

I woke up early today because its Mommy's birthday. Every time her birthday arrives, she'll always cook my favourite food, spaghetti.

Our home contains only the two of us, my dad took my younger sister, he also wants to get me but I refuse.

After I left the room, an unknown rotting stench assaulted my nose, our house is near the piggery but this smell...is much more unbearable. My stomach churned up and it makes me wanna puke.

I supported myself and went to the dining table. As expected, a delightful and appetizing spaghetti laid itself in front of me, ready to be eaten.

There's something different, I thought. Probably because the spaghetti is already cold?

I quickly walk to Mommy's chamber, once again, an even more rotting smell wafted in.

I saw Mommy, she's peacefully asleep on her deep slumber.

I went back into the dining table and saw the spaghetti, instead of the usual red and meaty spaghetti, I saw a disgusting bloody food inhibited by worms and cockroaches, the colour red has been long solidified.

I look at my surroundings, it was messy as hell.

I remembered we were robbed.