
Chapter 71

I come back to my senses to see a delightedly sleepy Adrian, staring at me with barely opened eyes, as he raises a hand up to shield the rays of the sun from entering his eyes.

It would seem he heard my mumbling, and that husky that escapes his throat makes me almost go up in flames. He gives me a nice smile, a very impressive smile for that matter, it shows ofd his full set of teeth and makes me want to die.

I can't seem to get my head straight around him anymore, and the notion scares me. The notion that I might be slowly falling for Adrian, while in his head we are here for nothing more than to help each other.

It seems he has been talking for a while now, as he snaps his fingers in front of my face. I went into a daze there and I can feel the blush that I tried so hardly to keep at bay creeping onto my skin.

Adrian simply chuckles at this, and I can see the shirt he's wearing is pulled tight over his chest. He's kneeling just at the side of the bed, the side where my face is, and the same side where I was staring at him just a moment ago.

Our faces are closer than they have ever been before, and I seem to get lost in the blue of his eyes. It's not the sort of blue that is so common, it is a turpentine aquamarine blue, the sort that you would only experience in dreams and visions. It's a really beautiful blue.

His mouth goes up in a smirk, and that is the part that lets me know he notices each and everything I'm doing.

He knows the effect he has on me, and he's smiling at it. He's smiling at the way I become more and more dumbfounded as each and every day passes. He's smiling at the way I feel like burrowing deep into the ground, and hide myself there for a decade and a half just so I can escape the sort of embarrassment he makes me feel.

I use a hand instinctively to push him backwards, and he lands sprawled out on his back, a nice laugh escaping his mouth.

I can feel my face go as hot as the sun right now, and his laugh is doing nothing to help.

"It seems everyone is happy today" I say, and the quirky expression he gives me makes me know that I'm right for some reason.

I woke up on the nicer part of the bed and it seems he did too, even if he didn't sleep on the bed at all.

I wish our days would continue like this forever, in pleasant laughter, and my abashed blushes.

"Why do you say so?" He asks, and I deem it fit not to give him an answer. If I make the mistake of answering him just a word, he'll just notice the trembling in my voice.

The trembling that his husky voice elicits in mine. My blush deepens.