
Chapter 137

I move closer to him to see that his eyes are closed and Arden and Alice are barely able to hold in their laughs.

I practically kick Adrian in the side at this, and he lets out a paint owwww.

"Hey, what was that for you? He says and I shove him me glare.

"I thought you were dead" I say, and he smiles at the both of them.

"Told you she'd care about me" he says and both Arden and Alice roll their eyes.

What sort of the joke is this. I mean i had been genuinely worried about Adrian just now, only to find out that he was faking it.

I'm guessing I should be happy and relieved at this but still I am looking a little bit put off.

He simply smiles and he hands a box over to me.

"Change into this" he says and I cock an eyebrow.

"Why??" I replied stubbornly and he smirks at me.

"I'm guessing that you have noticed the new arrivals that have been filling this place" he says and I nod my head.

He is now wearing a very impressed smile for me at this and I shoot him a grin.

"Who wouldn't have noticed that this place suddenly had considerably more people than it had before. That little congregation that we formed before has basically turned into a crowd now" I say and he wears such a smug grin on his face.

"Told you she'd notice" he says smirking at the both of them and they both roll their eyes again.

"Just change into this, it will give you better freedom to walk about and it is less oppressive than this dress that you're currently wearing" Arden says.

"Who said anything about my dress being oppressive?" I say to her and she smiles at me.

"All right then, it is not oppressive, it is simply impressive and it is dangerous for you to be walking about in something like this".

Okay, I don't know what that is about but yet I trust her judgement.

I take the pack from Adrian taking a little bit of a peek in it and I can see some pants and a shirt, alright I can make this work. It's not like it's something that i haven't worn before.

Adrian begins walking out to give me room to change but I remember something.

"Wait" I say to him and he turns his head around, quirking his eyebrows up.

"There is a guy, with silver eyes, a new participant, avoid him at all costs" I say and he gives me a smirk.

"Do you think I can't handle him?" he says to me and I smack myself mentally.

Exactly how egotistical can someone be?.

"You can handle him sure, but yet avoid him because I do not want to see you fighting him"

I say and nods his head at this.

"Yes boss" this elicits a little bit of a chuckle from Alice and Ardem and I practically go red behind the ears.

"Also avoid those little wires on his hands. They're deadly".