
A Song For Darkness: When A Singer Transverse In A Novel

Shen Maoi was quite helpless when she found herself transverse in a strange place with a mission i.e 'SPREADING THE MODERN MUSIC' which was quite absurb so as to say. As absurb as it may sound Shen Maoi has no other choice but to comply so that she can unlock the prop which can help her in protecting herself from this strange world where fantasy magic was shrouded. As much as Shen Maoi tried not to interwine herself with the novel protagonist the word 'Man decides but God discard' really fit her entanglement with the male protagonist. Farfalla box: 'And then I hear her song, her song meant for darkness, meant for me. I have lost myself in her, falling as deep as an abyss, I thought there's no way for me to fall any deeper but than I realize I was completely wrong, I found out I can still fall deeper into her and than I did exactly that. She pave her way through the darkness that was me, singing her way to my heart and soul and capture me firmly. I don't want to break free of her shakle, I want it to hold me tighter and I will let her do that, I won't give her a chance to loose her hold on me for I will destroy the World. she must hold me on.. never letting go for infinity' ....................... ............ Please don't copy or post my work at other website or App!! If you want please kindly request and wait for an approval of affirmation

cosmos_owl_111 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 7

Shen Maoi with Ebony and David went towards the Moonlight theatre to meet Vivien and the other.

Shen Maoi decided to take the two with her because they all are going to work together, so, she thought that making them meet at this earliest is more convenient.



That day the announcement was made of the Heaven Songtress , the news exploded all over the continent which was passed on through the spirit stone array that act as a hologram messenger, it was a kind of magical item that could be used to transmit a message, it was in a shape of a monumental stone which are 3 ft tall that could make a holographic appearance when someone make a record. It can be simply concluded like a vedeo camera but in a more bigger, fantasy type.

Even if some people are doubtful, the testament of Vivien Leigh, Derek And Zen Yamoda could not be refuted.

A news of the upcoming Heaven Songtress performance on Moon Orchid Festival was announced as well , which attract a lot of attention. So, at the day of the festival, the amount of people present multiplied tenfold than all the previous Moon Orchid Festival.

Shen Maoi mood was quite good.

She could also feel that the privy eyes she felt from the moment she sold the potion dissapeared.

With this news of the emergence of Heaven Songtress Shen Maoi believed that she can attract a great amount of listener at the day of the festival.

Her path to fulfilling her mission seem quite easy.

The thought of singing at the pub was thrown at the back of her head with the current development.

One (Big (○゚ε゚○)) step at a time!!

Shen Maoi encourage herself.

"System things seem to be too easy, I do not feel well"

Shen Maoi consult to her system about her inner worry.

"Isn't it good that things proceed smoothly than you expected?"

The system cold emotionless voice replied. But you could feel that it was not so distant anymore.

"Your right but I feel that things were not so simple"

"Its alright believe me"

Shen Maoi squint her eyes after hearing the system assurance. But she doesn't inquire deeper.

Its not the time yet. Her level was too low.

Shen Maoi had moved to one of Vivien, Derek and Zen House in Moonlight Kingdom. In Shen Maoi word, the house could be called 'Ancient type Mansion'.



Adrien breathe heavily.

He try to keep his eyes opened but all the energy left him.

After being chased by all those Light God Knight and Pope and with his limited control of his ability....

He was no match for them, he was too weak..

Andrien sneered...

He already know that he was unwanted.... But to think that the all benevolent Light God even want him death.

Andrien doesn't feel any heartbreak or anguish feeling whatsoever. He was used to it. Used to it anyway..

Even the God abandoned him, so, why not destroying them as well.

Just when Adrien was about to give up on his conciousness, A white dress person fall down from the sky. Looking like a fairy that have fallen straight from heaven.

With his blurry vision, Adrien could hardly make out the black eyes and Hair that impact the vision but he could not make out the facial. Still he know that the fairy that fall from heaven must looked heavenly.

Does she also came here to erase his very existence because she feel that it blasphemies the world.

Andrien slowly sink into unconsciousness with that thought in mind.

He ironically wonder if he could woken up again.

With a sarcastic smile he close his dark abyss like eyes slowly.


Shen Maoi doesn't understand how just one minute she was taking off her outer garment and the next second she was teleported with her inner white long floral garment.

Even before she could figure out what exactly happened the system monotone voice ring through her mind.


Trigger hidden task!!


Hidden task:

a) Kill the Fated person of this world

b) Save the fated person of this world

Please, choose any of the two option.

Reward for option A:

98 level point

Reward for option B:

Golden silk weapon"


"Huh.... System what fated person of this word?"

"The fated person of this world is this novel male lead, Host looked ahead, the person that lie unconcious on that ground is the male lead"

Ok, ok, ok,

Shen Maoi looked ahead ,yep, she see the bloody person with rag clothes lying unconcious on the ground.

Then she checked the hidden mission thats been triggered.


That really is a great temptation.

Too much of a great temptation.

If she choose option A, its as clear as a day that she could go back to her original world. The other two points, shen Maoi believed that she could easily earn it at the Moon Orchid Festival.

And option B, Golden Silk Weapon, Whats that? Can it be eaten.

"System, what that Golden Silk Weapon?"

Shen Maoi asked curiously. With a crossfinger.

"I'm sorry host but you have to figure out yourself if you choose option B"

The system cold voice said but the genuine apology feeling could be felt.

Must be only Shen Maoi conception because she interact with the system a lot and she was always good at understanding a person errrr... Or things...

So she could figure out the system feelings....

"huh... Thought you would say that, my crossfingers are in vain again. Maybe next time I would also do the crosstoes and maybe I would be allowed to know what I asked."

Shen Maoi sigh.

"So, host what option did you choose"

"Can I not choose any and just be teleported back"

Shen Maoi really didn't want to choose.

She can't kill someone just because of her selfish motive, she will do kill if its necessary when someone tried to kill her, this is a dog eat dog world but its always easier said than done, Shen Maoi doesn't really know how she would react when that times comes, but the future problem, she will just leave it to the future her.

Though she may not want to kill him, she didn't want to save either, it could be better if someone could kill the male lead so that in the future he would not destroy the world.

Sounds hypocrite but she is hypocrite.

At least she genuinely accept that she want the male lead dead because of the problem he was going to cause. While others denied their hypocricy in the name of righteousness.

Anyway, the male lead will be suffering a lot of hardship and isolation anyway, so, Instead of letting him face all the cruelty of the world, it would be better if he leave the hypocrite world and reincarnate to a normal world.

Shen Maoi know that she was never a good person. But she was not sinister just that she was kind of evil.

And she doesn't want or have that kind of attachment to the male lead to take him in and rehabilitate him.

Well come on! She doesn't have the strength to protect him for his upcoming hurdles Ok!

And she isn't close to the male lead to go through storm and wind with him..

He isn't her brother, nor her trusted friend.

(but your lover 😘)

And like she said before, she is not a holy mother nor samaritan.

"Its mandatory Host"

Shen Maoi roll her eyes.


Shen Maoi walk towards the bloody male lead.

"System, I choose option B"

"Ding! Option B chosen.

Ding! Host is requested to feed the fated person of this world the healing potion"

Huh... Nani?

She has to give up her thousand worth gold coins potion...

Hey, thats not fair.. 😱

Shen Maoi sigh.

She took out the potion , turning the male lead and opening his mouth and started feeding the potion.

She ain't feeding him mouth to mouth... No idiot, she put in her finger to his throat and make him sit up a little bit to make him able to gobble down.

Once The male lead was able to gobble down the potion, the effect of the potion started to work at a rapid speed, the external wound started healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But as he exhausted all his ability he wouldn't be able to wake until his inner energy started filling up.

Shen Maoi watch the Male Lead of this world quietly.

She sigh...

Lavenders green dilly dilly

Lavenders Blue dilly dilly

If you love me dilly dilly

I will love you.

The song she just sang now was Cinderella movie song. That was her favourite song when her parents were still alive. A prince, A knight in shining armour.. She was quite a fairy tale dreamer back then

Shen Maoi laugh, singing a song at her current place and situation does not really fit.

Remembering that a real life prince was beside her Shen maoi turn her gaze towards the unconcious 'Prince'.

"Hey little prince, I wonder whether you will meet your princess Or you will end up being alone 'The lone person who stood at the peak of the World', Haven't finished reading that book ya know?"

Shen Maoi smiled, who cares anyway, she will be long gone when this prince is at the peak of food chain.

Shen Maoi could feel a force pulling her , the same force she felt when she suddenly transport here in the middle of her removing clothes.

Shen Maoi looked meaningfully at the unconcious male lead , she took out her remaining healing potion and stuff it in his hand.

And Shen Maoi found herself back at her room.

Don't get her wrong, she didn't do that out of kindness, she did it because she was afraid of suddenly being transported to the male lead side as he was going to be betrayed by his newfound 'friends' and besieged by the knight.

At that time he will get severely injured again.

What if she suddenly transported at that time again, she don't know the time when that will happen, it might even be when she do poopy, thats why... Must take every precautionary measure.

And then....

"System whats with that sudden hidden task and me transported suddenly. This time even if I can't know everything, I need at least a reasonable 'truth' excuse"

Shen Maoi doesn't like that feeling of being monitored and controlled, as if her life and privacy wasn't hers.

The system understand whats on Shen Maoi mind, it integrate with the host so it can be considered they are one in this mission.

"You have a more deeper connection with the male lead than you think Host, you are the heavem chosen one, the male lead was the worlds will chosen one. Knowing more deeper than this might put host life in danger. Host would be out of the protection of the rule or law of this world. Host must increase your strength as best as you can"

The system cold monotone voice answered her.

Shen Maoi understand but doesn't as well, in fact she is much more puzzled and has more question than before like heaven chosen, worlds will chosen and the law of this world.

But Shen Maoi wisely kept her silent and doesn't dig deeper, the system was right.

What if knowing more put her in danger.

For curiousity kill the cats...


Satisfaction bring it back (╯3╰)

Anyway the cat still die, what's the point.. Right?


Reward received.

Golden silk weapon. "

A white light flased and a silk gauze around Shen Maoi arm like a gauze bandage.



Used of Golden silk.

1. Can cut anything except time and space.

2. Cannot be teared or broken......."

A lot of its uses suddenly transferred on Shen Maoi brain waves, causing her to have a slight dizziness.

Once the dizziness subside, Shen Maoi open her eyes, a slight first time genuine smile appear on her face.

This silk weapon was too useful for her safety.

The silk that now wrapped around her both hand is a sentient being. *1

Shen Maoi now felt a slight regret of giving the male lead that healing potion.

She miss the oppotunity of triggering a hidden mission.


Day pass and the Moon Orchid festival

Have arrived.


Farfalla box:

I could feel my body healing at a rapid speed,

I tried opening my eyes so that I could lay my eyes on that person who heal the abandoned and disowned of the whole world, but..... my energy was too drown out.

And than I hear her singing, it was the most beautiful melody I have never heard before.

The song penetrate through my soul and slowly beat along with my heartbeat.

If you love me, I will love you.....


*1. Sentient being: A weapon or any non living things that have gained spiritual wisdom.


Snb Note:

I think that our Shen Maoi has dug a pit for herself (*'∇`*)...

I couldn't wait to see how Our Maoi Maoi gets beaten black and Blue by the karma of her action....err.. I mean singing.....


I felt so energy worn out...

Sooooooooo tired... Lazy tired...

Though this shut in pandemic doesn't have that much effect on me as a shut in Otaku!!!...

Speaking about anime..

I really love isekai genre.

1.Ascendance of bookworm

2.That time I got reincarnated as a slime

3.Wiseman grandchild.