
A Song of Hope & Sacrifice (ASOIAF/GOT)

It is the year of 1492 King Casimir IV Jagiellon has just died,his son Augustine Jagiellon is going to be crowned king of the Polish Lithuanian commonwealth.Many were mourning the passing of the old king,becouse under his leadership the commonwealth defeated the teutonic knights and recovered pomerania and gained east prussia also becouse of him poland narrowed the distance seperating it from the western europe technologicly.For the next few years poland should have been at peace,but something unexpected happened the polish lithuanian commonwealth completely disappeared from the europe. And it appeared in a completely different world. (I took my inspiration from Chill_ean_Guy) (english is not my native language so there will be mistakes,its also my first fanfic) (also some things arent historically accurate,for example the commonwealth wasn't formed yet and the next king should have been john albert and there won't be a sejm(it's an nobility thing and it really limited the power of the king)the commonwealth will be a autocratic monarchy) (I don't own asoiaf or game of thrones they belong to George rr Martin)

Mr_Secrecy · TV
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8 Chs

A new world

It was only two weeks after the death of king Casimir IV Jagiellon that his son the sixteen year old prince Augustine Jagiellon was to be crowned as the new king of the polish lithuanian commonwealth.

In the grand cathedral of warsaw the coronation of prince Augustine was commercing.Everyone important in the commonwealth was there.On the altar the prince soon to be king was standing,on his left stood the cardinal of the commonwealth Bawon polik, and on his right stood the grand hetman Dulcyn Hwieliński and in front of the prince his personal retainer Bartłomiej chwilik was kneeling down as he offered the prince the crown jewels.

(the grand cathedral pic)-

(crown jewels pic)-

The prince stunned everyone as he took the polish crown the scepter and the royal orb.he placed the crown on his head the scepter in his right hand and the royal orb in his left hand.He began takeing the oath to protect the kingdom's folk from any impositions and unjust bondage.And thuss he became king Augustine I Jagiellon and the first king to crown himself in europe.

(Its super short because i want to know if you really want me to write this story)

(How many wives and concubines should the mc have?)

(In what time should the plc appear?)

(Who should his wife be?)