
Chapter 165

I was just about to start thinking about a pale skinned guy and arrows that practically flew out of nowhere, I was just about to think of me and how I literally killed someone, am I sure that was me??.

I was about to think about all these other things when something surprising struck me. Adrian!!!.

Adrian and Alice. I had practically left them outside. I have not even seen Arden for a long time now and I'm guessing that it is panic that makes me bolt up suddenly. It is panic that makes me bolt upright, suddenly taking in my surroundings and snapping out of my unconscious state all at once.

I had expected to still find myself on the field, i had expected to find myself covered by a mass of dead bodies as the people of this place try to hide exactly what had happened here, but surprisingly enough I am in Adrian's room.

I know this is Adrian's room because there is that smell to it, there's that feeling to it, there's that exquisite presence in the air. The feeling of him in the air is what makes me know that he is with me.

He's practically sitting at the side of the bed, holding my hand.

His head is bowed and I know that he's sleeping. I'm guessing he should have woken up as he felt me bolt upright, but yet I realise something.

I realise that i had bolted upright with such fluidity, it was almost like all my movements were honed to perfection. He should not affect anything because the movement was perfect, there was no awkwardness in it, there was no sudden alacrity, it was almost like my body carried out the action perfectly and so Adrian has noticed nothing.

My heart is pounding in my ears, my heart is pounding in my ears and I can practically feel the blood that is rushing through me now.

What exactly is going on?.

I decide to let out a breath now, and the moment I let out the deep breath i had been holding in, Adrian simply bolted upright.

He bolted upright like I had also done before, concern and trepidation in his eyes as he looks at me.

"You aren't supposed to be sitting down, lie down".

He says it like it is a command and oddly enough I follow it. I follow it not because some dormant part of me is reacting to his words, but because I want to do so.

I want to do so and ease some of the worry that he is feeling. Adrian looks like he hasn't had a wink of sleep, his eyes are effectively bloodshot and his face, his face is looking weary, his hair is unkept and I wonder exactly how many hours I had been unconscious for.

To me it didn't seem like five minutes, It didn't seem up to five minutes did it?.

"How many minutes have I been unconscious?" I say looking at him and he stares into the distance.

"About two days now"

"Two days!!!".

The words come out of my mouth solemn, surprise clearly etched in them and he nods looking at me.

"Two days".