

Have you ever woken up in the morning feeling so happy, feeling as if you've never slept so sound before and feeling warmth and content warm up against you.

That's exactly how I feel right now all because of one special somebody.

Theo McCall.

When he told me he loved me I was shocked, scared and not sure. I was scared he didn't mean it but his eyes showed different, those blue orbs that explained just how he felt told me everything I needed to know. It explained to me just how much he wanted to describe what he felt but failed, he didn't need to I saw it all.

The moments we share together is too good to be true, I feel so happy and full since a long time now. Ever since my dad's death I've never really felt happy but now I do and I hope it lasts. I really do.

I walk downstairs smiling to meet my mom making breakfast as usual.

"Good morning Mom," I say going to hug her.

"Good morning, someone's happy," She says.

"I'm always happy," I defend which is not entirely true.

"Mmhum," Is all mom says as she gives me a look. "So can you tell me what's making you so happy this morning?" oh how I wish I could tell you mom, how I wish I could tell you of all the kisses your daughter has been having, the hugs, and happiness, how I wish I could go down into those details, but I know I can't.

"I met someone," I tell her and her eyes lit up as she stops stirring the soup she is making.

"As in someone someone?" She demands and I see happiness in her eyes.

"Yes, someone someone, Mom,"I reply giving her a smile.

"What's his name? Are you two dating?" Mom starts asking.

"He's name is Theo, and yes we're dating." I answer each of her questions.

"For how long? And you didn't tell me?" Mom places a hand on her waist.

"Mom it hasn't been long just going to two weeks." I tell her.

"Two weeks?" She asks and I nod. "That's recent, anyways just be careful okay? I don't want you getting hurt." Mom seems to change as I tell her its been only two weeks.

See why I didn't want to tell her.

"I will, its not like we're doing anything," I tell her back.

"I know and don't do anything." My Mom is so overprotective or what should I call her. I never planned on doing anything more than kissing, cuddling and touching that we do, its never meant to go any further.

My mom has brought me up with the believe of keeping yourself to the rightful man that is the one you get married too, which I 100% agree with and I never will go against that because I also want to keep myself for the man I get married to.

"I mean it haula," Not this topic again. I've listened to her talk on and on about sex education. For God's sake Mom I'm not a kid.

"Mom I know and I'm not planning on it." That's it we're having one of our many arguments.

"Oh that's what they say and then they go right for it," Okay that's it.

I go to her and put my both hands on her shoulders. "Mom, trust me I promise me you I'm not planning on having sex with anyone before I get married, okay?"

This is the only way Mom is going to believe me or else she'll keep tauting me with this matter and I'm very sure this isn't the end of this. Just watch.

Here's the reason why I never wanted to tell her but if I didn't Theo will feel like I don't share the same feelings as he does.

"Fine," Mom agrees as she holds my hand. "You and your siblings are all I have, you know that." I get why she's so strict with us sometimes and I don't blame her. My mom has had to be the mom and dad of this family even when my dad recently died she never made it noticeable that she grieved but I and jasmine knew, we heard her at night, upon that she still stood strong and took care of us.

That's what a mother is called.

I caress her hands nodding my head to everything she has said. "I'm going to Margret's place," I tell her leaving her side, as she permits me and I go upstairs.

I pick up a blue faded jean and a long flowing top that comes over my knees with my converse and head out of my room.

"I'm going mom," I hug her.

"Don't be late okay? Remember Nick has to go for school shopping," Nick is going into secondary school and he has to get new things.

"Okay," I wave goodbye and head to Margret's house.


I get to Margret's house feeling so tired all of a sudden and my insides start to turn. I ring the doorbell and Margret immediately comes out.

"Hey...What happened to you? You don't look so good, are you okay?" She opens the door and rushes me inside.

"I don't know I just started feeling all tired," I lye down for a bit and before I know it I'm feeling fine all of a sudden.

"Do you want me to get you any pain killers," Margret asks.

"I feel fine now, Its gone, thank you." I say appreciating her effort. "How have you been?" I ask sincerely seeing how bags are all under her eyes.

"I'm fine, I'm doing better," she lies.

"Margret..... Don't lie to me," I move closer to her on the couch and hold her hands in mine as she sobs when she tries to talk.

Eventually she tells me everything through her hiccups, about how her mom and dad are even on bad terms even after the divorce, that her dad refuses to come home and he begs her to meet her at his office or any restaurant.

"I'm so sorry, everything will be fine, you'll get better. Do you remember when my dad died and how devastated I was? I never thought I could feel fine ever again, I never thought I could smile or meet someone who makes me smile a lot and makes my heart pound," I tell her as she looks at me now smiling.

"What I'm saying is you'll get through it, and I'm right here." I assure her as she hugs me tight.

"Wait, you said you never thought you could meet someone who could make you smile?" Oops. I just spilled the beans. Didn't I? I was eventually going to tell her so why not now.

I smile as she chuckles and begs me to tell her .

"So you've been hiding things from me now?" She folds her arms acting as if she's angry. I know better.

"No Margret, I'll tell you, I was going to anyway but I didn't want to at a time like this,"

"Look its okay, I want to hear everything about him. It'll get my mind off all these." She claps her hands and giggles like a baby.

I tell her everything starting from how we met to our last visiting, I even had to give her details about us kissing.

"Wow, a white guy huh? Bet he's a good kisser," She wiggles her eyebrows as she says so.

Oh you have no idea how good he is.

Margret is really beautiful, she's also dark as I am but a bit taller, she's slimmer and her hair is longer than mine. I really admire her beauty a lot.

I smile and lower my head remembering all our kisses which makes me bite my lip.

"Someone's in love," She hugs me tight which reminds me of what Theo had said.

"Margret I don't know what to do, he told me he loves me," I say panicking. "And I'm sure he's going to want an answer, although he said I shouldn't say anything." I tell Margret everything that happened to me.

Margret and I met at a shop where I was trying out shoes. When I tried on one she was in awe how it fitted me and begged me to take it, and even if I didn't have the money she was going to pay because of how well it fitted me.

"Haula, I can't make this decision for you. You have to question yourself if you love him, if he makes your heart flutter, or he makes your heart pound and beat faster whenever you think or see him, you need to ask yourself if you like everything about him, then you can decide if you love him or not,"

Wow, just wow. I never knew she was this good, I guess her studying psychology is really doing her good.

"I'm going to be honest with you, yes he does make my heart flutter, he does makes my heart pound when I think or see him and to talk about everything about him, I love everything about him, the way he takes care of me, tell me sweet things

So, yes I guess I'm in love with him,"

What has gotten into me? I never used to be this bold about my feelings.

What have you done to me Theo?

"But I'm scared Margret, I'm scared if I let him in it'll eventually break me I'm........" Margret hushes me as she hugs me again.

"Don't think about that, think about the positive side and everything will remain positive," She tells me which I nod. We talk about some other things as I watch as Margret's mood lightens.

"Okay now time to have ladies time. You're going to make me up and I'm going to do the same," She states happily.

"Definitely not," knowing how bad she is at make up, I am not taking up the idea.

"Why?" She gives me that sad face.

"No way, I don't accept it," I say

"Okay." Is all she says.

What? Okay? Just okay? Margret just said okay and not arguing with me?

She takes an excuse from me as I watch her go to her room and comes back. I guess this divorce really got to her

"Margret," I call her name as I notice she has her hand behind her back.

"Did you really think I was taking no for an answer," She says as she brings out her hidden hand and run towards me with some set of makeup.

It's at a situation like this that your body performance actions that you didn't know you were capable of, as before she can reach me I pick up my pace running.

"Margret please," I beg her realizing we've rounded the whole house and I'm starting to loose my breathing.

I should have known that even something as strong as a divorce couldn't take her down

My friend is back again.