
A Slime's Ascension To Godhood

Killed by the Church of Light after being deemed a threat, the Ancestral Dragon Alistair who was originally one of the strongest existence in Arcania was reincarnated as a slime. Stripped of all the powers he previously had in exchange for the Divine Ascension System, Alistair found it hard to adapt to his new life as a slime due to his draconic pride –the only thing that wasn't taken away from him after his reincarnation. But despite being reincarnated with a cheat, his future was still hopeless. His system only gave him the potential to reach Divinity but not the strength to achieve it. Amidst his despair, Alistair discovered that apart from increasing his potential the System can allow him to evolve into any creature he desired. Given a chance to once again soar through the heavens, Alistair travels through the dying world of Arcania to achieve the strength he once had and save his previous race from extinction.

Shege · Fantasy
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8 Chs

You Shouldn't Have Touched My Woman

Seated atop a cliff on the tallest mountain, a man with blond hair that reached his upper back, backward-facing black horns at the side of his head, and abyss-black eyes had a light smile on his face as he enjoyed the view before him.

His long hair fluttered in the wind along with the slightly loose clothes he had worn which made the well-toned upper muscles on his torso get kissed by the wind.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" The man asked no one in particular, keeping his gaze fixated on the paw-shaped valley down below he added. "Too bad it's going to be dyed red."

His sigh carried the weight of the emotions he felt as he gazed at the valley –feeling pity that it would be tainted in blood and not the number of people that would perish in it.

"It's time you all start going." He said, standing up from where he was seated while gazing at the group of people behind him.

Everyone behind him had beautiful looks that would set them apart from normal people and a regal aura that would put proud kings and formidable emperors to shame.

"We'll fight with you to the very end." A fierce-looking man said, stepping forward he bowed his head slightly while placing his right hand on his chest.

The man had short spiky red hair with yellow tips, glowing orange eyes, red scales sprawled across his lower arms, and black horns.

Looking at the man from the corner of his eye, he chuckled and then replied. "You've always been one who sought fights."

"You'll have plenty of fights when you're trying to protect our new land." Placing his hands in his pockets, his black eyes emitted a green glow as he added. "It's time you guys go."


"Let's get going Khan." A purple-haired lady interrupted the redhead man named Khan while glaring at him.

Her purple hair was shoulder length which became mesmerizing when coupled with her beautiful blue eyes, attractive body, and equally enchanting voice.

Nodding, Khan looked at the golden-haired man for some time before staring at the place they once called home.

After spending about five minutes looking around –as if he wanted to ingrain the image within his mind, Khan sprouted red dragon-like wings from his back before soaring into the air.


The others all bade the blond man farewell before flying into the air, moving behind Khan who had decided to take the lead.

"You better get going." Unwilling to see any more members of his race die, majestic golden wings that covered a span of four meters emerged from his shoulders.

With a single flap of his glorious wings, the man's figure appeared a hundred meters away seeming like he had teleported.

"Thanks for everything." The lady muttered, flying to where the others were heading with slight unease in her heart.


"Oh! Brother look the birds are migrating."

"Birds? It isn't winter yet Hansel."

"Look more like Demons to me."

"Relax, they look the like Wyverns owned by the Knights."

"Aren't we supposed to tell this to the King?"

The people down below all had various reactions as they saw a few hundred humanoid-looking things fly above their heads.


Cautious, the purple-haired lady commanded. "To a higher altitude."

Unhesitatingly flying higher, no other Dragon dared to question her as they were all aware that after their ancestor she was the strongest Dragon.

"You're being too paranoid." A young-looking boy with black hair and yellow eyes commented, looking at the purple-haired lady who was a little bit stronger than him.

"Better safe than sorry." She replied, glancing down below before flying ahead of the group.


"Your majesty!!" A green-haired man ran into the throne room while continuously gasping for air.

Anxious, the man forgot to pay his respects to the King and immediately delivered his message. "About three hundred Dragons are flying above the capital!"

"Behead him." The king ordered, looking coldly at the bastard who had barged into the throne room without paying him respect.

"Please, your majesty! Spare my lowly life!" The man yelled, sweating bullets as he finally gave the King a bow.

Casually waving his hand, the Golden armored knight who stood beside the King walked forward while unsheathing the sword by his waist.

Drenched in cold sweat, the messenger immediately dropped to the floor and begged. "Please your Highness spare my–"


Thud... Thud...

Falling lifelessly to the floor, the man's head rolled a few meters away from where the headless body lay.

"Clean it up." Unbothered by the man's death, the King closed his eyes as he fell deep in thought.

"That is what you choose huh?" He muttered, keeping his eyes closed and mind occupied.



"You decided to come despite knowing you're outnumbered." A white-haired man said, having pride laced in his voice as he stared at the blond man before him.

"Y'all are just Cannon fodder." The man replied, smiling he added. "Nothing important."

Infuriated, the white-haired youth barked. "How dare you call us Cannon fodder?! If you got balls come fight us!"

"Dragons aren't actually mammals so..." The man responded with a smile, letting out a light chuckle.

Aware that his plan to infuriate the man had backfired and he was the one who was angered, the man cursed. "You call yourself the Ancestral Dragon yet you let your descendants run like a bunch of headless chicks."

Still calm, the blond man said. "They aren't my descendants I was just the first Dragon to hatch among the other seven Dragons."

"Tch!" Clicking his tongue in irritation after running out of all the curses he knew, the white-haired youth looked behind him and yelled. "We're attacking him now!"

"But Master Alex said we should wait until he arrives!" A man yelled, finding the white-haired youth's words unreasonable.

"Yeah, he'll wipe us all out."

"Despite his easygoing look that man is a Demon!"

"Silence all of you!" White hair roared, lifting his right hand into the air to silence the men behind him.

Coughing loudly, white hair commanded. "I said attack and you all should attack no questions asked!"

"But we are meant to wait for Master Alex."

"We might get wiped out if we attack him please reconsider!"

Further infuriated by the men's hesitation, White Hair had a cruel look on his face as he stared at the faces of the men around him.

"Kill him." White hair said in a rather calm tone, having his pupils glow in a mesmerizing pink light.

As his words reverberated through the air, the eyes of the Knights behind him looked lifeless as their irises glowed in a similar pink light.

"Mind control... Such a terrifying ability." The blond man said, staring at the knights who were charging at him like they were bulls on steroids.

Pleased by the blond man's reaction, white hair had a smile on his face as he spoke. "Surprised? My ability isn't rare, to be honest, but my control over it is on another level."



"Nah it's just so-so." He replied, fiercely hitting two knights with his wings he added. "If the force is strong enough the effect disappears but due to your ability's nature they lose consciousness even if the blow isn't strong enough to knock them unconscious."

"Damn you." White-haired cursed under his breath after seeing that the blond man had easily stated everything about his ability.

"In a few minutes, you'll be on your own." The blond man said, knocking a couple more knights unconscious.

Ignoring the man's comment, White Hair began controlling the knights himself making their rather zombie-like movement a little bit organized and human-like.


As he had said, all Knights around white hair had fallen in less than four minutes even though the latter had used his all.

"That took less than I thought." The man muttered, tightening his grip on white hair's neck he added. "So how do you want to die?"

Although the man was still smiling, his eyes held no emotion as if killing people was nothing new to him.

Spooked yet refusing to go down easily, white hair said through gritted teeth. "Alistair... (Cough...) Tyrant of the Northern Mountains... Your demise is near."


Still smiling, Alistair pierced his hand through the white hair's stomach which made blood flow from the corners of the latter's mouth.

"You talk too much," Alistair sighed, pulling his hand out of white hair's stomach only to reveal a gaping hole.

"Master Alex will definitely kill you." White hair forced those words through his bloody lips before losing consciousness due to the pain he felt.

"Sure," Alistair replied, staring at the half-dead white hair before him.

"You sure toyed with him." An annoying voice said.


"He was just too weak and rather annoying," Alistair replied, dropping white hair's body on the ground like a rice bag.

Frozen on his spot after seeing the head held by the person donned in pitch-black armor, Alistair felt his blood boil as his eyes became bloodshot.

"Looks familiar doesn't she?" The person taunted, having his annoying voice filled with disdain he added. "It's just that her body is missing."

Livid, red flames burned fiercely around Alistair as he said coldly. "You shouldn't have touched my woman."

He spoke so slowly that it seemed like he wanted to implant those words into the mind of the bastard who dared to kill the person he valued above all others.

His previous easygoing demeanor had vanished into thin air as it was replaced by that of a savage beast and the flames burning wildly around him were an indication of the rage he felt.

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