
Chapter 128

There is a loud cymbalic sound that echoes through this place, it is either the blowing of a horn or someone clashes some cymbals together.

You would think that all these gestures were only archaic and decrepit of people with so much money to employ.

I mean why not just buy a siren and blow it every time you need to inform people about something, but it is now, it is now that this one sounds that I notice that there's usually a really strange reaction to it.

"Is this place in any way divided?" I asked Arden and she quirks her eyebrows at me genuinely surprised, like i had just shocked her.

"Okay you have to tell me how you keep on doing that, is someone giving you any intel on what is happening around you?" she says and I realease a sigh.

Only Arden would give you a question like this.

"Just answer my question first, is this place divided?" I ask and she gives me a conflicted look.

"I'm guessing I have to answer this no matter how hard I try to avoid it" she says and so I set to thinking.

The horns the chauffeur has always blow now, they have been blown twice now, the cymbals have also been clanged twice and people might just consider this number common.

Some people might consider this normal like there is no meaning behind it but I know that there is a hidden meaning behind it.

It is something that everyone else is not noticing, but something that everyone else has taken notice of, but then they expect me to ignore it.

I know that some particular set of people flinch whenever the horn is being blown, like they visibly react to the blowing of that horn and that set me to suspecting things, and then the cymbals sounded, and I saw your a totally different set of people also flinch.

I saw a whole totally different set of people react in the same manner as those that had reacted when the horn was blown also react ina startled way.

 That set me to thinking, exactly why will people be acting like this just at the blowing of horns and clanging of cymbals, and then I realise that this place is a broken disgusting place, even if there are some exceptions. They cant ever just cooperate.

Arden sports an amused surprise on her face, she's surprised I have managed to figure this out but she's also amused as the scope of words which I choose to use.

"Of course not everyone is bad, you guys have managed to prove me wrong with that aspect".

"I had just found that lovely" she said squealing at this.

"Adrian is going to be so ecstatic when he finds out about this" she says and I shoot her a glare.

"Is this place" I say walkinh around "is it divided or not?" I asked and she nods her head, a little bit too enthusiastically for my liking.

"It really isn't information everyone is supposed to give you, but since you have found out about it yourself.

I give you the court of Horns and the court of cymbals".