
Sub - Prologue

"ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! Alpha team report for briefing."

"Okay guys, move it the general is here requesting our audience, get you ass up and move." Their captain said while he claped his hands in demonstration.

"Yes captain!" They uttered in unison as they moved to see the general, including the Captain.

In the army to show respect they salute which is what they did as soon as they saw the general.

"So this is the infamous Alpha team?" The general not particularly talking to anyone spoke in his blue navy uniform as all the ranks on them glittered, showing his position.

"Good day general, I am Derek, Captain of the Alpha team, this is Alpha team." The captain spoke first as he stood in front of them.

"Good day Derek, alpha team," The General greeted them all with a nod.

"Good day sir!" They all replied in unison.

"I am general Blackwood. I would like to congratulate you on your success at Afghanistan. The president sends his regards and has decided to give you all a reward. Your name has been heard, and feared as the brave Alpha team that's why, I came here to tell you this by myself. Can you imagine that? I coming here?"

They all chuckled at the General's statement including the General, because it is indeed a rear thing to see the General of the U.S army coming to just brief. Not that he is known for laziness, but he takes his time in going for things, and only things that matter.

He visioned and viewed Alpha team as a sincere, hardworking and diligent team which is why he took the opportunity to meet them. Also, their name had been the topic of the army.

"The pleasure is all ours general." Captain of the alpha team said.

"So, as for your reward you are all going to Nigeria for a 3 week break, living in a 5 star hotel, bedding all the girls you can and drinking the life you earned. But, remember what you are, which is?"

"A soldier sir!" They all replied gracefully and proud.

"Yes a soldier, that's what you are, and don't ever forget that, be at alert always and be the soldier you are trained to be, because you don't need a weapon to be a soldier." The general advised, sounding sincere and determined.

"So go have fun guys" The general concluded as they all chuckle again at his statement. One in particular which is, 'guys'. To them it is a weird envisage for an old man to be using some slangs.

Wonderful to them they thought


"Haula wake up, you have school." Haula's mom came yelling into her room to get her to wake up, she knew that was the only way to wake her daughter up.

"Mom just 10 mins more please." haula begged. "And its not even an actual school its a make up school." she added while grumpy.

"Its still has school in it," haula's mom replied winning the conversation.

"Fine!" Haula sighs in defeat and stands up but rather hit her head on the wall.

"You never learn, you still sleep walk. I guess I have to carry you," Haula's mom knew Haula very well, she literally had to guide her to the bathroom every morning because she sleep walks which her mom found adorable and annoying sometimes, in the sense that she still See's haula as a baby, but she knows she is actually growing up.

"Here's everything you'll need," Haula's mom told her as she gives her everything she'll need in the bathroom and went to prepare something for haula.

Haula being done in the bathroom, came out of her room wearing a jean and an off shoulder top making her look attractive and young.

"Don't you dare leave without you eating breakfast." Haula's mom knew her daughter hates eating breakfast, because she claimed she never has appetite.

"Mom please," haula pleaded for the second time that day.

"No, come here and even if I had to feed you. Fine." Her mother warned.

"Okay feed me," Haula pouted teasing her mom and changing the mood of the conversation.

"You wish," Haula and her mom chuckled at both of them being childish.

"You know for an 18 year old learning make up you sure don't look like one," Haula's mom complained.

"Noted mom, but don't you forget I'm also a medical student. I don't have time for myself." For a Nigerian mom, haula's mom doesn't seem like one but when she needs to be, after all the blood flows through her veins.

Haula's mom has never been more proud of her daughter studying medicine, and learning every other skill she can, she knew haula had a soft spot, a nice young lady that loves helping people and still finds a place for anyone no matter what.

Haula was on a semester break so she decided to learn some new things before she goes back to school.

"Are you still singing at ceddi plaza on Wednesday?" Haula's mom asked. Haula loved singing so she took it as something she wants to do to help out and make her voice be heard.

"I guess so, I spoke with the manager today morning, he said I was still on their schedule, so yes, Wednesday it is," Haula said picking up her things to go.

"Okay bye mom." Haula said to her mom.

"Bye. Could you pick Nico on your way back?" Haula' mom asked describing her younger brother, as she is about stepping out.

"Sure." She said as she stepped out and felt the light mood of the atmosphere and the cool blue sky. She enjoyed the weather for less than a minute when the loud sound came flying over. The sound of an airplane. She knew the atmosphere could never be that peaceful for that long as they lived near the airport, but she wished she could just enjoy it. Not that she hated the sound of a flying plane, but she got used to it.

And so the plane flew away, but one thing she noticed was, the plane wasn't going out, it was coming in.

Hi guys! I know this is all still a bit confusing, but by next chapter, it'll be better. Also, only the prologues would be in the third persons POV. So, I hope you guys stick around, and see a lot more.