
A Soldiers Life

For all the glory and recognition I wanted, for all the training I did to make it happen, and for the war it took for it to be achieved. It did not help me prepare for what is to happen. "Where the hell am I?" PS. English is not my main language. Hopefully you wont have stroke reading the fic.

Zaylent · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 19: Final Struggle (End of Arc 1)

A/N: Double chap to end the 1st Arc

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The sun was beginning to rise giving us clear vision to the battlefield. The gunfight we were hearing from the others also receded overnight, but it didn't mean that they were gone. So we stayed up all night and hadn't slept a wink with each of us too on edge to close our eyes for even a moment.

We were all exhausted but we tried to keep ourselves awake with some conversation.

"Man, I wanna sleep back at my bunker, drink some beer and visit some boom boom girls." Tom said with a sigh.

Yeah I want this hell to end too, I don't want to lose anymore of my buddies.

"Me too, this shit is above my paygrade." Mack replied.

Tom agreed. "Right? Just a lil bit more then were out of here."

"Hope so...."

"I miss Chuck and Carter man." Tom said with a somber tone and continued. "Last night I still wondered if theirs no such mission like this, we've have spent the whole night drinking and get wasted."

Mack chuckled weakly at this and replied. "Don't worry, once this is done we'll be back at the camp drinking beers to honor them. And for sure they want us to keep fighting and survive this hellhole."

Savage who had been listening quietly, spoke up. "That's right. They'd want us to keep fighting. They wouldn't want us to give up. We honor their memory by surviving and doing our duty."

We weakly nodded nodded at this with all of us agreeing to a survive this and return to camp safely.

Suddenly, we all heard another sound of gunfires, half a click north to us. We all tense up while readying ourselves for another assault as this type of attacks is proven to cause chain reactions in this past day.

Not long after, we heard the incoming battle cries of the NVA soldiers.

"Men stay alert! Here they come!" Sergeant Savage said as he cocked his rifle ready to fire.

Before we could react, the jungle erupted with the roar of gunfire as we finally see the advancing enemy. 

"Incoming!" I shouted, grabbing my M16 and opening fire.

The enemy closed in rapidly almost overwhelming our defensive position. Bullets zip past us as my eardrums constantly ringing from the sound of gun fires.

"Mack get down!" I yelled as I saw him take a hit to the leg and abdomen. He fell back with a grunt as he clutched his wound.

"I'm fine Jim, just keep firing." He winced in pain as he lied. It was clear to me that he'll bleed to death at this rate.

I looked at Godbolt and said. "Hey Godbolt, its Mack, his hit!"

He nodded as he was about to crawl on to Mack, a bullet pierced his chest as he went down with a scream that quickly died down. 

I widened my eyes as I went to feel his pulse if he was still alive.

"Fuck!" I punch the ground in frustration. 

I know this can't go on, we will all die at this rate. So I'll fuckin break them out even if its the last thing I do!

"Listen up!" I shouted drawing their attention to me.

"Once I give the signal, run like hell. I'll hold em off enough time for you to reach the LZ X-ray!"

As my words sink in, the first one to protest was Mack. "That's suicide Jim, you know that!"

"You'll never make it." Savage added with a tone of worry.

But I dismiss their worry and I continued speaking. "Bob, you carry Mack, make sure his alright. Bungum, I need you to protect them. This is the order of your Corporal." 

But Savage interrupted with gritted teeth. "And I order you as your Sergeant to dismiss that stupid idea!"

"Then we'll be overrun sooner or later! You know this too Sergeant, if I don't do this we'll all die!" I replied.

Then I looked at Bob and Bungum. "Now, understood?!"


Finally Savage relented, he grabbed my shoulder and said. "Y-your the greatest soldier I'll ever know. Don't worry, Jim. We'll come back with reinforcements. We won't leave you behind."

I smiled at this but quickly turned serious. "Heh, I'll count on that. Now GO! We don't have much time, GO, GO, GO!"

But before they move, the silent Lieutenant finally spoke what's on his mind. "I made a mistake, and it cost us dearly. You're the closest thing to a real soldier here. I'm sorry."

 "Yeah, yeah, your sorry ain't gonna bring the others back." I scoffed.

He nodded, "You're right. My mistakes have caused so much casualties. I'll face the consequences when we get back. I'll answer for every decision, every life lost because of me."

He did not say anything after that as he position themselves to wait for the signal.

Now grabbing the last of the grenades Tom has to offer, I toss them all at the approaching gooks.


"Now GO!"

Using Macks M60, I gave them enough cover as I mow down those unlucky enough at the other end of the barrel. The familiar sound of the M60s became a music to my ears, the thuds of falling bodies and gushing bloods became a sight to see.

As I was firing I heard Macks voice shouting ver the chaos. "Jim, you survive this. Fucking survive it. We're waiting for you at the camp!"


In respond to this, I gained a bloodthirsty smile as I boost my adrenaline to the max. "Don't worry, I ain't dying in a ditch like this."

Then I fully shifted my attention to the NVA soldiers, spraying more and more of them. "Come on you squint eyed motherfuckers!" 

I did hold my ground for a few second but the bullets in the machine gun run out, I am outmanned and outgunned, I don't have anymore bullets left. 

"Fuck! I have nothing left except for the machete! I need to improvise." I muttered as I grabbed a nearby gun of a dead gook and waited for them to get close. 

The waiting felt like hours then finally, the first gook entered my range. I swung my machete horizontally that split the gook in half then I raised the AK I've scavenged firing multiple rounds at those aiming at me from afar. 

I didn't have enough time to see if I killed those when hail of bullets rain down on me. But before it could have hit me, I focused my strength on my legs as I dashed forward, aiming to shorten the gap so I can use them for cover.

My plan worked perfectly as the NVA was killing their own instead of hitting me but they learned fast, they fixed their bayonet and charged at me. 

Steel met steel. 

Jim did not know what's happening anymore. The distant worries he have had all vanished in his head. All he knows right now is to kill. But no matter how many he kill, how many he cleave, when an enemy dies its replaced by ten.

Does begin the endless cycle of slaughter.

Jims already battered body began accumulating cuts and deep gush of wounds, its already surprising he isn't dead yet at this rate. HIs sandy blonde hair changed its color to a stark black, his former blue eyes turned red. The slaughter he commit changed him, with each kill he grew stronger and stronger, and with each passing minutes his laughter grew maniacal to pure demonic.

This did not go unnoticed by the NVAs as such a display of madness finally put fear in their minds. A fear created by a one man only.

Their advanced seized, with fear itched in their face they backdown and started to prepare for retreat.

"What's this? Why are you lot retreating, lets dance some more! HAHAHAHA." Jim said with madness as he advance slowly. But with each step he took, the NVAs step back.




They whispered at each others with their eyes wide in terror, they turned their back running away. 

As the last of the NVA soldiers fled, Jim collapsed to his knees with his visions blurring. The torture he did to his body are finally catching up on him. He was already hallucinating and having flashbacks of his life, he saw his mother, father, and above all - the tear filled gaze of his sister as he made promise between them.

"Um! See you later, Jamy!"

'I had promised her. I had promised to come back alive.' Jim thought to himself and with herculean effort, he dragged his bloodied body towards the LZ X-ray. He used the M16 slung at his back as a cane to support his body. With several steps he struggled, he was gonna die in an hour at this point. It was all thanks to his regeneration that he can still survive in that battered body.

Alas, fate has other plans for him as the reality itself distorted around Jim, transporting him to a white corridor with endless doors. 

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A/N: So, its the end of Arc 1. That's enough for an intruductionary Arc and let kick MC onward to a new world.