
Chapter 83

His face is perfect, and his eyes hold me and drag me into the simple beauty of them. His face looks like something out of a painting, a fabled beautiful painting that no one else would have expected to catch a glimpse of, but yet the persona in the painting is clearly walking around, living and dragging the attention of each and every person he passes by.

His face is like that of a Greek god. I had seen enough pictures and read enough books of them to know that they would be absolutely beautiful, fabled to hold the purest beauty ever, and that is exactly what this guy looks like.

The sun casting it's rays on his face makes him look unreal as each and every line is smooth to perfection. His face looks like something that was sculpted by a master sculptor, leaving no room for mistakes or any deformity of the sort. His hair fell across the top of his head like liquid, in a darker ebony than any other i had ever seen.

He had the sort of beauty that would make people go mad for him, and I wonder exactly how he had kept hidden all these years.

With the way social media had infiltrated everyone's lives, I'm pretty sure there should be some viral video of him going around, or at least a picture of him posting something, or doing something else on the internet. It seems the people here do not care for fame as much as they do the lives of others, and I accept the fact.

That's just how it is and I see the expression of Adonis over here morph to hold something of a disgruntled disgust, and as he scans the room of people who are intently watching him, and marking his every move, I see the fear and heat radiating off his eyes.

I think I can sympathize a little bit with him, as even I myself am guilty of exactly what he's finding to fault each and every person.

The way their eyes roll his face, and then his body, tells you that they see him as nothing but a thing. They see him as an object, a feeling that no one should be ever made to feel like. They all see him as an object, and considering him as one, an object that was strikingly beautiful and who would fill their thoughts with dirty desires as they imagined exactly what they could do with him.

I saw the glances of women, girls not much older than him, but matured in each and every way, even in mind it seems, as there eyes roam each and every fibre of his being with an undescribable pleasure and hunger.

I will admit the fact that even I had lost myself for a time there, as I stared at how each and every one of is limbs, and bones, and the skin had been created so perfectly.

He seems to attract everyone to him unconsciously, and it seems he does not like that. His eyes are meant to show everyone away, angry eyes for that matter, as he stares each and every person that looks directly at him down, but yet I think that is counterproductive in itself.

The moment you stared into his eyes, you simply got lost in it. That is the difference between Adrian and him. Adrian's beauty is still tolerable to an extent, true it would make you lose your mind around him, but yet not as effectively as this guy does.

I can see the shy glances and unsure gazes that some people pass to him, and I realise that not everyone here is as bold as they make it seem.

Some people are still afraid, afraid of the strikingly gorgeous guy and exactly what he could do in this game.