
Chapter 134

"Do you guys think it's weird I am so comfortable around all this now?" I asked both of them and Arden practically shakes her head at me.

"It isn't weird, I'm actually very very happy that you don't seem as shaken by it than we would have thought".

Okay, it seems they have actually been thinking about me.

"What did you mean by 'than you know would have thought' " I say and she regards me and smiles.

"You need to have guts if you're going to live here successfully, you also need to have the mind for anything that is going to be thrown your way".

She's talking and I'm listening to her quiet, but I'm not really listening to her because an eye is fully focused on the fight that is happening in front of me.

With each and every swing, this guy dodges it like it is practically nothing. I think that might have been envisioned a little bit too slow paced in my head so here is the real picture.

Imagine someone who is big and burly swinging and hammer at you at a very very close distance. For some reason this new guy, this guy with the silver eyes doesn't agree to stepping outside of the little enclosure that they have both trapped thenselves in.

I mean the fighting ring isn't small considering its size, so even close combat isn't really preferable, sorry long-distance competition isn't also really preferrable because close combat is the only thing that practically is at this point, but even if he does turn back, with the proximity they bear to each other, this hammer can kill with a single hit but it doesn't.

It dosen't land a single hit. He can't find a single it on this guy because he dodges as easily as water slips through rocks.

The moment our mercenary friend thinks he will be in front of him, and his swings in for a blow, Silver eyes simply changes tactics and he moves behind him, just imagine all of this happening way faster than the I might be able to follow and you have it, you have your picture of what is going on here.

I see Arden and Alice, the both of them fullly focused on the fight, and I see that they are both enraptured with it.

They are both enraptured by the scene that is going on in front of them.

"They're actually not that good" Alice says.

"What did you say?" Arden asks and I practically shake my head. Did i say anything?.

"I said why do you think he isn't attacking?" and she smiles.

"This show off shouldn't even be here. I haven't seen this new addition anywhere"

She says this absentmindedly and I quirk an eyebrow at her.

"So nobody knows him" I ask both of them and they both nod their heads.

"New additions should be something of a normalcy now"

I'm also here anyways, and I can also be considered a new addition here, a lot of new faces have also begun arriving and it scares me.