
Chapter 93

"Why did you send Adrian away?" Alice ask me. The question actually surprises me, as she is basically the main reason that I sent him away.

The look in her eyes told me that she needed some privacy, though I do not know exactly what she needed privacy about. I think I have a faint feeling it's going to be about her sister, though I can only imagine the sort of strength it must have taken to endure what she had been through.

Shaken and still healing from the brutality of her sister's death, and yet this senseless inconsiderate guy actually comes to her threatening her and telling her to give up each and every thing her sister had held dear in her life.

 I think I'm interpreting the situation a little bit too extremely, as I'm practically sure that isn't what's happening. 

"Exactly what transpired between you and that guy?" I ask, and her gaze visibly darkens.

"How many people do you know you here?" she replies me, and for a moment the question almost seems rude. It's almost like she's trying to rub the fact that I do not know anyone else, except for four people, in this place where possibly thousands are living.

 But thing Is the more I consider it, the more I find it isn't actually rude at all. It's almost like she's trying to protect me from something. 

"I don't know him, if that's what you are asking?" and she nods her head, "good don't ever try to find out, for your own sake", her warning is said in something of an hushed tone and I can only imagine exactly what would be causing an international spy to feel scared about some thick-headed bully. 

"Do you need to talk?" I ask her, and she looks at me with something like pain and hesitation in her eyes. I sigh. 

"I lost my parents five years ago" I begin. I figured out whenever you're talking to people who have just experienced pain, it's probably better to let them know that you have felt something similar to it, not just trying to give them advice or trying to sympathize with them from the angle of someone who doesn't know what she's talking about. 

"Even up till now I still grieve their deaths, I was grieving their deaths on a bridge and was contemplating jumping into the waters below before Adrian found me. I've barely been here five days now but yet you all seemed to welcome me so easily. It was like people I didn't know at all, had no qualms about me being in their midst" and I realise that even though I have just known Alice for basically half a day now, that is exactly true.

After she had come to our table last night, we had all experienced what I would call say was the closest thing to fyn in this place, I know I did.

We had a good time as we practically gorged ourselves on poisoned drinks, and different varieties of foods. I'm pretty sure the food wasn't poisoned, oh but all the drinks werez and sure enough we drank everything.

The only thing though was that Alice had basically all the antidotes on her. I can't seem to imagine how such a person should be feeling this broken at this moment. "You guys made me feel like I had a family, let me pay that kindness forward too". Tears glisten in her eyes.