
Chapter 203

"Adrian, where is the ice cream you promised us?" Alice says looking oddly eager for more.

I mean exactly how can she eat more, exactly how can she eat more when I'm already filled to the brim. I don't think that I can take anything in anymorwe. I'm even surprised that my stomach is not bulging out in the fitted dress that I'm wearing.

The little boy has nodded off to sleep, he has nodded off to sleep and I take a napkin and clean the crumbs of food off his face. 

"He is just so cute isn't he?" I say fondly looking at all of them and they nod thier heads collectively, Adrian wearing a very very pleased look as he looks at the both of us.

but come on, this is weird isn't it?, this is weird, that smile that he's always wearing like a pleased Father.

We are all teens for crying out loud, we haven't even gotten to the age of Twenty, he isn't supposed to be wearing that smile, almost like he's a proud husband and father, the former part makes me blush.

"Why are you always smiling that awry smile?" I say looking at him and he simply smiles once more.

"Is it wrong for me to smile now?" he says amusement in his tone and i shake my head.

"It is not wrong, it is not, but it's just that with the way you smile, people will think that another thing was involved"

"Is something else not involved?" Arden says looking at us scandalously and I almost chuck the napkin that I'm using to clean the little boy's face at her.

Adrian simply stares at his watch, he stares at his watch with that same awry smile on his face.

"We still have time to get some ice cream, but who is going to carry the little boy?".

He puts the question out but yet he is still looking at his watch. He is still looking at his watch and I doubt anyone wants to carry a five-year-old boy.

"I will".

Two people say this, two people say this simultaneously and i groan.

The next moment they look at each other, they're looking like the might bite their heads off if one does not forfeit to the other.

"Don't bother fighting about it. Adrain will carry him".

I say this and i take in the bewildered looks of three people and I have to smile.

Seriously, I'm friends with the best pair of people.

I snap to Adrian and he makes to carry the boy, but his eyes snap wide open the next moment.

"Is it time to go home now?" He says mumbling in his sleep and I shake my head.

"I want Adrian to carry you on his back" I say looking at him and he shakes his head.

"I can walk".

I have to chuckle at this because the little boy acts so mature.

He acta like he's actually so grown up, even though sometimes his childishness leaks through.

"Do you still want some ice cream?" I ask him and his eyes are wide open in excitement.

"Watch out for the mean person behind you. Slap him if possible".
