

Haula's POV.

Its been three weeks since Theo had left and I haven't heard anything from him. Nott even a call, text or something just nothing.

I wonder what he's doing over there, while I'm here crying myself to sleep at night just by the fact that I fell too hard and fast for someone I knew for only three weeks.

I had been brooding lately but I always hide it whenever my mom or Margret are around. My mom even asked about him and I told her he is fine but we haven't talked in a while, I couldn't bring myself to tell her about the fact that I haven't heard anything from him since he left.

I'm such an idiot to actually think that this... This thing I and Theo had was going to work, how could it?. The guy is a type of guy who would have girls begging at his feet just to have a chance with him and when he approached me I guess I fell fast like those girls also, but they say the faster you fall the more hurt you become.

The way I love Theo makes me doubt if he ever did loved me. Don't get me wrong, he did say that and proved that a couple of times but look at it, if you were in my shoes what would you have done? What would you think?

The person that told you he loved you, the person that when ever you look into his blue eyes you could see the excitement you caused him just by being there with him, that same person is the one I hadn't heard from and had acted like I don't exist all because of what?

Maybe he found someone better, some white chic who is so pretty and girly like barbie that he even forgot what my name is.

And I was so scared of this, I was so scared of getting hurt but he assured me, he told me he will never forget me but now where is he?

Pathetic right? I'm pathetic for falling for someone that deep down I knew I was going to get hurt somehow.

Ever since my last episode of my so called unknown sickness I hadn't had another one, but I do have been getting those headaches and severe body dysfunction and when ever it starts I go straight to take the antibiotics the doctor gave me which immediately stops.

As a med student I also contacted one of my professors in school maybe he could help on something, but nothing.

He had also never heard of anything like that. They also say the devil you know is better than the angel you never knew. If I knew what was wrong with me, I would have an idea on how to treat it but I don't know anything.

I had a lot of chores to do, the house was a mess all because of Theo. Theo Theo Theo that's all there is these days. I've been crying since I woke up, fortunately my brother went to school while my mom left for work, so I haven't done anything but now I would.

it is time to get over this and have faith in myself that I'm stronger than a heartbreak.

I wash the dishes, do the laundry, and all other chores there is in the house. My house is just a normal house with staircase and all but really there isn't much work, probably because we're few.

My phone rings and I see the caller. Its Margret.

"Maggie," I speak.

"I'm literally freaking out right now, Austin is going to be here in 3 hours time and I haven't done anything, I don't know what to wear Haula!"

Maggie blasts me from the other end and I have to remove the phone from my ear due to her screaming and crying.

"Are you crying?" Oh God Margret is so funny sometimes, she can fill a bucket with just her tears, she cries literally for everything but that's why I like her, she is very emotional and has a good heart.

"Yes," She replies sniffing.

"I'm coming over, okay?" I tell her as I drop the vacuum cleaner in my hand.

I was done anyway.

I take out a jean with top, and picked out a body hug long red gown, and also a black long sleeved off shoulder dress for Maggie. She can pick which ever she wants, I know we wouldn't be able to get anything from her wardrobe since I'm sure it would look like hell right now and she said Austin would be there in 3 hours.

So, there wouldn't be enough time to do her make up and also organize her clothes.

I also pick a black plump and a peach heels which is her size. One thing about I and Maggie is that we shared the same shoe size. Funny right? But we do.

I put everything into a bag and head over to her house. I am just at her door wanting to ring the doorbell when she opens the door.

"Come in," She drags me inside. How did she know I was here?

Well its Maggie.

We head up to her room seeing everywhere being a mess, the TV is put on news, her whole clothes are on the floor and the only good thing there is, her bed is laid.

Margret never watches news, she hates it which means she really cares about how she present herself to Austin.

"Wow, this place is a mess," I tell her as she sits on the bed.

"I know, what are we going to do?" She asks.

"Good thing you have a friend like me," I raise the bags in my hands and swing it at her face smiling.

"Oh thank you so much, I don't know what I'll do with you in my life" Margret hugs me as I blush.

"Aww I'm gonna cry," I say hugging her back." Okay we don't have enough time. Lets start your make up," I tell her as she giggles happily and sit well for me to make wonders on her face.

She said she didn't want something too heavy, so I make it light.

I put on a smokey eye liner, with fixed lashes, a peach lip gloss, gold and black eye shadow and I blend her face making her skin glow.

Wow she looks so beautiful.

"Check yourself out " I tell her looking at her In awe as she checks the mirror beside her bed.

"Oh my God haula, I look really good. No I look beautiful!" She smiles happily and you could tell she is.

"Because you are beautiful," I tell her.

"Thank you haula, I mean it." She holds my hand as I hold it tighter.

I check the time and see Austin had only 30 mins to be here.

"And you're welcome, now we better hurry, 30mins left." I bring out the two dress from the bag as she looks at me happily probably not expecting the two dresses.

"They are so pretty," She laughs as she touches them.

"Yes they are, now choose one." I see she's looking at the both of them from left to right not knowing which one to pick. Knowing Margret she can tell me she'll wear the two which is impossible.

"Okay time's up, you're wearing the black and the peach heels." I see she's just looking at me without saying a word.

"I love you haula, thank you." She comes hugging me. Wow I didn't expect that.

I hug her back letting her devour the moment. I guess with all these happening to her its been a long time since she was actually with someone, and she really wants to make this work now.

"I love you too, now get dressed." I tell her as she removes her clothes. I know you think she'll be embarrassed to remove her clothes in front of me, but that just I and Maggie we actually don't care, we've since each other naked before, so its nothing knew.

I start to pick up all my make up things, as she dresses. I turn to look at her and I am blown away.

Wow! Austin would never be able to resist this.

"You're look like a Greek goddess Maggie, wow!" I tell her as she smiles happily.

"Really?" She asks checking herself in the mirror. The black dress fitting her well slim curve perfectly, as the heels makes her look taller and more of a model than a friend that I knew some hours ago.

"Yes, now let's do something about your hair." I pick up her well fixed hair and brushed it making it fall to the back gorgeously.

"Now you're done," I tell her as the doorbell rings.

"He's here!" She begins sounding so nervous.

"Hey, hey look at me. You can do this you don't have to be nervous, in fact he should be the one to be nervous because if he doesn't fall to your knees, he's a dumb idiot which I know he isn't. So go out there and make him fall to your knees."

I hail her as I knew it is the only thing that was going to make her step out of her door today.

"How come you've never said that to me before?" she raises her eyebrows.

"Hmm probably because you always look ugly and maybe because I did your make up," I tease her to which she smiles and hits my arm.

"I'm kidding you look very beautiful." I tell her as she smiles and hug me before making our way downstairs.

I can't wait to see the look on Austin's face.

She opens the door and there stands Austin in his grey suit looking like he just came out from a runway show.

I wouldn't lie Austin is really good looking which takes me back to Theo, as he is also very good looking. I push the thoughts away from my mind as I need to be here for Maggie.

"Wow, you ....... You look... You look beautiful Margret," Austin says as he stares at her not wanting to take his eyes off her, forgetting to acknowledging that I am even there.

"Thank you, you look really nice yourself," Maggie replies as I stare at the both of them looking at each other.

Okay I really need to get out of here.

"Okay you two need to go now," I speak as Austin glances my way.

"Haula?" He asks surprised. I guess you were too busy looking at miss goddess that you forgot I was actually here.

"Hello Austin," I smile at him.

"Hey, how are you doing now?" He ask concerning about my health the other day.

"Well as you can see, I'm strong as hulk" I tell him laughing.

"Well good to know. If there's anything I'm here or you could tell Margret to tell me." He smiles back as he turns back to Margret.

"Of course. You two better start going," I tell them as I look at Margret.

"Thank you haula." Maggie says as she hugs me again and then leaving.

I go back up to pack my things when I see Margret disorganized wardrobe. I sigh and drop my things as I begin to fold her clothes and arrange her things.

That's what friends do right? They help each other.

I continue to fold the clothes while watching the news and then my eye catches something. I pause it and rewind it back, before pausing it again looking at the TV with tears rolling down my eye.

There stand Theo in an army uniform, with a bunch of other soldiers saving some people in Afghanistan as said by the global news.