

"Mathew what was that!" Apparently Mathew didn't have the capacity to keep Bella out of this.

What would have happened if haula didn't take it lightly or didn't trust me about it? I've never met anyone like her, even after hearing Bella's name I expected her to be furious but instead she was calm and still talked to Derek( which is our captain, but I call him Derek at times), even after that she brings it up again calmly when we were about to go and still wasn't mad.

What am I going to do with you haula?

I dropped her off at her house after spending a little more time together, I wanted to spend more but she says she has to see her friend who's parent got divorced.

Thinking about that kiss we had, the first kiss we had, it was amazing. The way she tightened her body to mine after kissing her. Oh lord.

"I'm sorry Theo, I didn't mean it like that, I swear," Mathew apologizes. I know he's sorry judging by his regretful face but assuming Mathew wasn't part of us I think I'll be angrier than this, at the same time I can't stay angry at him because I'm not that type of person.

"It isn't cool man, I expected better sincerely," I say still a bit mad at him.

"I'm really sorry Theo, what can I do to fix it?" Mathew demanded.

"Nothing for now, but you owe me. Its okay," I reassure Mathew that I am no longer mad at him. If haula had taken it badly then that would be another case making me wonder what I did to deserve someone like her.

"Okay now that that's settled, so Theo give us the full gist about you and your new chica." Derek cuts in.

"What's there to tell?" I ask

"Many things, she's hot for instance, " Caleb says. Oh that's it.

"She's my girlfriend for Gods sake stop talking about her like she's some cup of tea," I blurt out, not realizing I just told them what they wanted to hear.

Saying the word girlfriend sends electricity through me, the kind that can wake you up from any slumber just because a pretty girl became your girlfriend.

"Whew! Things are doing you good Theo," Josh interrupts pretending to blow a whistle and the rest give the congratulations.

"Thanks," I say itching the back of my head shyly.

"does she know?" Derek asks me which reminds me of what is going on and brings me back to lie number 1.

I'm a soldier.

"She doesn't," I say honestly.

"You know she can't know right," I know haula can't know I'm a soldier.


1) she would definitely not want to be with me.

2) its a number 1 rule being a soldier, never disclose yourself while on personal duty.

"I know Derek, I know," I tell him. I guess we'll see how long I can keep up with this one lie.

"Good just wanted to be sure," captain says.

This is bad and I know it, I can't keep lying to her and I can't tell her also. I have a bad feeling about this.

Haula, the girl I have fallen for not knowing how that happened. They say love at first sight but I never believed that. Could it? Could it be love?

The girl who makes me go head over heels for her, and I can't stop thinking about her, thinking about that smile and that skin that hides her blush whenever she smiles not like mine which clearly shows, that same girl who makes me feel like I've never seen a woman before.

Yes that girl.

And I've got that girl now and I'm not letting her go anytime soon.

"Theo do you have a minute?" Captain glances outside the balcony for me to meet him there and I follow.

"Do you know what you're doing?" Captain asks which makes me question him as he continues. "You're getting into a commitment Theo, knowing we have just two weeks to leave here and then who knows when you'll get back again. You're going into something you have no idea of ending, I know you might have seen something in her which I don't question but what I do question is for you to think well before you do something that will get you hurt and most especially her," Captain days as we reach the balcony.

"I don't plan on ending anytime soon cap. Its just that she's different and I don't know how to explain this, but I'll find a way to come back to her and I'll find a way for her to understand all of these." Captain is right and I hate that he is.

I have thought about it times without number of how I am going to tell haula and how I'm going to come back to her after starting something which I know my job will make very hard for me to get back. But I'll find a way, I believe I will.

"Fine Theo, I'll leave you to do it but don't let it or her interfere with your job." Captain orders before patting me on the back and leaving.


"Theo I can't take all these," I've been trying to convince haula to let me buy her things but she keeps on refusing.

Okay let me explain how these happened. I picked haula up because today was Saturday and I wanted to spend all the time I can with her.

Whenever I'm with her its like nothing ever matters it only the both of us which makes me forget about everything that I have to hide from her.

It pains me to great length to hide it from her but I can't seem to tell her. Yes call me selfish but if you were in my shoes you would also act the same.

Okay back to where I was, so we are at a mall and I'm trying to buy her things but she keeps refusing.

"Okay can you just tell me why you don't want them, you're a girl and I heard girls love shopping," With that she laughs hysterically and people at the mall start to stare while I look at her dumb folded.

"Are you serious now? First of all, yes girls do like shopping and I won't pretend I don't but you have to be honest here, these are too much. The clothes, shoes, necklaces, and all, my mom is going to disown me when she asks where I got all these and I can't tell her," She finally stops laughing and a smirk appears on my face due to all her talking.

"You could tell her I bought them," I say and she turns to look at me.

"You're serious aren't you?" She asks.

"I am," I know its too soon and I'm acting like an obsessed human being but I want to know everything about her.

"You know I can't, my mom doesn't even know I have a boyfriend and that he's a white guy who doesn't stay here, how I'm I going to explain that?" She says and I smirk again. "What are you thinking in that brain of yours now!" she ask as she sees the malicious smirk on my face.

"Boyfriend huh?" I put a hand on her waist and drag her closer which she laughs and tries to pull away.

"Theo please people are watching," She begs but I don't let her go.

"Let them. But you know eventually you have to tell her because how will she know her future son in law, when her daughter refuses to introduce him," I drag her closer staring at her as she does the same, but brings her head down time to time. That's one thing with haula she can't look at me in the eye for long.

"Future son- in law, you didn't tell me you're getting crazy," She laughs hitting my arm.

"I'm not, I'm serious here," I assure her.

"Don't say things you don't mean Theo," She removes my arm from her waist and goes to drop the shoe she is holding. I notice her change of mood when I mentioned son -in law.

"I mean it haula, I'm gonna marry you," She turns back immediately and look at me like I've just descended from mars.

What? Is that a bad thing to say?

She doesn't say a word as she continues walking. "I'm sorry I can't take everything you're offering to buy for me, but I will take some so don't be mad at me, its just even if I did tell her my boyfriend bought them, its much." She changes the topic about marrying her. She has a point as she told me that her mom isn't strict, but 'its not all the time the lips smiles' those were her exact words.

She might not believe me yet but I mean what I said about marrying her, either it now or later.

"I understand, pick the one's you like." I tell her.

"Theo you need to limit the way you spend on me, I appreciate it but I know you have your other priorities." This girl is gonna be the death of me.

"You don't have to worry, you're my priority and about the money I have more than enough so let me take care of you and don't argue with me again about it," That's true, she is my priority. I only have her and my parents and my parents would never allow for me to always send them money, they say their business is enough for them, not that I listen to them, I still send them money.

So you see where would the money go if I don't spend it on her? Though I do charities, but being a sergeant comes with perks, one which is a high salary.

"I guess I won't win this one," She surrenders as we go to pay for all of the things we bought.

"At least let me help with some," Haula won't stop telling me to let her pay for some and I keep telling her no.

"What kind of gentleman would I be if I let my lady pay for what I bought for her, that's nonsense. You're not paying Its final," I can be authoritative when need arises and now I need to.

That's the only way she'll ever listen to me.

She sighs in defeat as the the woman there stares at us in delight. We leave the store heading to haula's house where I decide to drop her off.

"Seems like my mom isn't back yet, would you like to come in?" She says as we get to her house.

"Are you sure?" I ask to which she nods brightly.

I like the homely smell haula's house gives, it makes me remember home and how much I miss it probably because I don't stay home.

"Come in," she invites me more inside.

"I like your place."

"Thank you." She smiles and offers me to sit. The house has your typical home but I don't know what makes it different, probably the way the decorations and painting of the entire space is or the way center table has a little flower vase at the middle.

"Juice or soda?" I look at her not knowing what she means when I realize she talking about what to offer me.

"Soda is better," She nods while she goes upstairs to drop the bags and come back to get the drink.

She comes out with a coke and cup while she offers them to me on the table. "Come here," I say dragging her close to me.

"What are you doing?" I pull her close on the waist and use my other hand to stoke her face lightly.

"You're very beautiful," Haula is one of the woman I can proudly call beautiful, except from my mom, don't get me wrong they are a lot a beautiful ladies out there but there's just something about haula's beauty. Is it the inner or outer beauty? Or how beautiful her eyes shines when ever she's amazed.

"You're making me blush even if you can't see it," She laughs as I her drag her tighter and caress her face before leaning in closer for our lips to touch.

She seems a bit shy at first, but go with it. I kiss her lips slowly as her hands travel to my hair while my both arms stays on her waist stoking up and down.

I carry her to sit on my lap and she balances while we kiss more passionately this time going a bit faster at a normal pace. We stop to catch our breath as I stare into her eyes.

"You eyes are really pretty," she giggles like a little child as she stares at me but look away soon enough.

"Look at me haula," I bring her face up.

"I just did," she looks down again.

"I want you to again, this time a bit longer,"

"I can't," She says as she pulls away and stands up but I follow her.

"What's wrong?" Something is definitely wrong, why won't she look at me?

"Nothing, I'm sorry I can't" she says again and I turn her from facing her back at me to look at her.

"You're lying, tell me," She hesitates for a while before speaking.

"Its just.... I .. I feel as if, if I look at you for long you'll start to see every flaw in me and I'm scared of that honestly, I'm scared you'll leave me after seeing all my flaws, because I'm scared to loose you Theo, I am. I've never been this bold to tell anyone my feelings but I believe I have to this time," I am stunned by her statement.

She is scared to loose me, why?

"Don't say things like that ever again, every flaw you think you have is a beauty to me, those flaws you think you have are what makes you real and what made me into you since the very first day I met you. I always have this fear if you'll leave me instead because I promise you haula Mathews I'll never leave your side," I pronounce to her.

"I'm sorry its just I feel you'll leave just the way he did with all the hope of him coming back to us, but he never did, I'm scared to catch feelings." I realize she's talking about her dad and I come closer to her grabbing her face In my hands.

"I'm sorry you had to deal with such loss, but the way I feel for you words can't seem to describe them. I don't know how you did it but I've fallen in love with you haula and I'm falling pretty fast." It seems like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders after I tell her that. She glances at me super fast at the sound of love that I've just said.

"Theo... I," I hush her not to speak but sincerely I'm scared of her answer.

"Don't say anything, you don't have to," I tell her as I grab her lips hurriedly and kiss her like my life depends on it. She kisses me back as she raises her toes and wraps her hands on my neck.

The kiss seems to go on and I grab her by the waist as her legs wrap around my torso whilw my hands on her waist stroking every part of her.

We continue to kiss while we catch our breath and go back again as we lean by the wall for support before we stop as the sound of her phone ringing

She gets down and gives a sorry look while she answers the call. "Yes of course, don't be late, see you soon mom." She ends the call.

"My mom is almost here, and I have to cook dinner," She says apologetically.

she told me her mom and Nick, her brother both went out while she stayed with me.

"Well that was amazing," I glance at her while shoving my hands in my jean. I watch her as she bites her lip and I have this urge to go back and kiss her again.

"Yes it was," She replies while coming closer. She holds my shirt and looks at me, this time longer.

"I guess I have to leave then." I hold her hand and she nods ."You know I don't see why I can't meet her," I chuckle.

"Don't even think about it, I'll introduce you to her, but not now. I promise." she says.

I hold her hand as we walk to the front door and I go out to leave. "Wait," She stops me before running toward me as she grabs my shirt while she brings her face closer to mine and kisses me blissfully one more time while I return it gracefully.

And that was my answer to her untold feelings.