
A Song of Fire and Steel (Avatar the Last Airbender / GOT fanfic)

In the year 94 AG, General Iroh, Crown Prince of the Fire Nation set out on his campaign to sack the Capital of the Earth Kingdom. However this mission turned out to be ill-fated as the great Prince, his son and future heir, along with his Warships carrying the army and crewmen got caught within the clutches of a monstrous storm while at sea; only to appear atop the seas in a world of Ice and Fire with a decimated fleet. Confused, injured and weary, the remnants of the Fire Nation fleet must navigate their perilous circumstances and adapt. Will they survive what is to come? [Thrice Weekly Updates.]

Wangfire · TV
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35 Chs

Beneath Foreign Skies

Silence reigned after the bespectacled navigator left the room. It seemed fate or the spirits had it out for him. He just couldn't get a break from the constant surprises and calamities.

First it was the monstrous storm, the deaths and damages which ensued as a result. Then came the news of his fleet's decimation after which he needed to ponder the tragedy of the Firebending reduction that has yet to be solved.

In a way, it would be good if they were simply lost. That would be the most natural thing to occur since the sudden appearance of that dreaded Storm. While the acting head navigator didn't say it explicitly, he could piece her words together. There was a good possibility that they weren't just lost, they were likely in a whole different world!

Imagine just appearing in a different world!

It was more reasonable if the storm whisked them away to a different sea than another world. However, it seemed the most probable outcome wasn't the case.

Though he didn't know much about navigation, he certainly knew there were no islands in the World Edge ocean. Ancient folklore claimed the landmasses there were carried away by waves and washed off the edge.

Fire Nation Geographers disproved those old tales decades ago with the now accepted: 'Globe Theory' upon which all current navigation relied.

Though no one had truly circled the world due to the great war. He was fairly certain there were no islands in an ocean so well travelled. The ancient air nomads would have already flown there and marked the land in one of their ancient scrolls.

'The Air Nomads were the first topographers and cartographers after all.....'

'Could it be possible the storm had taken us to the spirit world?' Iroh thought with equal parts apprehension, fear and excitement. The spirit world was one only the avatar and the most spiritual of Air Nomads could travel.

'No... if that was the case then there wouldn't be cases of diminished bending but full blown bending loss. Even I would have lost my own...' He dismissed the thought as he looked up at the assembled men around him. They all looked back at him, awaiting orders.

'I can not succumb to confusion or speculation even under these queer circumstances. Something must be done... a decision must be made. But... if I'm not prudent and careful, then full panic and chaos could ensue. Not to mention potential dangers out there in the unknown...'

He thought of the destruction of his fleet, the hundreds of thousands who died... He thought of their families, the financial and demoralizing effect the loss of almost 50 ships would have on the nation. He thought of all the men and women still alive and under his guidance right now.

He straightened his back and addressed the assembly. "Captain Uzure, how's the condition of Azulon's fury?"

"She's holding up with the rudimentary repairs made, however water still leaks in at this very moment. She's in dire need of repair. The engineers have given her about 36 hours of safe sea faring travel at most." The elder man stroked his beardless chin.

"Which means she needs to dock anytime now....." Iroh trailed off in thought for a moment.

"Captains! I have a assignment for you. Each of you to arrange a military firebending examination upon your return to your ships. Tell the troops it is an investigation into their military capabilities so that they may be better diagnosed by the Fire Sages. You will be using the Sozin Military standard. Take note of every soldier that is able to match half of these requirements."

"Yes General!" They shouted.

Iroh had been disillusioned with the hundred year war for decades now. He was certainly very much against many of his grandfather's policies. Particularly the military standards and firebending techniques he issued to the troops. Firebending was originally a art. One of power, life and vitality.

But his grandfather plucked the more artistic forms of firebending; instead choosing to distribute straightforward and aggressive forms. His polices were ruthlessly effective and managed to capitalize on the destructive and simplistic nature of firebending, ones which troops could learn easily as well as being powerful enough to be viable on the battlefield.

Though Iroh didn't see eye to eye with his grandfather's policies, he couldn't deny the practically in a military sense. When at war, the best weapon was one which could be mass-producible, cost-effective and time efficient. 

Firelord Sozin went one step further; having troops use their abilities in various climates, altitudes and at different times of the day. All to determine what firebending forms and techniques were most powerful regardless of terrain, climate or celestial positioning. 

"Commander, I want you to prepare the necessary equipment and logistics to field a force of 2600 soldiers at maximum. A quarter of which will be Firebending infantry, another will be Firebending cavalry, the other 650 troops will be infantry Pikemen, while the final quarter will be non-bending cavalry." Iroh locked eyes with the man.

"This operation will primarily be aimed at securing a decent area for Fire Nation occupation with a secondary objective of light exploration. After the completion of these objectives, they must immediately communicate with Azulon's fury, allowing the damaged ship and her cargo to safely dock. After which we will all disembark."

"It will be done General. What of possible hostile intelligent inhabitants?" The Commander asked.

"If there are any natives, we will try to communicate...if we can. In the case where our men are attacked, they are to retaliate and put down any resistance.

"Securing the area is paramount, there must be no failure." Iroh wouldn't have any of his people dying uselessly. Not after so many have already.

As they dove into the more minute details of the upcoming operation, the sun had unknowingly set.

Their discussion was cut short as an attendant burst into the room huffing and puffing. The guards were about to manhandle the man, however Iroh waved them away and signaled the man to approach. The man, obviously still exhausted bowed deeply and said, "G- general! You're wanted at the deck!"

"Wanted! Who dares to summon the General in such a manner?! At such a time?!" Admiral Feng shouted.

"H- head Navigator Yisha!"

Iroh nodded grimly, he had a feeling he knew what he was being summoned for. They'd lost track of time and it seems it was already nighttime.

"We'll finish this meeting after a short remission..... it was time for a break anyway." He stood up and marched outside the room with his royal guards.

He could hear the shuffling of feet as the men behind him scramble to their feet and tried to catch up. His son was first to fall in step with him while the others trailed behind. He could've sent them away, but he wasn't thinking about them at the moment, even if he was, he had a feeling most of them had similar fears as he.

Iroh could see it in the eyes of the attendants and troops as they passed him with ashen or confused faces. By the time he neared the exit to the deck, he could see it!

Moonlight! Actual moonlight! The lunar cycle ended days before the set out!

By the time he and his storm council reached outside, the deck was full of gawking troops, physicians, engineers and staff all looking upwards. The sky was partially clear with some clouds.

The air remained frigid and biting; not something you'd expect to feel in spring or summer even if they were west of the western air temple.

He looked upwards to the half-moon and unfamiliar stars. His eyes scanned them over and over again, he tried finding Szteo's scroll, Kyoshi's boot, the Coiling Dragon-Tiger or even the Snake-Turtle constellation, none of them were present.

Only a single thought ran through his mind at that moment, it was so strong, he didn't even realize he vocalized it. "There isn't enough tea on these ships for this situation."

"Perhaps Purple Plum wine would help your highness?" he heard the voice of Navigator Yisha beside him suddenly.

"Possibly our entire stock of Ash Banana and Red Sorghum liquor....." He mumbled without looking at her.


Lu ten had to fight off a yawn the next morning as he stood in formation with his fellow privates. They were being briefed on their imminent operation by their superior officer.

"- you will disembark and secure the area! Any resistance; animal or otherwise will be put down with extreme prejudice!"

"Sir yes Sir!" Lu Ten and the fellow troops saluted.

"Dismissed!" Lu Ten and the others marched away in formation to be armoured. They were to in formation and prepared to disembark by twelve hundred when the sun is at its peak.

As he marched to the armoury he couldn't help but wipe the sweat from his palms. This was to be his first engagement on the field. At first he believed it would be at the walls of Ba Sing Se, but it seemed the spirits had other plans for him.

Before he could join the crowed line at the armoury, he caught a familiar face in his periphery coming up to him.

"Prince Lu Ten, I'm here to escort you to your personal armory chambers."

"Attendant Lou." He recognized his father's faithful attendant.

He followed the man down the steel gangways. He often wished to blend further into the army and to be treated as an ordinary soldier, however, he knew this was the most he would receive, even his father who was far more liberal in this manner found certain things unbecoming of a Prince.

Upon his entry to the room, he didn't find a room packed with royal attendants. Instead there was just his father sharpening a crimson steel Jian, his Jian to be precise.

"You didn't think I'd send you off without seeing you did you?" He smiled at his father's antics.

His father and the attendant worked efficiently; securing the various pieces of armour onto his body with precise knots and buckles. All while his father continued to lecture him of the dangers of battle.

Lu ten nodded and replied with platitudes, this was his first battle he was nervous, but he didn't want to worry his father. He was a man who'd seen 19 summers, younger men saw battle before him and every heir to the Fire Nation had participated in the hundred year war.

His father and his grandfather before him. He couldn't falter or back down from his duty.

By the time he was fully armored, the voice of Lieutenant Gin, the Commander of this impending operation, boomed from the brass voice pipes. "All troops, report to the deck!"

Lu Ten raised an eyebrow at the General, "Aren't you going to suit up as well father?"

His father shook his head. "I'm not even supposed to be here..." Lu Ten chuckled. He could already see his father sneaking onto the flagship after the engagement and acting as if he didn't leave.

"Well I'm off father." Lu ten sheathed his crimson Jian and slid the grim face visor into place, almost feeling as if he was heading off to school back in his early days in the royal academy for boys.

His father looked up at him, he didn't hug him as expected. Instead he saluted him. In turn, Lu Ten smiled and saluted his father before grabbing him in a hug. He could feel his surprise, but his father didn't resist and melted into the embrace.

They fell apart; Lu Ten nodded to attendant Lou, turned and left.

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