
A song of Ice and Fire : The World Emperor

How would you feel when your miserable life would end. Would you feel sad? Or angry, or maybe you would feel happy because God gives you another chance at a new life in your favorite universe. Castlevania and A Song of Ice and Fire.

Lukas_Blast · TV
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6 Chs

The free city of Myr : Part 3 ( A bloodbath )

Chaos, that's what was happening, nothing more but pure chaos, people's were decapitated in a matter o seconds, others were stabbed to death, some of them got it luckier and they were simply shot down by arrows or crushed by an Elephant, in any case, this place The Undisputed Lands, it was nothing more than a bloodbath, many people would die here, to be forgotten by the world in the years to come and some others...well, they are going to be remembered in stories, legends, myths. Alucard is making part of the second category, strong, fearless, ambitious, those were only some words to define Alucard, a mad bastard was another because he was a bit crazy if you ask me guys, he charged in battle with nothing more but a shield and a sword, can you fucking believe that? But that was not the craziest thing about it, because besides the fact that he was surrounded by enemies from left to right, all alone, his friends/comrades could not reach him in time, the fucking crazy thing about it is that they didn't even need to, the mad lad was butchering anyone who was coming near him, heads were falling in his way and they were not doing it willingly, his blade was cutting deep and it was making a sound which even now, brings the worst kind of shivers to my spine, but I think you'll understand even better if I explain you from the beginning.

The sight was not a pleasant one, that's all Alucard could say, after making plans and tactics, they decided to show themselves up, they meet with the Long Lances mid-road and started to march forward the battle, he didn't know how it would be, the feeling of adrenaline rushing in your veins at maximum speed, seeing countless of peoples die in seconds, it was scary to say and exciting at the same time. When they arrived the horns were blown, indicating that the Golden Company arrived on the battlefield, the Long Lances also blew their horns, but the feeling was not as chilling.

Ser Myles Toyne stepped forward, wearing full armor, his shield and swords stood proud at his side, and something told Alucard that the old man was more than he was showing.

"We've been in this business for a long time now, our ancestors brought glory and respect to our company! Today is the day when WE honor them!! We are going to honor them and the Golden Company name!! They would all know our wrath and they would all know the feeling of our steel ( He put his helmet on, and then he showed with his sword towards the battlefield, he said ). LET THEM KNOW THE PAIN!!"- he said, and all the troops, thousands upon thousands of soldiers who got the message ( A/N: who was sent from some people to others... hehe I've got you guys) they started to cheer and to roar in excitement. And with that being said the Golden Company entered the battle.

The first formation raised their shields, forming a wall around them, in a matter of seconds the soldiers of the Seconds Sons hit the shields wall, trying to push them away, most likely trying to make a breach in it, but it was futile because the wall had two formations, those who kept the wall and those were stabbing between it ( A/N: Some kind of 300 battle ), every time they were pushing forward, they were pushed back with a lot of deaths as well. Screams could be heard from all the places, bodies were falling like flies, some of the elephants were killed by a horse charge and with them some good comrades of Alucard, but even so in that whole chaos, no one made a bigger body count than Alucard, him, his sword and shield were all he needed to become a demon on the battlefield, a soldier came all screaming towards Alucard, a big mace in his hand, raising it and ready to hit Alucard, sadly for him, the hand which the mace was into, fell down and after it, his head followed, with incredible speed Alucard launched himself toward 3 guys from the Second Company, they were all fighting against Rolly and they seemed to have the upper hand, like a clap of thunder, in a smooth motion from his sword their guts were on the ground.

"I thought that I've told you, never leave yourself exposed" ( said Alucard with a smirk on his face, while punching a guy from the Company of Cat )

"Ye, ye, guess I got myself a bit carried away ( said Rolly who was stabbing a guy from the Company of Rose), they are too many, I don't think we can hold them any longer, we need to think of a plan and now. "

"Well those Magisters gave us all their money, of course, they couldn't afford any more troops," said Alucard while cutting the throat of a guy from the Second. "I'll go to try and find the supreme commander."

And so he started to make his way in the wawes of death, waiting to clench him at any moment, taking a look at the battlefield, he was his brothers killing and being killed, people's who were drinking with him, eating, partying, and sparring a few days ago, were gone forever and a feeling of dread was getting into his heart, a feeling being helpless, he could kill anyone from here, but then he would be known only as a Demon, they would all unite against him, trying to hunt him down, he doesn't want to kill them, he wants to rule them all. He had to find the commander and from the look of it, he found him, he was fighting against the 3 leaders of the Second Company, even old he was keeping his ground pretty well, leaving none of them to approach him too much but making sure that he wasn't too far either, the perfect combination of speed and power, his balance was good, this motherfucker must have been a beast in his prime, but of course, because this was Alucard story and because someone decided that Alucard was going to gain a lot of fame after he kills the leaders of the Seconds Company, he charged towards them, sending his sword head-on into the chest of one of them, grabbing his sword from the falling body and cutting the throat of the other, while punching the last one with the shield in the throat, it made such a hard impact that it killed the man. The commander was completely taken by surprise here he was fighting against those 3 with all his might, and yet the kid came and he butchered them like farmers are slaughtering the pigs, maybe Desmond truly made the best bet of his life when he decided to take this kid in, no, not maybe, for sure he did the best bet ever.

"You are ok commander? ", (said Alucard who was offering him a hand)

"I had better days but yes, I wasn't expecting to be saved by you, you have my thanks kid "( he said it with a face that Alucard couldn't distinct it between gratitude and anger )

"I'm only doing what I can, we are being surrounded from every corner and I think that I might found the strategy which can lend us a victory" ( said Alucard with a motivating look )

"Say it then" ( said the Commander with a face which showed interest )

"Send the Elephants to break the infantry of the Rose company, if you send the cavalry, they would get slaughtered, after that send the cavalry in the fight between the Company of Cat and the Men of Valor, they are all on foot, easy targets, The Long Lances are going to fight against the Windblown and Black Balaq with our archers are going to support them, I'm going to take Ser Desmond batallion against the second sons while you take the 3rd and 5th batallion against Maiden men's, they are weak in combat, but they've got the numbers with you at the command they would be easily defeated"

After thinking for a bit and looking at the determined look on Alucard's face, he saw the Commander smiling wide for the first time since Alucard was there.

"This plan of yours is very well thought, we might win this, let's move on kid, let's show them what are we made of," said the Commander with a determined look.

With everything said, the plans were put into operation and to his great surprise they went well without any mistake, the Elephants destroyed the Rose Company, forcing them to withdraw from the battle after one of their leaders was trampled by one of the elephants. The Long Lances and Black were causing unmasked destruction for Windblown. Cavalry entered hard and mercilessly into the Cat and Men of Valor Company, the plan was going well, too well if you ask me.

"Smoke and fire rise in the air. Screams of mercy and surrender fall on deaf ears as men are slain on their knees. Sell Swords are hung from their intestines and burned. The Golden Company is not showing any bit of mercy, The Company of Cat was the first one to disappear from the Battlefield, not because they retreated or anything of the sort, but mostly because they were slaughtered like pigs for feasts, no mercy was shown and piles of bodies started to gather forming small mountains, a scary and disgusting sight to behold. Why disgusting? Because that's what war was, even if they were mercenaries fighting for gold and fame, war was all the same, people cutting each other down like animals, losing themselves to their oldest instinct "survival". The battle was going on for 23 days now, the Golden Company winning most of the ground, making the other ones retreat from battle, with the Second Son's leaders being dead, they choose some other to lead them in battle, or should I say massacre?

Mero, better known as the Titan's Bastard, is the new supreme commander of the Second Sons, a Braavosi, Mero is tall with pale green eyes and a long, bushy red-gold beard.

Kasporio, who styles himself Kasporio the Cunning, is the second-in-command of the Second Sons, Kasporio is slim and elegant, with a pointed beard. He wields a slender bravo's blade with a jeweled hilt. He wears a slashed pink doublet

The next one came with a surprise for Alucard, bringing a frown to his face at receiving the news, the name bringing him some unkind memories when he was watching Game of Thrones.

Prince Oberyn Nymeros Martell was selected as the third commander, from what Alucard heard he refused to be the first in command saying it would be too troublesome for him, he wanted nothing more than to spill blood, that was that he was bloodthirsty in the books, in the show and now it seems that even in the reality that Alucard created, he was looking nothing like Pedro Pascal, making Alucard think that everyone was looking like their book counterparts, he only hoped that he would not have to kill him, he loved Oberyn ( Not in that type of way, more like his character ), killing him would simply be to fucked up, especially after what the Mountain is going to do to his sister and nephew/niece and him later on.

3 months later - Battle for the Undisputed Land

" Fire !! " screamed Black towards the company archers, which at that moment they let loose to all their arrows, covering the sun with them and hitting any unlucky soul who didn't raise his shield fast enough, the battle was still ravaging, Alucard thought that the battle will end by now but it seems that Lys being helped by Volantis which suddenly joined the war, they paid for two Ghiscari Legions, by far the most problematic enemy they had in the war, now with the Ser Harry ordering the remaining Elephants to be withdrawn from the battle, they started to lose a serious advantage, it seems that Prince Oberyn got an idea to Poison their arrows, normal arrows could never hope to be a pain for those Elephants, but now they were leaking with poison, making the big animals fall like flies.

" Hold !! " Screamed Sir Desmond, holding the Infantry Shields with every might he could muster, hoping that the men would not cower in fear, they would never, they were The Golden Company and their word is good as gold because beneath the gold, the bitter steel. The swords of the Ghiscari Legions were hitting hard and with no mercy, slashing, poking, making anything in the hope that they would get any man dead when the Ghiscari would push forward, the Golden Company would take the momentum to push them back, being in the same motion for hours and hours, they could not get tired at any cost, if one of them is becoming the weak spot, the shield formation would brake, and that would provoke unimaginable damage to their manpower.

Gorys Edoryen was killed in single combat by Mero after his head was cleaved in half by an Axe hit, Ser Harry was present from what Alucard heard, but he was too afraid to enter in combat with the Bastard, so Alucard took it upon itself to revenge a friend and a mentor at that, not a fighting mentor because from the whole battlefield Alucard was by far the most dangerous, his body count reached a thousand, making many of his enemies cower in fear at his sight, giving him name's as the Valyrian Demon or the Butcher of the Undisputed Lands. He was his mentor because he guided him in the way this world knows, he didn't know too many things and only what he found in the books so the help of Edoryen as his advice was of great help for Alucard to become more accustomed to this world. Mero was a giant that was all he could say, anyone who dared to come near him would come to be cleaved in half by his Axes ( Yes, he was fighting with two Axes at the same time ), without thinking twice he charged towards the giant, sliding on his knees and avoiding his head to be decapitated, quickly slashing at the man tendons, making him kneel, an easy victory for him already, no doubt that if there would have been anyone else against the man, he would be dead already, but Alucard was a superhuman, his speed and agility were a hundred times better than normal humans, with that said the Titan Bastard was now in a kneeling position looking with hate towards Alucard.

"Well, well if it's not the great Bastard, you were so kind as to deliver yourself to my feet," said Alucard with a smirk and with a mock in his tone.

"( Spit ) Fuck off you shit, when I first saw your face I didn't know if I should laugh or fuck that cunt of yours Hahaha," said Mero with a burst of mad laughter, making Alucard go behind him and put his foot on the severed tendon, making Mero change his good laughter in a painful one.

"Ahhhhhhh you mad fuck !! I will have your head at the end of this," said Mero with a scream, and his eyes which were full of hate

Sighing Alucard said " You are not making this any easier for you, first you kill my friend, after that you are slaughtering my brothers, you insult me and now you say that you are going to have my head, I think that you should remember who you are addressing too. " he said before intercepting a sword from one of the second sons, coming to save his leader from the grasps of death, sadly that foolish loyalty cost him his own life, his bleed being spilled on Mero's face, the man losing his iron will and becoming more frightened by Alucard "Oh yes, where was I, " Alucard said before cleaning his sword with some cloth, of course, the Sword would get dirty in a minute or two, but it was simply to show that he didn't care about anyone who would come to save Mero and he could do this the whole day.

"I will give you a chance to live, call the retreat and you can escape with your miserable life, refuse and I will slaughter everyone in front of you, then when your pain is going to be unbearable, I will slit your throat and leave you here to become part of this mountain's, the choice is all yours," said Alucard with a blank face, his face may be blank but his eyes, those haunting golden eyes were showing nothing but coldness and such a coldness could be found only in the north by the Lands of Always Winter.

The man nodded his head frantically, not taking his chance with the Butcher, he started to scream for his subordinates with all the might that was left in him. " Retreat !!! Retreat !!! Flee for your lives !! " It didn't take long for them to do so, in fact, there was no opposition to those orders, the soldiers were more than glad to leave this hell, all of them were running wherever they could, and only a few of them remained to fight, it didn't take long for them to be killed, brave fools, at least they got their glorious ending. Looking at Alucard he said " You see, I've done it, I've done it, can you release me now? " said the man with almost tears in his eyes, wanting to laugh a bit more at him, Alucard got his hand to his chin and he adopted a stance of thinking if he should or not, Mero, of course, was not glad at all and every minute passing Alucard could start to smell the piss, and yet he was the one who was called pussy? After a bit of thinking, he lifted his foot from the man and settled him free, turning his eyes towards the Ghiscari Legions, they broke the shield formation, making Alucard skin paler than it already was.

6 months later - Battle for the Undisputed Land

Right now he was in his tent, a heavy sigh escaping his mouth while he brought the wine goblet to his mouth, leaving himself to feel something sweet in his sour mouth, the last months were not as good as they should, they lost a lot, their number was brought to 5.000, most of the companies were already extinct or retreated from the battle, why were they still fighting? For gold and fame? It was not worth it, over 30.000 men have died for these lands, the Ghiscari Legions were not controlling most of the land, all the commanders were suggesting that they should retreat, but retreating means losing a contract and the Golden Company never lost one, neither they didn't honor one, honor is a blade with two sharps halves, it can either bring you fame and glory like the knight's from the story, either ...death. The company morale was down, they didn't think they could win the fight, Black Baleq lost an eye to one the Ghiscari, Ser Harry lost his left arm and the supreme commander was shot 3 times by Ghiscari Archers, they were all alone in this and he couldn't think of any way to defeat them, not without putting his people to risk. A thought crossed his mind " Rember Alucard, whenever you need me, you only need to pray and I will come in your time of need " and so he did, getting down on his knees, his hands both together in a praying motion, didn't took long for his God to answer the call of his child.

Opening his eyes he saw nothing but white, white, and simply white, and in front of him a young man with white hair and a small beard, simply beautiful

"You prayed to me in your time of need my child and I'm the most grateful that you did it, you are in a bad position I see that your company is losing, your brothers are dying and you do not know what to do, you think that you can defeat all of them alone, it's may true, but then you will be nothing but a demon to them, they would never follow you out of love and loyalty, but fear and you do not wish to be that type of ruler, isn't it so? " said God with a lovely voice, his eyes were kind and yet the words were holding so much power over Alucard, coming into this world at first, he thought it would be easy, he would simply get to that level without any loss from his side, but time proved him wrong, he lost friends, brothers and a good mentor of his, a person like him who didn't care about the others before, now? Now he would give his life for his friends no matter the enemy.

"Is true, I came to love them as my brothers, to cherish them as my own, it pains my heart to see them dying for nothing, I wish to offer them better, I was not the most religious person ever, but here I stand before you father and I swear here and now, if you help me win this battle, your name and your son name shall be known in the whole world, never would I do a holy war, as I think that your anger would know no bounds, or so I think," said Alucard in a bow, his voice was weak but not his words, they made God feel proud of how far the child came.

"Is it true, as all wars were nothing but a show of the stupidity and greed of my children, the Holy Wars were by far the most pointless one, the only reason why there are so many gods, is because the book was designed in that way, and when your wish was to be sent here, this world became a reality, but in the real world, I'm the only one who goes by many names," said God with a sad tone and yet a bit hopeful

"I will bless you and your Company in winning this war, but keep in mind Alucard, there are far more dangerous being hiding in the shadow of the world, go my child, go and become who you were destined to be."

Waking up from his dreams, a motivation suddenly hit Alucard, he was ready and he knew what he had to do, no man, no God would stand against him, not as long as he had something to say about it