
Chapter 1

The smell of noodles at the Ramen joint makes my stomach rumble in anticipation. My legs feel like they'll give out but I still force myself onwards.

Aunt has decided that if I don't make a living, I'm not allowed back into the house. My salary has been going to the most reputable mission of getting her daughter a phone, and also getting her whatever thing her brain thinks of, notwithstanding the fact that she's basically older than me.

The tears threaten to fall again as I remember the last slap I received from her, that was this afternoon, after I lost my savings to the grubby hands of my cousin. Next time don't bother to report, it'll only get you in trouble.

My stomach rumbles again and I can't ignore the pangs of hunger this time. I almost fall on my knees and clutch my belly until I remember the plate of ramen noodles in my hand. I can't even afford a plate at this time, not when the money I was meant to use for my education has been stolen, not when my only hope of getting myself into college has been shattered. I think it's grief not hunger that makes my stomach this way. The table  that ordered this plate is still unattended to and I can see the faces of the guy and girl at the table scowling. Probably on a date.

My mind strays to Lucas, my boyfriend. We didn't exactly leave each other on good terms the last time I saw him. We argued about something I think is irrelevant. I drop the plates of noodles and the girl hisses at me, like I was something to be disgusted by. I ignore her reaction and go to see the next table I probably have to serve.

The blinking lights outside makes a sort of contrast with the retro theme of the Ramen restaurant. It's almost Christmas and I have no money to do anything nice for myself.

Memories of my parents decorating the house, ordering a huge Christmas tree that one time, placing a lot of presents under said Christmas tree is enough for me to break down afresh. I wipe the stray tears that drop down my eyes and duck into the recess room, if Clyde catches me crying again I'm going to lose my job.

The grief in my heart is enough to make me scream at the world, scream at my parents for dying and leaving me in this wicked world, it makes me want to grab my aunt and shake her until her brain falls out, scream at her that this isn't how people that thier family, that it's unfair how she and her daughter get to live off my inheritance while I live like a poor orphan, an orphan that no one cares about, an orphan that feels like she had no parents and was born into the world to suffer, suffer at the hands of her aunt, suffer at the hands of her aunt's daughter, suffer at the hands of anyone who decides they don't like her, it's almost like they like seeing her suffer.

Sobs escape my lips and for a moment I cry my heart out. A voice stops me dead in my tracks. A very familiar voice.