
A song of Ice and Fire : The World Emperor

How would you feel when your miserable life would end. Would you feel sad? Or angry, or maybe you would feel happy because God gives you another chance at a new life in your favorite universe. Castlevania and A Song of Ice and Fire.

Lukas_Blast · TV
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6 Chs

A new chance at life

Ever since I was little, my parents used to tell me that a good man is a learned man, that in life you need to learn from everything, from the smallest book to the biggest one, and that's what I did, I learned every day, I devoured every book they brought for me, I was an educated child from a good family, we were not the richest of course but neither the poorest, we were balanced, like all things from this world should be. I've always been a smart kid, I was learning fast and I wasn't doing any types of problem, that's why my parents could go to work without worrying about me, but seriously now, what kind of a stupid parent would let his child alone for a whole day? Mine it seems...they were not really the smartest of people...but they were my parents...so I held some love for them, a bit at least. Don't take me for an asshole...at least hear my story first, then you can judge me if I should begin it would be about my bullying, I wasn't really the most beautiful of people and in our society, when one is not fitting in, he becomes an outsider, that was my case. I've never been a friend with girls, I didn't know how to speak with them and my look were not helping either but I had a girlfriend in Highschool, my first, I still remember how happy I was, told my mother to buy me flowers because I wasn't really an expert in these type of things, paid for a nice restaurant, rented a car ... I was still too poor to buy one, so don't judge me. Of course...in the end, life decided to give me another slap, after 2 weeks of gifts and money spent on her ass, I've found out she was fucking with one of my friends*sigh*and that was the moment when I decided that I was better alone.

Sooner or later, I had to leave my home, going to University ( Harvard, if you wish to know ), after that I took on a job, got a good income monthly .... but .... life was boring, the same thing every day, wake up, take a bath, go to work, work 12 h, come back from home, watching movies or animes, going to sleep....and then, repeat. Boring if you ask me, do not rush to grow up, enjoy life, do as much nonsense as you want, because, in the end, you will end up working for a fat man without integrity and shame, just as I did once. You may be wondering why I speak in the past? It's very simple. I'm dead, yes, yes, you heard right, it looks like I've been dead for a while, 1 year to be exact, or so the old man who is in front of me says, I can't be sure yet...I mean...I am in a white room, and there's a simple office table with an old man possessing a beard that would put Santa to shame.

"So let me understand, I am dead ?" asked William

"Yes" Answered God, his voice was...somehow a calming one, just by listening to his words, even if they were grave, you could still feel at peace.

"I see...so what now? Do I go to Heaven or Hell ?"

"In fact, I have other plans for you," said God with a smile on his face, a thing which made Will to rose an eyebrow "You see...you didn't have the most pleasant of lives, you were bullied from a young age, your parents forced you to learn, didn't let you enjoy life ... and other...unpleasant things if I might say"

"And who is at fault that I had a shitty life, I wonder," said Will in his thoughts, and shocking him was the fact that he got an answer.

"Not me, my son...I am not controlling your lives, you Humans are your own Masters, I am merely watching and judging, if I would have influenced everything in your lives, you would have revolted for the fact that I am controlling you, yet if I don't help, you are still mad, what should I do? Hmm

"Yeah ...amm...sorry, didn't really think about that ... anyway can I ask you something?"

"Of course, ask anything you hear desire"

"Wait a sec, you can read my mind, wouldn't be easier to simply think about something and then for you to answer ?"

"We can do as you like, even if I prefer to speak"

"All right then, let's speak...how did I die? I don't remember anything"

"You were too tired from work, had a car accident, and boom you are here or wait...do you wish for me to go in-depth with this ?"

"No...not really, did my body got buried or ?"

"Sadly...no, your body got incinerated from the car crash, nothing left for your parents to bury."

"You don't look really sad when you are telling me this," said Will with a facepalm expression on his face

"Well from what I know, you don't care even if I would've, so ... why bother ?"

"Right...soo....what now ?"

"Well right now we should see what's happening with your soul, you haven't been a bad person, so you are not going to hell, that being said... you have 2 choices, go in heaven or be reincarnated"

"Reincarnated you mean like being reborn? "

"Yes, that's what I mean, you are going to have a new life which you can enjoy, you can choose your own world to be reborn if you wish, or you can try in your world again."

"No way I am going back there...hmm, a world of my liking you say, even if I would choose a world like from animes or movies or books, you are going to put me in it?"

"Yes, any world you wish even it's real or fantasy, it's yours and only yours, no one from your own world or other worlds can be in it, you are going to be the only one reborn there, chose wisely young William. Ohhh not to forget, you would have 3 wishes as a gift from me, you can choose anything you want, you want to be the God of that world? Guess what you can, you want to be a King? You can, it's your own choice"

It's real? Or maybe it's just a dream and when he wakes up he will be disappointed. But such a long dream? And a dream in which he is still aware? Weak chances.

A new life, a new beginning, and the best part is that I can want anything I want, beauty, money, women, a bigger dick maybe, but what world? One Piece? Nah, I like Luffy too much to fight and maybe kill him for the role of Pirate King, Highschool DxD? Nah, that's not a good idea. Lord of the rings? That's not a good idea either, too many monsters out there. And just as hope began to leave our William, the brilliant idea came to his mind " Game of Thrones ".It's not a safe world at all, but if he wishes something right, he could prove to be to his advantage. So with the decision made he said "I want to be reborn in the universe of George RR Martin, A song of ice and fire, 5 years before the rebellion of Robert Baratheon"

"Quite a strange world if you ask me, but in the end, it's your decision, I would ask you to tell me your wishes."

"First of all, that world has its own gods and its own religion, once I am reborn in that world, will they consider me an enemy or an intruder?"

"Yes, they would most likely want to kill you or make you join them, but if you chose the former you are going to have problems with me and with the real hell if you understand what I mean, anyway I know you don't have any plan to betray me so don't worry about them, they can't intervene in mortals problems it is forbidden"

"Then, I want to be reborn like Alucard from Castlevania and of course to have all his powers and everything related to him, except his thoughts. And as a second wish, I want to have Valyrian blood to be able to control the dragons, and as a 3rd wish, I want to have an inventory game type just like in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt, where I can put everything I find and store them there without the possibilities to ever be fulled but I want to control it with my thoughts and not to wave my hands in the air like a mad man."

"Well, this is something I would not have expected, I thought you wanted to be a god or maybe a Targaryen or even a Stark, I should tell you that you pleasantly surprised me and because of that I will give you a small gift as a parting, I wish you good luck and remember, do you want to talk to me? Just pray and I will answer you," said God with a surprised but happy face

"Wait! Before you send me off, I just have a small request if it's possible, can you please not make me being reborn like I don't want to stay and grow as a child...it sucks...can you simple teleport me somewhere like Essos for example?"

"Hmm, yeah I can understand why you don't want to be born again, not the best of experiences(Hahaha) yes, I can do that, I wish you good luck in your new life William, or should I say Alucard Țepeș?"

What a pity that Alucard took a good night sleep before saying goodbye, or so he thought, something had happened since he fainted, and when he woke up his head ached terribly but still managed to stabilize on his own feet, a first thing he noticed when he woke up was that his hearing had improved a lot, he could hear a fly from 20 meters, and his vision improved a lot, his body felt light but hard at the same time, it was a strange feeling and looking at him better he noticed several things, he had Alucard's sword, he was dressed like him, damn it, he was Alucard. Meaning that....it worked !!!! Of course, if the fact that hearing a fly and seeing it perfectly at a distance of 20 meters wasn't enough for him to believe...idiot. :Facepalm:


Hello guys, I am new to this type of thing, this being my second fanfiction ever ... I hope that you would like it and I hope that you can forgive my grammar ... I am not really a native of English, please leave a review and let me know your opinion.See yaa guys until the next time

Lukas_Blastcreators' thoughts