
Fostering at Cainhurst

"If a Chaos Army invaded Marienburg, the merchants would try to sell them supplies."

- Tercero Gramsci, Headmaster of the Aquila Academy


Codex: Aquila Academy

Aquila Academy is one of the elite educational institutions of the Holy Arcadia Empire with the sole purpose of educating the new Knights. All people who are called Knights in the Imperium need to complete their education at the Aquila Academy, where they are taught how to fight, military strategy, or many other things that they may make during their lives.

Most of the recruits are either from civilian origins, talented fighters, Provincial Armies, or from the Imperial Army.

The most dazzling graduates of the Aquila Academy are then sent to the Schola Progenium for further education to become potential high-level Professionals or officers.


Two Weeks Later, Lordran, Holy Arcadia Empire, Holy City of Cainhurst, the City of Silver

The cityscape of Cainhurst was a testament to the artistic and engineering prowess of the greatest builders and engineers of the Lordran that ever walked through the lands of ancient, with towering structures that seemed to reach for the heavens, and their silver roofs were reflecting light to the distance.

Dominating the skyline were the city's majestic cathedrals belonging to the Healing Church. Their spires soar into the sky, intricate stone tracery adorning their massive facades. Stained glass windows catch the sunlight and cast a kaleidoscope of colors across the cobbled streets below.

The sound of the cathedral bells resonated through the city, marking the passage of time or calling the faithful to the prayer that would be carried out very soon. 

As one gazed up at the cathedrals and other buildings, one could notice a multitude of intricately carved gargoyles and grotesques. These stone creatures seem to come alive in their eerie detail, perched high above to ward off evil spirits and protect the city.

Aside from the gargoyles, there were also countless other statues, many of which belonged to the legendary Knights that originated from the Cainhurst, as the Cainhurstians were people who venerated their Knights and their legendary figures.

The Knight culture was a fundamental part of Cainhurst, the City of Knights; it was an inseparable thing from the identity of the city itself. Cainhurst was known for producing the finest Knights of the Imperium and was known as home to several prominent Swordsmanship Schools. 

Crossing the winding river that bisects the city were ancient, wonderfully crafted bridges adorned with arches and buttresses. As people walk across them, they can feel the history beneath their feet, and one can't help but admire the craftsmanship that has allowed these bridges to stand for centuries.

Meandering through the city are a labyrinth of narrow, cobblestone alleyways.

The towering buildings lean slightly toward each other, creating an intimate, shadowy atmosphere below. Lanterns hanging from wrought-iron posts cast a warm, flickering glow, revealing hidden courtyards and small shops selling medieval wares.

At the center of the city, a bustling town square stood there proudly; within the center of the town square was an enormous statue of a nameless Knight made from pure silver, which represented the culture and spirit of Cainhurst, the City of Silver.

The town square was surrounded by elegant townhouses with pointed arches and ornate balconies. Here, the locals gathered to trade, celebrate, and socialize. Most people were selling there their weapons or armor, manuals for training, or priests of the Healing Church were walking among the people and healing those in need.

One of the most imposing and most significant buildings within the town square was the headquarters of the Silver Knight Order that was being stationed within the Cainhurst, together with another important institution, which was Aquilla Academy.

That was also one of the reasons why one could see hundreds of Silver armored Knights, men and women who were members of the Silver Knight Order, walking through the streets of the Cainhurst.

Many of the high-ranking members of the Silver Knight Order were even permanent residents of the Cainhurst.

The city itself was encircled by imposing walls that had a silverish feel to them, inscribed with runes and other protective measures. Among the city walls that were height several tens of meters and very thick, there were countless battlements and watchtowers.

The defensive prowess of the City of Silver was extremely formidable, as the walls were manned with countless pieces of artillery, with Knights, Gunners, Archers and Battle Wizards stationed on the walls of the Cainhurst... ever vigilant and ever ready for combat.

Still, the most notable landmark in the Holy City was the Castle Cainhurst itself, after which the City of Silver was named.

The entire construction was utterly massive, not as big as the Imperial Palace of the Anor Londo, but it was still an enormous structure capable of accommodating tens of thousands of people with ease.

The castle's facade was a symphony of intricate details. It was constructed from a variety of materials, including brick, stone, or a combination of both. The castle of Cainhurst was constructed by Durin the First, the legendary dwarven king from the ancient past in times that were mostly forgotten by most.

The surface was covered in ornate carvings, moldings, and decorative motifs. Most of these decorations were images showcasing the glorious moments of the Cainhurst and its lords, showing the important figures, and showing the gravest defeats and majestic victories.

 A hallmark of the architecture was its asymmetrical design. The castle's exterior is a mix of various shapes and sizes, with towers, turrets, and wings that seem to sprawl organically.

This asymmetry adds to the castle's unique charm because it was contrary to the typical Lordranese architecture that rotates around symmetry and perfection in all cases. 

Bay windows and decorative ornaments were scattered throughout the facade. Bay windows often extended from the side of the castle, adding depth and character to the structure. 

Elaborate wrought-iron railings and balconies adorn some sections of the castle, providing a touch of grace and sophistication. These ironwork elements often feature intricate scrollwork and floral motifs.

The main entrance was a grand affair, with a large and imposing door flanked by ornate sidelights and transoms. Carved stone or metal surrounds, sometimes featuring intricate floral or geometric patterns, frame the entrance.

"We have arrived, My Ladies."

An exquisitely crafted war wagon arrived in front of an enormous metal gate that was learning to the castle Cainhurst. The war wagon was surrounded by several Griffon Knights from the Reiksgarde who were protecting the war wagon and acting as its escort.

Today was the day when Cersei Lannister arrived at Cainhurst, the City of Silver, together with Lady Maria, who was guiding her to the City as they were not using the teleportation portal to Cainhurst from the Anor Londo.

"It is much colder here than at the Anor Londo..."

The young lioness remarked as she got out from the war wagon, wearing a much warmer outfit, together with Lady Maria Vileblood. 

"Yes... Cainhurst is situated between borders of Reikland and Klandor, so it is much colder there than it is at the there... basically the closer we are to the Northern Peninsula, colder it would get..."

Maria remarked as she felt something nostalgic when she looked at the walls of the Cainhurst Castle; it had been several months since she returned back home, and she could already hear her mother giving her an earful about that. 

"Come... we need to meet my mother, she is already awaiting us for sure..."

Her mother, Annalise Vileblood, was spending most of her time at Cainhurst if she was not attending some of her duties as the Minister of Domestic Affairs and Territorial Management.

"Would you believe that only two members of the House Vileblood are living here?"

Maria asked as they were passing through the columns of Silver Knights and Cainhurstian Knights that were saluting them, welcoming the return of the Heir of the City of Silver back to the Glorious Holy City.


Cersei didn't know that the House Vileblood was so small... even though many of the Noble Houses of the Westeros were small, not to this extent, but with the problems that came with the procreations within the Lordran it wasn't anything that surprising.

"House Vileblood has only three living members: me, my mother, and cousin Nefertara, who decided to create her own House called House Lahmia and would marry Heir of the Elector Count Sylvania, Jubstacheit Draculya-Tepes."

Such a state was indeed pitiful, so that was one of many reasons why Annalise Vileblood was pressuring her daughter to have a child already, or perhaps two or three or even more...

"And unfortunately, during the time when my father was alive, they only had me and my mother refused to remarry..."

Maria said with some sadness in her voice because thoughts about her father always made her sad. Her father was a peak Level 6 Professional who had even defeated Omega Class Danger Beasts...

But when she was thirty years old, a catastrophe happened to the Holy Arcadia Empire, when a Daemon Prince materialized in the Azyr after he was summoned by a bunch of Heretic and Chaos Cultists...

And fate wanted for the Daemon Prince to materialize himself at the Cainhurst... she vividly remembered that day when the Cainhurst came and became a target for the enraged Daemon Prince that wanted to destroy the city and turn it into the rubbles...

Her father, Gerstahl Vileblood, fought against the Daemon Prince and managed to lure the creature away from the Cainhurst and stall it long enough for Master Gehrman to arrive and slay it. 

Unfortunately, the Daemon Prince descended onto the material plane in full force, he wasn't suppressed or anything, and thus, he was far more powerful than anyone could imagine as his battle against Gerstahl Vileblood reshaped the land and cracked the mountains.

And the price for all lives that were saved was the single life of Lord High Magistrate of the City of Silver, who perished for his city and for his subjects. He who was forever venerated as the Imperial Saint, as a Hero of the Holy Arcadia Empire that would be forever remembered in the annals of history.

"Maybe you will even meet Nefertara... but that is not very probable because that crazy woman is spending all the time she can with her fianceé."

Nefertara Vileblood, or now Nefertara Lahmia, was crazily obsessive over her finaceé and was almost having possessive feelings towards him. Lahmia was a new House that was directly risen to the Rank of Viceroy within the Grand Pronince of Sylvania.


Meanwhile, within the Great Hall of the Castle of Cainhurst.

The grandeur of the Great Hall of the Cainhurst could not be denied by anyone.

The place was huge, featuring stunning stained glass windows and statues of the Imperial Saints and legendary Knights. 

It boasted a high vaulted ceiling with ribbed arches and massive stone pillars. Long wooden tables, tapestries, and a roaring hearth create an atmosphere of hospitality, and yet they also showcase the wealth and power of the Cainhurst. 

At the end of the Great Hall, there was a simple yet luxurious-looking throne with golden lamination and red velvet parts. There were two such thrones, but the other one was empty; it was always empty for the past several centuries, but it was still maintained in a pristine condition.

With not even one speck of dust being allowed to fall onto it.

On the other throne, a young-looking woman was sitting on it, with an appearance not much different from Lady Maria Vileblood as they could pass out as sisters. Annalise Vileblood was older than one and a half millennia, and yet she looked like a young teen girl.

She wore very simple clothing, pitch black with a white collar, nothing extravagant like most if not all, noble ladies of her social status would wear. She preferred this simplicity and were the block clothes of mourning, as the emptiness in her heart after the death of her husband would never be filled.

"Your Excellency, they have arrived."

Her piercing grey eyes opened as she was previously being in a meditative station...

"Lead them here... and be quick."

Lord High Magistrate Annalise Vileblood waved her hand as she ordered the servant who came to report this. Her pale white skin was reflecting the light, as were her ashen white hair, giving her some sort of ethereal appearance to the outsider's eyes.

She knew that she had the responsibility of accommodating the newest fianceé of the Holy Imperator for whatever reason she didn't understand, like she didn't understand why the Imperator chose her to be his fianceé, especially considering the fact that there were much better candidates...

But it was not her place to question it because she was one of the very few people who were aware of the Imperator's gifts in the aspect of visions... 

"Also, prepare for the dinner... take out the best True Dragon meat we have available... and prepare my chambers for a private discussion with my daughter."

True Dragon meat was especially rare and scarce within the Holy Arcadia Empire.

While the Empire couldn't really tame True Dragons, they were mostly ignoring the creatures and only killed those who were presenting danger to the Imperium.

Like when some of the Red Dragons started burning down villages or attacking dwarven holds for gold and precious things. Only then would they hunt down the True Dragons because they were forces of nature; even the weakest of them was classified as Special Class Dagner Beast.

"As you wish, Your Excellency."

Her personal butler stated as he then excused himself to carry out the orders of his master. 

'We will see what the future has prepared for us...'


"Before you enter the Great Hall, you need to perform the traditional Cainhurstian greetings... Lady Vileblood has a stringent code of behavior in her courts and always wants it to be followed to the smallest details..."

After Cersei and Maria were escorted by the servants, they were met with the chamberlain of the House Vileblood, who was now showing both of them the traditional greeting between the Cainhurstian nobility.

Maria frowned but mostly ignored the futile efforts of the chamberlain because she was already used to it, her mother was always trying to get her to follow the protocols, but Maria was a small rebel of their family.

So, technically speaking, everyone was already a bit used to her not following protocol of behavior. Fortunately, contrary to Maria's indifference to the protocol and politics, Cersei took them easily and soon could do exactly as the grand chamberlain.

After that, they followed the grand chamberlain into the Great Hall, as they passed a few corridors in which huge armored knights were guarding the premises of the Cainhurstian Castle.

"Presenting, the Heir of the Cainhurst Castle, Lady Maria Vileblood, and in her company, Lady Cersei Lannister."

As his voice resounded through the Great Hall of the Cainhurst Castle, Lady Annalise Vileblood was sitting on her throne, unmoving with closed eyes, looking like she was sleeping, but that was far from the truth.

With her powerful and accurate senses, she was able to see everything that was happening around her even if her eyes were not open, as were most of the powerful Professionals of the Holy Arcadia Empire that strode through the lands of the Ancients.



Both Lady Maria Vileblood and Lord High Magistrate Annalise Vileblood were looking at each other for several moments, not saying anything and just staring as they were elevating one another.

While Annalise Vileblood looked like a fragile piece of porcelain, she was in fact one of the most powerful warriors of the entire Holy Arcadia Empire and was one of the few peak Level 6 Professionals that walked there, like a Gods among mortals.

Her expertise within the Vileblood's Blood Artes were second to none and her control over the Blood was even higher than any other Vampire, sans those purebloods of the House Draculya-Tepes.

"You have gotten stronger daughter."

After several minutes of silence within the Great Hall of Castle Cainhurst, which was empty... aside from three of them, there were only a few guards, but none else, as this was considered a family meeting; thus, Lady Annalise Vileblood ordered everyone to go away.

"As you have, mother."

Maria said back because she felt that her mother had also gotten significantly stronger; probably, it wouldn't be a long time, and the Holy Arcadia Empire would have another Level 7 warrior.

Which would be indeed a boom, a great one, as each Level 7 Professional was a tremendous boon to the Imperium.

There were several casters on the Level, but they were a bunch of reclusive old men who left their laboratories only once per several decades, and even that was only for a few hours before they turned their attention back to their research.

"I was surprised that you have returned home that soon, but as fortunate one reality is, the other one is crushing on me every single day... Did you change your mind?"

Lord High Magistrate Annalise Vileblood looked at her daughter with an intense stare, to which Maria continued defying her mother, not allowing her any kind of victory in this area...

No matter what her mother said or done, she would never change the reality of their situation.

"No, I don't want to have anything with the politics or the position of an Heir to the Cainhurst... it is too troublesome and annoying."

Hearing that, her mother's brow twitched a lot, but she held her anger at bay because it was only to be expected.

In the end, she already anticipated such an ending, and she knew very well that perhaps aside from her fianceé / lover, there was no one who could change her mind in this.

"You will never change, would you?"

It was mostly a rhetorical question that her mother was asking; everyone knew the answer to that, and both Maria and Annalise knew it, but after so long, it became some sort of game between them, where both of them would be testing each other in their resolve.

Lady Annalise would test her daughter in her resolve to do nothing, and Lady Maria would test her mother in her resolve to get her to do something. 

Even among the servants of the Cainhurst Castle, it became a betting game on who would last the longest.

However, if there was one thing that Lady Annalise had on her side, it was patience, and she knew that sooner or later, Karl Franz would step in and would want to assign some governmental or military position to her daughter.

"No, my mother dearest, never... in this area, never..."

Maria said with a soft tone of voice as she looked at her mother.

"Now, let us proceed to the different matters on hand."

Lady Annalise Vileblood then turned her sight to the rather nervous-looking Cersei Lannister, who was curiously observing the exchanges between the two of them and trying to get a read on their relationships.

Something that she subtly noticed from her father was that he was constantly getting himself informed and gathering information, observing people and analyzing them to learn their strong side, weak sides and everything he could around them.

"So you are the new fianceé of the Holy Imperator... rather young, certainly beautiful, but aside from that, I don't see anything special about you... Certainly, there are much better candidates for such a prestigious position."

Annalise Vileblood said that, with her main intention being to see the reaction from her, she was curious about the state she was in.

She had already had a talk with the Holy Imperator Karl Franz about this matter, who told her about everything she needed to know.

Cersei meanwhile stood there as several sentences that Karl Franz told her were returning to her within a mere moment as flashbacks of the past that happened not that much ago.

'They will look down on you and they will test you with a variety of means... It would be up to you to show them wrong and not show them any weakness because most of them are vicious once they smell weakness; such is the gravest sin within the Lordran the Lands of Ancient... Being weak... So you can never show it outside no matter how you feel inside.'

She then raised her head and looked straight into the eyes of Lord High Magistrate Annalise Vileblood, which certainly required a great deal of courage because she had heard a lot of things about the mother of Lady Maria and her ruthless personality.

Especially after the death of her husband...

"Maybe there are and maybe there are not, but that is up to the Holy Imperator to decide not anyone else, Lord High Magistrate Vileblood of the Cainhurst. In the end, he is the Lord of the Lands of Ancients by the will of the Gods and Master of the Imperium by the power of his inexhaustible armies; in all of his Divine Wisdom, he certainly must have his reasons and to doubt them is equal to heresy."

Even Maria Vileblood raised her brows hearing that because that was a certainty very daring answer; some may even consider it outright offensive, but contrary to what many would think, Lord High Magistrate Annalise Vileblood just started laughing a bit.

"Good! Good! At least you have enough backbone and won't be scared of confrontation."

She then motioned them to sit down in the seats that were closest to her throne.

Meanwhile, Cersei was rather satisfied with herself; she knew that her answer was the best she could muster, and she knew that if she said it this way, Lady Annalise Vileblood wouldn't have anything to say back to her on this topic.

"Now that you have arrived here, we will discuss several rules."

Both Maria and Cersei followed and sat down; soon enough, two servants came and served them tea, though for Maria, was also served a cup of Blood of powerful Danger Beasts...

"Imperator sent me here to basically educate you in the matters of nobility within the Holy Arcadia Empire, and you would be living here during your study at the Schola Progenium. The Shola Progenium has three branches: one is at the Cainhurst, one at Yharnam and the last one is at the Anor Londo."

This was already something that she was aware of, as Karl Franz purposely chose the branch of the Schola Progenium that was stationed at the Cainhurst.

"Second thing, you will be assigned quarters and you will be living at Castle Cainhurst so that you can be directly trained by me personally or by Maria; aside from that Supreme Patriarch Balthasar Gelt will be coming once per week for your magic lessons that would be taking place at Sunday, majority of the Sunday. Aside from that, your combat training will be taking place every day in the morning, with waking up time being five hours in the morning."

The more Cersei listened, the more she dreaded of that because it sounded like a living hell... or perhaps it sounded way worse than the living hell.

Being forced to wake up so early in the morning sounded terrible, but being forced to wake up so early in the morning just for the arduous physical combat training was far, far, far worse. 

"Don't make that face... after a few weeks, you will get used to it and you have reached the Level 3 physique after the Blood Ministration, so you will need a lot of training to control your strength completely and to reach the higher Levels... if you don't, then you would be left in dust and possibly even discarded if you cannot reach Level 5 in the future."

Those who were classified as Level 3 had an average lifespan of around 1,000 Years, which may be considered a very high lifespan was still something insignificant compared to the essential agelessness that one could reach after mastering the Old Blood to Level 5 and higher.

"And the last thing that I need to mention clearly. When you start attending the Schola Progenium, it won't take long for the rumors to take place about your relationship with the Imperator, so it would create a lot of hostility with a lot of people..."

That was something that she was already prepared for. 

"Most notably with the members of the female gender, especially those related to the Elector Count Houses that had their sights on becoming either wife or concubine of the Holy Imperator."

And even this was taken into her consideration, as she was aware of the fact that her engagement would become the target of jealousy for many. That was already something that, with what she was counting... 

But nevertheless, it didn't mean anything to her, not to mention even right now she was aware that her personal power was rather high...

Very high because ascending directly to the Level 3 Physique after the Blood Ministration was putting her on the same level as an average member of the Reiksgarde or Holy Knight Executioners of the Healing Church.

At least in the physical strength department, naturally, she didn't know anything about the combat, fighting and so on, but that would be very swiftly addressed probably, as soon as possible and just within a few days at Cainhurst she predicted that she would learn the basics.

"Let them come then... I will show all of them that lion still has claws."

Both women of the House Vileblood smiled at that because that was the exact approach that they wanted to see.

"Wasn't that a part of the Rains of Castamere?"

Lady Annalise Vileblood asked curiously, fully knowing the history of Tywin Lannister and the recent happenings there, together with the information about the other living and recently deceased members of the said House.

Everything was gathered by the Imperial Military Intelligence, compiled and sent back to the Imperium and then to her, so she knew everything about the person whom she would be taking care of.

"Yes... you know the song?"

Cersei was now genuinely surprised that the Rains of Castemere were known so fast even in the Lands of Ancient. 

"Yes... it quickly became my favorite."

Lady Annalise Vileblood said as suddenly a melody of playing the violin was heard, which Cersei recognized very well as it was one of the Rains of Castamere.

"And who are you? The proud lord said

That I must bow so low?

Only a cat of a different coat

That's all the truth I know

In a coat of gold or a coat of red

A lion still has claws

Mine are long and sharp my lord

As long and sharp as yours


And so he spoke

And so he spoke

That Lord of Castamere

But now the rains weep over his hall

And not a soul to hear


And who are you? The proud lord said

That I must bow so low?

Only a cat of a different coat

That's all the truth I know

And so he spoke

And so he spoke

That Lord of Castamere

But now the rains weep over his hall

And not a soul to hear


And so he spoke

And so he spoke

That Lord of Castamere

But now the rains weep over his hall

And not a soul to hear


And so he spoke (And so he spoke, and so he spoke)

Lord of Castamere (That Lord of Castamere)

Weep over his hall (But now the rains weep over his hall)

(And not a soul to hear)

And not a soul to hear."

And then there was a silence when the bard finished singing as Lady Annalise was satisfied with the performance, while Maria thought that the song was beautiful but at the same time, it was unnerving her through something.

"And now that we have the cultural window behind us, you two should go and accommodate yourself, especially you little lion as from tomorrow the training regime will be starting. And also, dinner is exactly at 20:00 not even a minute earlier or later."

Lord High Magistrate of the Cainhurst the City of Silver said as she looked at her daughter and then at her new ward before she closed her eyes, returning to her meditation or whatever she was doing.


Both Lady Maria and Cersei exited the Great Hall as they headed toward their chambers, as Maria was leading the way because she knew where Cersei was to be accommodated.

"That went good... at least for most of the parts."

Maria said to her future sister-wife as they were walking out of the Great Hall after meeting with her mother. She thought that it would be worse, but it seemed that the Lord High Magistrate of the Cainhurst the City of Silver was today in a good mood.

"Really? Sometimes I found that she wanted nothing more than just to throw us out or attack us in some way..."

In truth, she had some mixed feelings about the meeting with Lady Annalise Vileblood of the Cainhurst. Certainly, it wasn't the most pleasing first impression around that one was for sure.

"She was just testing the waters..."

Maria waved it off because she knew exactly what her scheming mother was doing; for someone like her who had spent her whole life watching her and learning from her, it wasn't hard to see through her schemes.

"So even that song was a part of some test?"

It wasn't really pleasant to be read like an open book.

"Yes... most probably yes, but my mother certainly took a liking for it, mainly due to its history and weight, but we are off from the topic."

Maria knew that by playing of the song The Rains of Castemare, her mother wanted to show that she knew everything about Cersei and House Lannister. Which in fact wasn't a very hard thing to do, especially if someone got the information directly from the hands of Imperial Military Intelligence.

"Not really comfortable..."

She muttered quickly because this was the first time she was being read like an open book by someone of higher stature and she could tell that she didn't like that feeling even a bit.

"You will get used to it... my mother is obsessed with being constantly informed about everything that takes place within the Lands of Ancients."

Lady Maria Vileblood was already used to it and she knew that even Cersei would get used to it after some time. In the end, after some time of living in Cainhurst Castle, everyone would get used to the fact that their privacy was almost non-existent.

"Don't dwell on it... come, we need to unpack you and soon enough, there will be dinner; it is already getting dark."

Maria said as they proceeded to the young Lannister's chambers...

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