
Chapter 68

I feel so uncomfortable right now, like her gaze jas the intensity of a million suns, and all of them are bearing down their anger and wrath at me.

I see her hand twitch, and I can guess exactly what her next action will be. She will slap the glass flute out of my hands, and it will go clashing to the floor causing such a huge scene and commotion that I would not be able to think of approaching her again in my life.

She will create such a field show of attention to me, and to her, but I don't think she seems bothered by it. It is a line of thought that makes me know that people really do see everything, and she has just tried to exploit to my nervousness.

It also shows although these kids do take a shot at acting grown up, they're still kids after all. They can't help but have temper tantrums and cause a scene whenever things aren't going their way.

I snatch my hand back before the wave comes, and she is surprised to find herself swatting at thin air. I give her my best smile and offer the dream cautiously this time.

I put all the sincerity and the acknowledgement of her hurts inside my eyes. I want her to know I understand her clearly and perfectly, I understand the sort of thing she's been through.

 I understand the sort of pain she is still going through. I doubt it will be easy to live up to your family's reputation in such a way, but seriously, this is the same person who is an international spy at eighteen, safeguarding her country and keeping her family's legacy alive.

I doubt it would ever be easy to do such a thing. She takes the stretched out drink from my eyes and for my hands and takes a sip. I think the flavour of it seems to sweet and yet the sour burst of lemon inside it makes her squeeze her face in displeasure.

The action seems so sincere and childish at the same time that I cannot help but give her a smile, a smile that I hope shows her the true meaning of my intentions, and we both burst out laughing.

As I said before never be straight forward with complicated people. I'm guessing that what I hadn't managed to achieve with carefully worded introductions, and diplomatic speakings, I had achieved with a drink that I know isn't poisoned now.

"Next time make sure you actually try to taste it before you waste all your assumptions on the face of the person making it" she says. it seems though she has been staring forward and has seemingly paid me no attention, she has paid me enough attention as it is.

I can't seem to find my confidence anymore, all of a sudden it seems we have been become the closest of friends, and as I look she's all warm and smiles now, but there is one thing that gives her away to me.

There is no grief in this expression,and that is exactly what makes me know it is fake. Lesson two. Never trust complicated people that easily, they will mess you up.