answer anymore, maybe he would sell them off ? What reason would he have to still fight for them, he already has the money from them, he got no reason to fight anymore. "So?" The bandit leader asked impatiently. "I guess my answer is next" the next second after saying that, the sword came out of its scabbard and flew straight into the leader's chest, coming out from behind. The two archers looked at each other in shock, but the shock didn't last long either because the sword made a twisted movement and with great speed went past their necks, cutting them in the process, finally returning to its sheath.

At that moment Alucard ran to the two women who were next to the bodies of the son and the father. It seems that the Father was still alive, but fainted from the loss of blood, and the son ... nothing could be done for him, with a sad face he said "I'm sorry ... if I had acted more quickly ... nothing would have happened, the daughter wanted to say something, but her mother interrupted her. " Yes, it's your fault, if you had acted faster, maybe my son would have been alive, and my husband he wouldn't be in this situation anymore, I think you did enough for us Master Alucard, I would ask you to leave us alone from now on. "

The girl looked outraged, so she said "Mom, but it's not his fault, Alucard did everything he could, it's not his fault." But an angry look from her mother silenced her. Realizing that he was no longer wanted there, he got up and with one last "I'm sorry" he left, and the girl looked after him until he could no longer be seen. And so he ended up alone on the road again, he was really sorry about what happened, there were good people, who didn't deserve what happened, but what could you have done? Why didn't he think of acting faster, why didn't he use his magic from the beginning? Just to show that he can take seven people with his skills? It was stupid ... and he paid for it. After a few hours of walking he saw that the sun was beginning to set, night was coming, but he had no time to sleep, he was so close to Myr that he would not need to sleep, he could walk those hours and get there faster. The morning was coming and people were starting to appear, merchants or mercenaries, poor and rich people, honestly it was good to see other people besides lizards and wild animals. The city was gigantic, strong walls made of a special and beautiful stone, tall towers as far as the eye could see, but it seems that it could not be admired for a long time, because someone shouted "Stop!" , was one of the guards, probably to check on him as he did with everyone else. "What business do you have in Myr?" asked, to which Alucard replied "I'm looking for work, from what I've heard from some people, a new war between the 3 sisters for The Disputed lands will start, I wanted to join a company of mercenaries, to earn some money and of course, to help Myr win. " Once he said that, the guard began to smile and said "Haha, it's good to know you're on our side,this time we would be the ones who win, you can go into town, but make sure you don't make any trouble, next!" he nodded in gratitude and continued on his way.

The city was full of life and yet for a free city, people had collars around their necks, they were more beautiful than those on the show but honestly he didn't expect that, he didn't see or read that much about Myr, but that must have been a shock, walking down the street stopped at a stand, the big reason was that the saleswomen who called him to try their products and maybe buy something, something that Alucard was not interested in, so at a moment after he was completely tired he decided to enter a bar, ignoring most of the glances thrown in his direction, sat down at a table and waited to be served, a waitress came and after ordering a glass of fine wine and some food, he sat quietly in his place and enjoyed his food.

After he finished eating and ordered another bottle of fire wine (this thing was too good), he began to think about everything that had happened since he got here, whether the family arrived safely or whether they became some corpses. But he started thinking and what he will have to do in the future, he arrived at the time when Aerys The Mad King was still alive, what should he start with? To go to the ruins of Valeria? To start assembling an army? The second option did not seem too bad, he could go to one of the mercenary companies, rise in rank and gain people's respect, after starting a small fight with the current leader, challenge him in a fight for supremacy and win , but it was still not enough, he could not conquer the whole of Essos and become Emperor with only one sell sword company, he needed more people and what was he going to do with Westeros? Ahn, his head was already starting to hurt from so much thinking!

"Do you have a place at the table?" asked a voice, looking to the left to see a man, he looks about forty, white hair on his head, blue eyes, his face was not so old but he looks as if ... as if he went through a lot, he was dressed in a normal way, but he still looks rich "so Alucard said" Of course, from what you can see there aren't too many people at this table, do you want some wine? The first time I try this wine and I can't seem to get enough of it "

"Haha, please, my name is Desmond, if you don't mind me asking you, where are you from? You don't really see a person of your style around here, I guess that's why people look at you so dubiously."

"I'm not upset at all, I'm from Essos, as for the place where I was born, I'd rather keep it a secret, now tell me what a man from Westeros was looking for at my table?" Looks like you had some contact with the Westeros if you caught my eye so well, a new war between the three sisters will begin for Disputed lands, all mercenary companies are looking to recruit people, as long as you have a sword and some skills, you could make some nice money, of course, that's only if you're willing to put your life to the test, sounds weird of course, sounds weird since we just met, but I'm not the type to put flowers next to a bunch of shit, so I decided to ask you directly, why you from the whole bar? Let's just say you look ... different and I think in the end this thing might be good for both of us. After almost a minute of thinking, Alucard had to give credit to the man, he knew how to speak and he was a direct person, he used neither majestic words nor lies, so after he decided and after he knew what he wanted to do he said "Yes, I could use some coins"

"Haha, gorgeous, friend, I'll be waiting for you outside the city on the north side tomorrow, we have the camp set up there, be sure not to be late" and with that he drank his glass of wine and left, but Alucard still had a question for him "Wait, you didn't told me what company are you from, how am i supposed to know where to look for." "Haha, sorry friend, I guess my age is starting to catch on, slowly, when you get there tomorrow, look at the Golden Company flags," and with that said the man left, leaving a shocked Alucard behind.

And this is the new chapter, sorry for this long break, I had some problems in my personal life, I also changed my job and I think some people know that when you start a new job, you want to do a good impression. My writing skills have probably rusted a bit, but I'll recover. Please rate the story and leave a comment. See you next time

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