
Chapter 6

The waters stare at me like they're giving me a private invitation. An invitation to join others who had also taken the same route. An invitation that promised to leave me dead with water in my in my lungs, and a farewell to this stupid world.

I brace myself for what would surely be the closest I've gotten to a swimming pool since father and mother died. I wasn't going to fight against the silent call emanating from the waters, I'm going to accept my fate.

I don't have anything to keep on living for at this point, so what's the whole point of it. The whole world seeks nothing more than to cause me pain at the very least, why should I keep up with that, why do I have to keep up with any of this. It's better I escape into the bleak darkness people call death. I wonder how it will be, will I see father and mother again?, will it be how they said it'd always be. A painless swift end.

I can only imagine what they would've said if they were here. I'm sorry mom, I'm sorry dad. I can't go on living like this. The weird realisation hits me that if I die now, there's no one to carry on the memory of my parents. No one will be a witness to their love for each other. I'm the only one left of my family.

I look again into the waters and make to jump when a voice stops me "Are you sure you want to do that?" . I look around to see someone coming towards me, lazy expression spread out on his face, like he's bored of the world, and dosen't have the time to care for anything else. His voice knocks the strength out of me, as I collapse in a heap and fight the tears that feel like they'll bring me relief from this torture.

"I'm tired!!" I reply simply hoping my words convey as much meaning as they can. He simply looks at me like I just said something totally irrelevant to him, I hear him scoff afterwards. "Tired of living I guess?". Again his expression makes me feel like I'm throwing a tantrum over nothing important.

He quirks an eyebrow at me and Immidiately feel annoyed. Who is this guy to make me feel like I haven't gone through half the horrors in the world. He makes me feel like I'm just being a wuss who's throwing a fit. I leave my look of anguish and trade it for one of annoyance. He chuckles at my change of expressions and his laugh brings a sudden sense of relief to me.

I glare at him harder and he gives me a complacent smile. "Can I at least know why you feel like killing yourself?". The question suprises me and I can't honestly say i know exactly why I want to kill myself. Is it the unfairness life has dealt me? or is it just because of how Lucas so blandly dumped me. "I don't have a life" I say looking into the distance.

"Welcome to the club" he replies.