
A song of Ice and Fire : The World Emperor

How would you feel when your miserable life would end. Would you feel sad? Or angry, or maybe you would feel happy because God gives you another chance at a new life in your favorite universe. Castlevania and A Song of Ice and Fire.

Lukas_Blast · TV
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6 Chs

The free city of Myr : Part 2

The night came and with it came the time for Alucard to sleep, but unfortunately he remained too preoccupied with drinking, to think of looking for a place to sleep, and sadly for him the bar was full that night, so the only thing he could do was wander the streets. The city was much different at night than during the day, many dubious people walked the streets, and prostitutes were everywhere, maybe he would have fallen prey to women's and lust, enjoying a bit of this new life as good as he could, or maybe not.

After walking for a few minutes he got to the center of the city, a big fountain right in the middle of the place, life seemed more bright here and the darkness which lingered in other parts of the city was nonexistent here. It would be a great start here, enrolling in the Golden Company, winning the respect of the soldiers and the common people for winning the war, which, of course, he will. That would be a good start for him, as nobles would come and kiss his ass, calling him the savior of the city, while others would try to use him for their vile purposes. Of course, nothing would succeed, because he shall be the one to use them as his will wish, and sooner or later, they all shall bow to him, their head's would hit the marble floors as hard as a smith is hitting the warm iron with his hammer, they all shall be put in line for a favor from him and yet none of them are going to have what they truly desire, only illusions.

As he walked down the street, trying to find a place to spend the night, the street grew darker and darker, until there was no sign of fire or light, at that moment our Alucard felt a presence, a presence like no other he has encountered in this world, a strong, fierce presence.

"You should come outside, why are you hiding in the shadows," Alucard asked.

"And I thought I could not be found," said a voice, not an ordinary voice, but a melodious and calm voice.

When he looked to the left, a handsome man came out of an alley, his hair was red as fire, his eyes were the same color as his hair, the structure of his body was a muscular one that Alucard only saw in magazines or on the Internet. And in this world, he was the only one with such a physical structure.

Alucard did not feel any malicious or dark intent from the newcomer, but he was still prepared, in case the man hid his true intention, he would find Alucard ready for anything.

"My name is Alucard, who are you?" our hero asked, his voice full of confidence.

"To see and not to believe, a man who introduces himself before asking for the other's name, you are the first to do that, and to answer your question, I have walked on this earth since it was created, many names I was also given the one I am most often acquainted with R'hllor or the lord of light.

"What ... hhhee is R'hllor?" A shocked Alucard thought, what is he doing here? Did he come to meet me? To know my true intentions? To kill me? So many words and so many thoughts went through Alucard's head that he didn't know where to divide them, until the present moment R'hllor didn't give him any reason to think that he wanted evil, but maybe he just wanted to reveal his name before trying to kill him, maybe he was so arrogant? So confident? And yet, his intentions still did not change, they remained as peaceful as before.

"I was quite curious about you, never have I meet a person such as you ( then he got closer, and he started to inspect Alucard ), I can feel the blood of the dragon in you, the blood of the old valyria and is the purest I felt in thousands of years, and yet I can't see you being born in this world nor you growing up here, in fact, I cannot see anything ( and he got closer and closer until he was inches from Alucard face ) just who are you? Or no... the good question would be, what are you ?" asked the God with a curious and yet hard voice.

At that moment Alucard was at loose for words, what should he say? That he just got reincarnated in this world? That he is not even real, and he is just a non-lifer who took over the body of the Prince of Vampires? It doesn't sound like a good idea, nor does he have another idea, so he simply replies "Just passing by, and I am Alucard, I thought that I already told you, or you are too old to remember things from seconds ago."

After saying that, the God just looked at hit with a neutral face and Alucard didn't know what to do, fight? Be a coward and run? Oh hell no, he would never do that, not if he wants to rule over this world. After a long silence, the god started to chuckle and that chuckle became harder and louder until it was a full copious laugh, what was scarier? Having this guy not saying anything with a neutral face, not knowing what he might do in the next seconds, or simply having him laughing like a maniac thinking that he is ready to jump on Alucard and making him cease from this existence, a scary thought nonetheless.

"Hahahahaa, I can't believe that you answered like that, hahaha aha, even hahaha, even after you knew who I am, you still decided to be disrespectful, I will give you that, you got some balls' boy, but do not think that those balls are going to save you." And the laughter ceased to exist, and the God was more serious than ever. And the ground started to shake around them, the buildings were looking ready to collapse, screams started to pierce Alucard ears, women, children's even men and when he looked at the deity, the handsome man was long gone and some ugly creature stood in its place, he was not a real demon but not far from it.

"Let me tell you something, Alucard Tepes! Do not take me for a fool because I lingered on this earth far more than any of your ancestors, do you think I am stupid ?! Not to know what you and your god are trying to do ?!! You want to take everything we build, everything we control, you wish to bring doom upon us and make us cease from existence just like the Valyrian gods, you just want to control and if you think that it would be easy, you are mistaken!! (Now a big fire tornado appeared in the God place and Alucard had to cover his eyes from the light, but he still didn't feel any warmth even if it was so close to him). Be very careful Alucard because one day you are going to find out that there are demons in the depths of the world with far more dangerous fangs than yours." And the fire tornado hit Alucard head-on, making his body fall and he loses consciousness.

Morning came, the birds started to sing, and the sun rose himself above all things, and our Alucard, well... let's just say that he had a huge headache." Mgghh, fuck that guy...of course Alucard you idiot, of course, that only you would make a joke about the one of the strongest if not the strongest being in this world, stupid! Stupid ! Uhh, my head." and when he looked around he got shocked, everything was in its place, no building collapsed even if yesterday it looked like the whole Myr was about to collapse into the Sea, not even the traces of the tornado were there, which by the way it was a nasty hit, and thanks to God for his Valyrian blood or the Vampire one, he still had his beautiful hair.

"I should start moving, the old man is waiting for me, but not before I take a bath and eat something, I smell fried" and so he started to move, going towards the bar which he resided yesterday, entering there it was more empty, mostly because the sellswords were not awoken or they were already in the north side part of the city, he took a place and waited to be served when the girl came to ask him for the order she just stopped mid-place, staring at him, who wouldn't? The motherfucker was most likely the most beautiful man she has ever seen, she heard stories of Rhaegar Targaryen the Dragon Prince from Westeros, but even he paled in comparison with this man, beautiful golden eyes, strong cheekbones, straight-edge nose, golden silver hair, never has she seen something so beautiful and most likely she would never see something like this again.

After seeing the girl's reaction, Alucard couldn't help but smirk, but he was too hungry and even tho the girl would make a good round, he didn't have time for that, so he coughed a bit hoping that he could wake her from the dream she had. She did and when she did, her face became red like tomatoes and with her head bowed she kept apologizing, telling her that there's no problem, he ordered his food and a drink ( Some sea fruits with a bit of wine ), after a few minutes the food was on the table and Alucard started to eat and to think, making plans, taking Essos would be no small feat and he would need hundreds of thousands of soldiers and dragons. Is going to be hard but not impossible, not for him.

After eating and of course, taking a bath, he started to move towards the Golden Company tents, elephants could be heard in the distance, soldiers patrolling around, and the Golden Company flags in the air, upon entering the camp he was stopped by 2 guards.

"Halt! State your name and the reason for entering the Golden Company camp!"

"Last night at the bar I met a man named Desmond, he told me to come here if I"m looking to make some money and a name for myself."

Upon hearing the name both guards paled and Alucard thought for a moment that he saw their souls exiting their mouths. After coming from the shock one guard said. "Wait here, I will go to fetch commander Desmond"

A fucking commander? Of course, he was, because why wouldn't he. After a few minutes the man which Alucard meet last night came, this time not in some fancy clothes but armor from neck to toe, smiling upon seeing Alucard he said "Haha, my friend you came at last, and I thought that you didn't have the balls, come I will show you to the supreme commander.

Walking and walking Alucard couldn't help but look at those monstrous beings called Elephants, they were far bigger than those from his normal life, but much smaller than those from Lord of the rings, in any case, a hundred of those things and you can have a whole city at your feet in a night, not only because of the size but because they were full armored, and to think that he thought that he would never see something from his worlds but right now he is staying near some fucking tanks. Seeing Alucard's face, Desmond looked towards the Elephants to and he started to smirk, knowing that the boy was impressed.

"Beautiful beasts eh? They are really expensive to be maintained, all the food and all that shit which needs to be cleaned, but it pays off in the battlefield" said Desmond with a laugh

"For sure I would not want to be on the wrong side of their tusks," said Alucard with a small laugh

"That's why we are here boy, this is the tent, remember to be respectful and do not show yourself too much, that of course if you don't have a death wish."

Upon seeing the tent he was left mouth agape by the fact that the tent looked like he was made of gold which after Desmond words it was made of cloth with gold, entering the tent he saw all the officers at a huge table, the tent was all fancy if you could go buy the fact that everything was shining inside, from jewels with chests full of gold, to fine silk and swords, but what attracted his eyes from that whole tent was a sword, a sword which he knew some Targaryen family would desire more than anything, well maybe besides Dragons. Meeting face to face with the rest of the commanders Alucard nodded his head in form of respect, a thing which each of them did in return, then it was Desmond who spoke.

"My comrades this is Alucard the man we've just talked about, Alucard these people's are the head of the Golden Company, Black Balaq in command of the company's archers ( the man in question nodded his head ), Gorys Edoryen , Ser Franklyn Flowers being one of our top commanders, Harry Strickland our paymaster and Ser Myles Toyne our supreme-commander."

After talking for a bit with each one of them and being told about the Company rules, Alucard decided that it's going to be a good start, paper and ink were brought, a contract was made and the company got one more sword in use. Being told by them that they want to see his skill, Alucard was outside of the tent waiting for his opponent, many soldiers gathered around to see the combat abilities of the newcomer or rather see him getting killed, one or two, either way, they were in for a grand show, his opponent came, a tall man came his name was Rolly a squire in the service of Harry Strickland, Desmond told him to be careful with him, one wrong move and he's gut would be on the ground, but there were no guts, because when the signal was given, and Rolly moved towards his opponent, his throat met a cold feeling, and his instincts screamed to run, but it was already to late, Alucard blade was unsheathed faster than any of their eyes could see and the tip of his blade was on the squire neck, a bit of blood dropped showing that a small push and he would claim the life of the poor man. Everyone was mouth agape, but sooner or later they started to cheer for Alucard, all while coin bags were thrown in the direction of Desmond who had a smirk on his face. Most of the captains were surprised while one ( Harry Strickland ) was disappointed and angry at the same time, he trained that boy since he was young, and he simply lost in a matter of a second. The party started and Alucard allowed himself to party for a bit, because soon a storm would come, and many would be taken unprepared.

After a few days spent with the Company, Alucard came to be respected by many, soldiers, officers, commanders, everyone respected his intelligence and skills in swordsmanship, making him the best warrior that the Golden Company ever had, they even gave him the title of Dragon Warrior, that after finding out that he was one of the last Valyrians alive beside the Targaryen's, Alucard told them that his family was one of the greatest families in the Old Valyria and one of their rulers, with his skills at arms and his magic + his features, because of that his lie didn't take that long to be spread around the camp and even outside. He became a great friend with most of the commanders especially with the supreme commander who had the nickname Blackheart, a name which brought great fear to foes and friend alike, but Alucard considered him a kind and loyal man, ready to go into the depths of hell for his man's.

After 2 weeks the Battle for the Undisputed lands began, armies assembling, Lords from Lys, Myr, and Tyrosh were praying that this would be the day when they would win, Alucard was getting prepared as well, he didn't have armor, he didn't need one towards the dislike of most people from the company who thought that he was suicidal, but when you have superhuman speed and the eyesight of an eagle it would be hard to get hit by a lucky arrow and he is not a fool to let some sellsword stab him to death, his sword and shield which from his surprise looked like it was unblocked from his inventory, that was all he needed and so they started the march, many companies were already there, The Second Sons( Fighting for Lys ), The Company of the Cat ( Lys ), The Long Lances ( Myr ), The Company of the Rose ( Tyrosh ), Men of Valor ( Tyrosh ), The Maiden's Men ( Lys ), The Windblown ( Tyrosh ). The fight was already happening, the Men of Valor and the Maiden's Men were slaughtering each other like they always do, the Company of the Rose was fighting against the Company of the Cat, and Windblown with The Second Sons decided to gang against The Golden Company and The Long Lances.

They are in for one hell of a fight an Alucard is more than prepared to make a name for himself

Well yeah, new update,sorry for waiting this much guys...I simply had to much on my hand in the last months,to much work, thank you for all who sent me messages and asked how I feel, not really a long chapter, but I hope is good at the moment

Lukas_Blastcreators' thoughts