

A boy dies and gets taken to the DC world with a slimes abilities

killer_beee3345 · Anime & Comics
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Ya am fine the MC was known happy because he aquired new skills but if he ate a meta-human I would gain the ability to manipulate dark matter but it isn't the time yet

Barry POV: I looked at this guy who just shrugged off radiation maybe he is a meta like me then the meta looked at me and said hello Barry Allen I was now conscious of him how did he know my true identity

MC POV: I looked at the flash aka Barry Allen I was like screw it when is a better time hello Barry Allen

General POV: In the middle of a crime scene one could see the flash stop all movement and look at the individual in Infront of him how do you know me the flash asked the strange person Infront of him the strange person replied with I know a lot about you Mister Allen okay you have to come with me then Barry took the strange individual

Back at star labs

MC pov: I have never been more scared in my life than I was today when Barry took me and ran I felt like the whole world stopped moving everything was in slow motion and I felt like my soul was living my body hell it almost did I would have died the second time than the next thing I knew I was in the famous star labs and I was in a cell-like what the hell man I didn't do anything wrong but likely am not a meta am a monster

Great Sage POV: Master do you want to leave the cells now

MC POV: No I want to see what they will do to me

Barry POV: Cisco scan his face to see if there is anyone he looks like I don't know how some random dude knows my true identity but he wasn't hostile

Cisco POV: I haven't found anything on this guy he is like a ghost on the internet no Facebook Instagram nothing even face recognition failed

Barry POV: okay I think we have to interrogate him

5 minutes later

General POV: someone opened the volt to my cell the Barry came in he asked me questions like who are you then I replied with I don't have a name okay does anyone apart from you know my true identity I said no okay were you from I replied by saying from the streets and what your doing is illegal am 16 and a minor he looked at me in surprise and asked okay how do you know the true identity I replied with first let me out of here then I will tell you then Barry replied with I will let you out if you tell me then I said if you don't let me out how well you know how I got my information maybe someone told me and maybe that person has told other people who know of course he was lying he couldn't say I watched you from my previous life it would sound weird then he was like fine but if you try anything funny am sending you back in the cell I was like fine then he opened for. I felt good to finally be out if I didn't have great sage I would be screwd. okay talk Barry said I replied fine well I have a skill that's what I like to know about anything or anyone it's like a supercomputer well more advanced it told me all about you your mother and father how he is innocent and Eobard Thawne and your whole team so that's how I know and am not a meta am a slime then I tired into my slime form Barry was very surprised and a kid at that so you did something very illegal, Barry

well am off I said as I was about to leave wait where you going I replied by saying the streets then he said you could stay here I looked at him and said what if you lock me up again then he said this is a way of saying am sorry okay but I have one request and what is the can you bring the dead body of your friend Tony Woodward why would you want him Barry asked for my own business