
A Song For A Summer's Night

[R18: Completed] Two people, the CEO of an Entertainment company, Song Luli, and Long Jie, the successor of a conglomerate, are entangled together in a web of power, high society, and calculating schemes—and what do they need to do to survive it? A marriage pact to bind them together. Both are bound to duty, responsibility, and their families, and neither cares about love. But what happens when they both mutually respect and admire each other’s work? What happens when they cannot deny their physical attraction for long? Will their feelings develop profoundly, or will they maintain a platonic business relationship? Disclaimer: This novel is RESTRICTED to 18+ only due to Mature themes such as DETAILED SEX SCENES, COARSE LANGUAGE, AND FIGHT SCENES. THERE IS NO RAPE. ... Synopsis: Song Luli is a sharp-tongued, bold, and reserved young woman who unexpectedly becomes the new successor of her father's company—Song Entertainment—right after her older sister abruptly disinherits herself. Song Luli, now the heiress of a large company, soon receives word that Song Entertainment is crumbling in the business world. To secure her position, she must marry Long Jie, a wickedly handsome heir of a conglomerate, who is bound to duty and responsibility. Long Jie is a handsome, ruthless, and calculative young man who destroys careers or makes them, and he is known to be frigid by rejecting every offer for a suitable match. But he picks Song Luli. On the terms of marriage, they agreed to never fall in love, to never think about the possibility as they dedicate their time towards their jobs and families. Marriage benefited both of them for the sake of power and to survive the turmoils of High Society. Watch as the budding romance blooms between two stubborn and cynical individuals who share more in common than they want to admit, learning more about what it means to be married, and battle the power struggles that they face, together. Meanwhile... Song Luli's cousin Su Xiang is an aspiring doctor devoted to her job and inheriting the legacy her mother built. She is the heiress of Song Pharmaceuticals, one of the largest medicinal companies in the country. But when her older adoptive brother returns from four years of Medical school, she must confront the blooming feelings she harbours for him. ... Tags: #Arranged Marriage, #Romance, #Forbidden Romance, #Crime Drama, #Mystery, #Plot Twists, #Underworld *There are a few love stories interwoven in the plot that comes together in the end to unravel a devastating truth.* - No prolonged misunderstandings - No sexual assault Discord: https://discord.gg/nBT8jWj ... Art, not mine, will be removed at request. Credit to the artist!

TheRedQueen · Urban
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147 Chs

Meeting His Family (1)

Song Luli's assistant informed her about the matter regarding the scandal involving one of her actresses signed within the company.

President Peng Wu's wife contacted her about how she had spoken to her husband and convinced him to address the rumours. Song Luli pitied her, but it was vital to protect those who represent Song Entertainment. Since the company was still vulnerable, she couldn't let anything else slide, or it will begin to crumble entirely.

She had to thank Long Jie for helping her, but she didn't like the idea of relying on him.

Song Luli made some conference calls on behalf of her father, who was away, and she spent the afternoon reading reports.

While she went to grab some coffee, wanting to take a short walk and break from the office, one of her employees said, "Have any plans for this weekend?"

Song Luli sipped her coffee and was about to say, 'No' when she realized something. Most of her days were uneventful, and for once, she did have plans. Song Luli wasn't sure how to say it. She was going to visit her husband's family? She flushed at the thought.

"I'm going to visit some family," Song Luli responded. Technically, she was a Long now; therefore, it was still the truth.

"Excellent. Have a great weekend," said her employee. Song Luli smiled briefly, and her heart began to feel nervous. She was really going to meet more of his family, but what were they like?


It was Saturday, and that morning, Song Luli had placed on her best dress; it wasn't fancy or business; it was on the more casual side, but still elegant.

She had put on some light makeup and straightened any loose strands from her hair. She placed some of her things in her purse before releasing a breath. She then left her bedroom, finding Long Jie waiting for her in the foyer.

He was wearing black jeans and a dark blue long-sleeve shirt with buttons and a collar. His dark auburn hair combed to the side, and Song Luli realized that she hadn't seen him in anything other than sweats in the evening or formal business wear during the day.

This was a different side to him, relaxed and collected.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

"Yes," she said, clutching nervously at her purse.

Long Jie took his keys and walked ahead of her. They both hopped into the car, and Long Jie drove out of their long driveway and went on the roads. Song Luli gazed out of the window as they drove deep in the city, near the docks and piers of the lake where the city met water.

Beyond the lake were towering buildings of apartments and office buildings. There were large houses in the neighbourhoods, far too fancy for her liking. But then again, Long Jie was considered High Societal, and she was not at his family's level.

When they pulled up, the mansion was large and bright with tall glass windows. Song Luli stepped out of the car, gazing up.

There were no butlers or maids to welcome them, thankfully. But she saw a woman by the front door that looked like Long Jie's mother, but she wasn't.

The woman had sharper, high angular cheekbones; her face was dignified but gentle. She had a well-formed posture, and she held her hands together, wearing a small smile on her face. Her wavy auburn hair ended at her waist.

She moved forward, and Long Jie approached her. The woman reached out to hug him, and he met her embrace. After, Long Jie turned, telling her, "This is my wife."

Song Luli flushed. Why the hell did he say that so casually?

The woman approached her swiftly, taking her hands in her. She smiled with a wide grin. "My name is Xue Teegan; I am Long Jie's aunt from his mother's side," she said. "But you can call me Teegan."

Song Luli's mouth hung open. "Shouldn't I call you, Aunt Teegan?" she asked.

Something glinted in her eyes. "I would be happy! You are part of the family now," she said. Song Luli smiled.

Long Jie's aunt took her hand and locked arms with her, almost as if they had known each other for years. She made her feel welcome, and it made Song Luli relax.

Inside the house, Song Luli heard a lot of chatter. She stepped into the room further, and Long Jie's aunt guided her into the living room, where many people were sitting or standing, talking to each other. Most of them had auburn hair, but others had dark hair, like hers.

Inside, their faces shot to her, and they each rose to greet her. Xue Teegan introduced each of them to her. Some of them were Yin's, which were her children, who had her husband's name. Other's were Long's, children of Long Jie's uncle, and some were distant relatives.

Most of Long Jie's cousins were boys, but he had female cousins, too, who were a bit younger than them.

Long Jie then stole her away from his aunt to speak with a man, his cousin; Yin Hao was his name.

Yin Hao took after his mother; he also had high cheekbones, dark brown eyes, and reddish-brown hair. "Hello, Song Luli," he said.

"Hello," she responded.

"If you ever need to know anything about Long Jie, I'm that person," he said.

Long Jie glared at him as if he didn't want his cousin to say anything about him.

Song Luli's eyes glinted. "Is it anything embarrassing?" She asked.

Yin Hao stepped closer, "Yes," he said. At that, Song Luli stepped forward and walked away with him, leaving behind Long Jie, and ditching him.

Long Jie lifted his hands up in dismay and gave up. There was nothing that would stop Yin Hao from opening his mouth, so he joined in a conversation with his aunt, and caught up with her on everything.

Yin Hao was an interesting person. He had told her things about Long Jie growing up.

Long Jie was athletic as a child, a great pianist, something she knew; he was also popular everywhere he went and had many admirers that fond over him. Since Long Jie was an only child, his parents spoiled him, but not to the point where he lost touch of his civility towards people. They taught him to be compassionate.

He was a family person, and Yin Hao told her that they consider each other like best friends, and they would have been if they weren't already bound by blood.

Later in the afternoon, they both rejoined the rest of the family.

Song Luli found Long Jie playing a duet with his aunt. They both played speedily and on-key, it nearly knocked her breath away at how good they were.

When they finished, most of the family clapped their hands. Song Luli was slow to clap hers because they were stunning, and to the others, it seemed to be no surprise.

Long Jie was panting slightly. When he turned, their eyes met, and Song Luli didn't know what do, but she held his gaze. She smiled at him, clapping her hands. He smiled back, gleeful and happy, knocking her breath away.

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