
Early Bird

Dolaf woke at the crack of dawn just before the cries of the firemen's strange bird would begin. They were odd things; with white feathers, wings and tails, the body of a bird with the head, ears, and snout of a boar.

They also seemed to have a red comb-like flaps on their heads, bony legs, and clawed feet. These creatures which appeared to be some cross between a boar and a bird laid eggs as well!

He slowly wiggled his way out of the warm cot and got up. The tent was packed with his sleeping clansmen as well; so he moved carefully and tipped over to another small cot.

'Why this 'ave git go an' sleep so far!?' He grabbed his shoulder and shook his brother wake.

"Isald! Get up!" He whispered as loudly as he could.

Thankfully after a bit of shaking, the boy woke up. "Get up now! We gotta go now... an' don' make much noise!"

His brother got up quickly and after making sure he had the small wooden plank the firemen loved so much, they left the giant tent.

The crisp morning air welcomed them, Dolaf took a deep breath and smelled the smoke of firewood being burned and food being prepared.

If he just went by smell alone, much had changed since 2 moons ago, but his sight truly displayed the fact. In the distance and nearby, all he could see were the massive red tents made from wonderous materials.

To think these tents didn't leak when rain began to fall!? Only the chieftain had the rare tent made of waterproof otterskin.

Not just that, the tents kept the cold out far better than any tanned hide!

'Could it be a Fire spell of the Firemen?' He wouldn't be surprised if that were the case!

Moons ago, when the Firemen rode from their great black ships, he was at the shores armed and ready to fight them with chief Toredill.

But as his older brother and father ran up to the giant mounts of the firemen and were trampled and implaed respectively his courage wavered, he felt as if it was the times of old when the wights and their dead army invaded the lands of men thousands of years ago.

But this time, instead of icy daemons, they would have to fight those of fire and ash. Instead of being trampled and gutted by the horns of the terrible mounts or getting cut down or blasted with fire, he grabbed his younger brother's hand and ran.

They headed for the edge of the village and planned to escape into the wildlands; only to be surrounded before crossing the treeline. He thought for sure he would die right then.

He was certain they were to be slaughtered and raised again to do the biddings of the fire daemons.

He remembered hearing the sound of his brother dropping his wooden club a little bit after he did, they fell to their knees awaiting their grim fates.

However, that wasn't what happened, instead they were shackled and brought back to the clan. Then herded with the others and lead to the centre of the clan's grounds. His brother cried all that time, praying to the old gods for strength and mercy.

Many, assumed they were to be sacrificed in some dark ritual... but a small sliver of hope was birthed into him. From where he got it? He didn't know.

He didn't think they were to become the walking dead or feed for the Firemen's beasts. Dolaf made up his mind to do whatever the invaders wished- that way he wouldn't end up like his father or older brother.

From then on he had the strangest experience of his life. He was brought before the strange Firemen. They spoke to him in their strange tongue and examined him.

Though he didn't understand their words, he paid attention to their gestures and followed their directions. In time, his shakles were removed, he was given a small wooden plank which was covered in strange markings.

No longer was he herded together with those who were to fearful or antagonistic towards the firemen. Instead, he could roam about amongst them and enter certain places as long as he flashed the plank he had.

In time, he realized the invaders weren't Fire wights as chief Toredill said.

Instead it seemed they were a group of powerful Fire Mages. Unlike the woods witches who had to kill goats and swallow herbs these firemen could make balls of flames in their palms and throw it at your head!

He lead his brother over to a wooden structure that was built up in the enclosure. He smiled as he saw it was clear.

Dolaf's gut rumbled. The sweet scent of food grew stronger, the closer they got to the structure.

Inside, he recognized the familiar face of the cook who was a Fireman. He wore the common red garb that all firemen seemed to like, had strong forearms and a rather large belly.

The man looked at him, spoke in his inchomprehensible tongue and smiled in such a way that his eyes seemed to close.

That was another strange thing about these firemen invaders, they looked so very different from his people. For one, most of them seemed rather short. He stood on par with grown men and as a boy on the cusp of manhood.

They had less hair than his people and whatever hair they did grow looked thin and very straight. Unlike his own people, they all had straight pitch black hair, small orange or yellow eyes and spoke in a way which confused the ear.

He flashed his board at the man and elbowed his brother to do the same. With that, the Fireman lifted the wooden cover off the large pot behind himself, grabed a clay bowl and began scooping out the fluffy white food the firemen called koomen or something.

His stomach rumbled as the man walked around the stall sharing out different things into small bowls before placing them onto small trays.

When he finished both their trays, he looked at them and nodded to their right.

'Oh!' He almost slapped himself, before pulling his brother along to the small stall set up off to the side. There was water and a glob of something that looked like animal fat, but was harder.

"Look Isald! Ya do it like this!" He instructed his brother on how to wet the slippery blob and rub their hands together and make bubbles, before washing them off.

He didn't understand why the firemen forced them to do this every morning with their hands, but he did like the feeling afterwards.

They collected their trays and sat at one of the many tables littered through the area and began eating.

"Gotta eat fast an' leave. Still got lots to teach ya and we got lots o' work to get done!"

Dolaf carefully showed his brother how scoop the hot, white seeds from the bowl and how to eat them. He still couldn't eat with the strange sticks the Firemen used though.

He saw his brother's face light up as the flavours burst on his tongue. This wasn't his first time eating the soft seeds but he couldn't help but moan at the taste of them every time.

The fluffy seeds were so soft and flavorful! Better than anything hed eaten before. And that was just the seeds. He took some of the sauses and showed his brother how to pour it over the seeds.

He then did the same for his own and threw a handfull into his mouth. The flavor was even better!

He had to stop and show his brother many times how to eat the the thing and not get burned over the course of the meal.

After finishing the bowls, he reached for the clay cup of steming herb-water on his tray. He heard from others that the Firemen boiled water with their herbs and dropped shards of rock into the potion.

He took a sip of his own and hummed. Originally he wast too keen on the drink but over time he grew to love it. The potion did well to warm him up first thing in the morn. His brother seemed too wary to drink, so he took his as well.

In the end they finished their food and dropped off their tray at the washing area, where he saw a Fasha; the mother of one of his friends who died fighting the firemen.

"Ye two'r smar', got up 'fore the rush." He smiled and left the trays with her.

"Come Isald, we got work t' do."

They walked up to the wooden gates of the enclosure and showed the slabs to the black armoured Firemen who stood guard.

The men waved them through, allowing he and his brother to move freely amongst the Firemen, through what was once their clan grounds.

Dolaf kept his brother close as the boy was still very fearful of the invaders. They navigated the almost unrecognizable village. If it wasn't for the heart trees that served as landmarks and the sounds and smells of the sea, he wouldn't even know he was in the same village of old.

The sea of red tents and new wodden structures replaced the original beastskin tents. Dirt paths were carved out by sheer number of animal and human feet who walked on them.

He watched his brother out the corner of his eye. Islad looked at each Fireman they passed. He remembered doing the same back then.

He would note how some of them wore armor and others walked in layers and layers of clothes that looked smooth and flowing like their hair. He couldn't imagine what beast it was made from.

'Who knows..... the Firemen maybe called 'em up with their magics.' He thought as he lead this brother through the sea of crimson tents and to the edge of the village. Once there they approached another sectioned off area.

This place was once just flat land now turned into a herding area for the strange animals of the firemen.

They flashed their wooden planks again at the guards and enetered the area. There were a series of wooden buildings made by the invaders to house their animals.

"This' where we work." He said to his brother.

Dolaf watched as his brother's eyes scanned the strange structures. He chuckled internally.

'Can't wait till ye get a look inside!'

For the most of the day, he showed his brother everything he needed to do. From changing into their 'workgarb', to picking up the Boar-Bird eggs to shoveling up the log-like shit of the Boar-Auroch, sweeping up the pellet-like shit of the Boar-Stag and feeding the Goat-like boars with the fluffy fur.

The strange creatures ate anything they were given! The Firemen supplied meaty shlop and leftovers to their magick beasts- even the ones that resembled sheep.

His brother had been just as surprized and fearful as he was back when he first saw these creatures. He didn't know what the Firemen planned to do with the people of his clan but he knew for certain they wouldn't be eaten by them.

Not when they showed such care and protection over these animals. The invaders slept in tents- just as he did. Yet their beasts slept in well constructed buildings and were kept warm constantly.

In my research, I've found out that the fire nation has quite the collection of pig breeds! I believe that is the case since pigs are known to eat anything they can find and grow quickly. These hybrids are basically perfect domestic animals.

But that's it for now. Tune in next week! Also, please remember to drop any spare power stones you have laying around...

Wangfirecreators' thoughts
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