
Chapter 14.

The car ride is taking forever, and I wonder when we'll actually get to this winter mansion. I can see Adrian clamping his hands and unclamping them on the steering wheel. I figured it wouldn't be okay If I was going into such an agreement with someone, without knowing his name. Adrian was the curt reply I got, so that was what I stuck with.

He seems nervous, nerve wrackingly nervous. The way he's sweaty inside his luxury car, the way he licks and bites his lips every second or so. At first I thought I just read too much Into the actions of someone I barely knew. My eye begins to drop as I feel sleepy.

I'm super tired, crying for half the day isn't easy. My eyes begin to close as my mind drifts off to a better life for myself. A better life for me and Lucas. I don't know why, but his actions don't really seem so wrong to me now. His actions aren't that wrong as I take it from his point of view. He's also someone who has experienced losss in his life. He dosen't have any siblings, they all died when he was twelve, in a fire that burnt his house to the ground. His parents separated after that, as his father blamed his mother for the accident. He said she was devilish and that's why her children all died during the Christmas season.

His mother has to work menial jobs every now and then, and he found out that his father has taken in another wife. She has had two kids and one of them was born before the incident that shattered his home occured. I can see now how much Lucas might crave money.

He always told me of how he sometimes starved whenever there was no food at home. Even when his father's meagre income still struggled to sustain them, some nights would still be spent without food and an asuurance that it'll come the next day.

He always watched his friends, kids like himself whose fathers also worked in the civil service, and yet these kids had more than him, they had more clothes than him, they had more toys than him. He said it's a fact of his life that always pained him. That his Father was never satisfied with him and his siblings. That he always had to go out looking for more.

You can't always expect life to go According to plan I guess. The exhaustion in my bones makes me feel even more sleepy than I normally should. It dosen't help that the car is going on at an even, smooth pace right now. Car rides have always been my weakness. Someone could kidnap me and put me in a car and I would sleep the rest of the journey through.

My mind strays to Lucas, to my parents, to the sort of life I once had. This offer I was made assails me again as my mind drifts to sleep.