
A Slime's Ascension To Godhood

Killed by the Church of Light after being deemed a threat, the Ancestral Dragon Alistair who was originally one of the strongest existence in Arcania was reincarnated as a slime. Stripped of all the powers he previously had in exchange for the Divine Ascension System, Alistair found it hard to adapt to his new life as a slime due to his draconic pride –the only thing that wasn't taken away from him after his reincarnation. But despite being reincarnated with a cheat, his future was still hopeless. His system only gave him the potential to reach Divinity but not the strength to achieve it. Amidst his despair, Alistair discovered that apart from increasing his potential the System can allow him to evolve into any creature he desired. Given a chance to once again soar through the heavens, Alistair travels through the dying world of Arcania to achieve the strength he once had and save his previous race from extinction.

Shege · Fantasy
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8 Chs

That's The Difference Between A Mortal And A Divine Existence.

"I knew you were nothing but a beast," Alex said, sensing the feral aura Alistair emitted.


Casually tossing the head he held aside, Alex drew his sword out from its sheath.

It was a longsword with a pitch-black blade that had a purplish sheen, and a golden handguard that looked like a cross when it was combined with its golden hilt.

Swoosh... Swoosh...

"Honestly, you shouldn't be angry," Alex taunted, swinging the sword in his hand like he wanted to get used to it he added. "If both of you had kids that would be quite troublesome."

"Come now, don't look so broken." He said, having disdain in his voice he continued. "You should save such a look for when I show you the corpses of other Dragons."

'Why?!' That was the only thought in Alistair's mind as his blood boiled and he saw the head slowly fall to the ground.

His mind was so lost in thought that Alex's mocking chuckles sounded distant.

Staring at the man before him, Alistair narrowed his eyes as he asked. "Why did you kill her even after we had separated?!"

Unbothered by the spike in Alistair's aura and killing intent, Alex replied. "The Church had to get rid of her. She had already been corrupted by you."

Despite the inferno surrounding him, frost slowly crept on the ground Alistair stood on as he muttered. "So that's your reason."

"So that's your reason?!" Alistair yelled, staring at Alex who had a mocking smile with bloodshot eyes.

He had been trying to desperately control the rage he felt but after hearing Alex's reply, the rage he had managed to bottle erupted like a volcano.

"I would've killed her family members too if–" Forced to swallow his words, Alex hurriedly brought his sword before him when he saw an arm covered in golden scales appearing about ten inches away from his face.


As the onyx-like claws on the arm struck Alex's sword, the sound of metal clashing echoed through the valley as the force behind Alistair's attack slammed into Alex like a truck.


Unprepared for Alistair's attack, Alex left two ravines about seven meters long when he was pushed back.

Swallowing the blood in his mouth, Alex wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and looked at Alistair while saying. "I expected you to be strong but not this strong. As expected of the Genesis–"


After barely stopping his hands from trembling, Alex was forced to dodge a two-meter-wide fireball that was aimed at him.

Not giving Alex a chance to keep talking, Alistair vanished from where he was before appearing in front of Alex.


Unhesitatingly swinging his claws towards Alex's neck, the sound of metal clashing rang out as the latter's sword magically appeared in front of Alistair's claws.

Aware that Alistair planned to kill him, Alex stopped talking as he put his focus on defending against Alistair's attacks which was quite a difficult task.


Grabbing onto Alex's left hand, Alistair parried the sword that was aimed at his neck with scales on his left hand.

Startled, Alex felt his hair stand on end after seeing that there wasn't the slightest scratch on Alistair's scaled arm.

But it was too late for Alex to back away as Alistair had flung him like he was a rag doll, crashing into boulders that were in his way before finally coming to a stop thirty meters away.

Just as Alistair was about to take off in Alex's direction, he looked at the thousands of unconscious knights around him before setting his wings aflame and flying into the air.

With a flap of his wings, Alistair disappeared from where he was leaving the knights who were sprawled on the ground behind.

"Did he spare us?" A knight asked, having disbelief evident in his tone as he gazed at Alistair's retreating figure.

Overjoyed, the knight looked at the sky to thank the god of light when his features immediately darkened.

He had the look of someone who thought he was given a chance to live but suddenly realized that no matter what he did death awaited.

And that was the fate of the thousands of people who lay on the ground as above their heads, hundreds of fireballs floated in the sky like judgment swords.

Alistair was no saint nor was he a cold-blooded murderer, he just found it a waste of time to kill them individually.

And even if he had plans to spare them before, those thoughts had dissipated after he saw the decapitated head.


Since they were here, it meant they willingly volunteered to kill him –as the church doesn't force its knights against their will– so they shouldn't be scared of death.

"I guess I should have been prepared for my death if I planned to kill him." The man said, closing his eyes as he struggled to come to terms with his fate.

He who loves by the sword dies by the sword.


"Stay away!" Alex yelled, frightened by the monster before him he added. "We won't trouble you or your race anymore."

Ignoring Alex's pleas, Alistair stood in front of Alex and asked. "How can I face her if I don't kill you?"

His voice lacked an ounce of emotion making it sound somewhat monotonous, scaring Alex who lay on the ground.

Currently, he looked like a disfigured puppet with almost all his bones being broken and a few sticking out of his skin.

Lifting Alex by his hair, Alistair stared at Alex's head which had remained undamaged with rage evident in his black eyes.

"Please don't," Alex begged, terrified by the immense killing intent that kept radiating off Alistair.

"I beg–" He forcefully swallowed his words after seeing a rapidly approaching knee in his line of sight.



With his skull and the helmet he wore getting shattered by Alistair's knee like thin ice, Alex's helmet provided little to no protection as his face was revealed to be caved when he fell to the ground.

Staring at Alex who had almost lost consciousness and was lying like a dead dog, Alistair's cold eyes landed on the former's crotch.


Unhesitatingly kicking Alex's jewels, Alistair's kick made Alex shoot across the rather leveled landscape like a cannonball.

Battered, Alex was barely hanging onto his life as the gorgeous-looking armor he had worn currently looked no different than scrap metal.

"Pweashe... I vheg you." Alex said through his toothless mouth, barely keeping himself conscious as his tears snot and blood formed a horrible mixture on his face.



Startled by the sound of bones expanding and the steam getting released from where Alistair stood, Alex's deformed face showed despair as thoughts of what was going to befall him flooded his mind.

"Pweashe!! Fowgive me!!" He yelled, frightened after seeing a golden-scaled reptilian head in front of him.


"Pweashe!!" Alex yelled, almost losing consciousness when the breath of hot air washed over his face.

"Pweashe! No!" He continuously screamed at the top of his lungs when he saw himself getting lifted slowly.

As his body was hurled into the air, Alex's eyes fell on an abyss-like mouth that was lined with rows of sharp white teeth –each as long as his lower body.


With that deadly maw being the last thing he saw before his death, a golden dragon that looked like a cross between an Eastern and Western Dragon could be seen spitting out a corpse that had frightening holes all over it.

Locking its eyes on a figure covered from head to toe in white armor, Alistair launched his gigantic figure towards the figure.

Despite his extremely large size, his speed was akin to a missile as he appeared in front of the figure and swung his humongous claws at the person.


As the wind was split by his terrifying claws, the person stood his ground as he swung the great sword in his hands at the claws.


After their attacks clashed, a shockwave of terrifying might was released from the duo as it spread to their surroundings.

"You're a worthy opponent." The person in white armor complimented, having excitement embedded in his tone.

Moving his sword to his side, he sighed. "Too bad the Church wants you dead so bad."

"Holy Judgement." The person said, emitting a golden aura from his body which soon gathered on the sword –making its two-meter length a shocking four meters.

"Above the sky, there's another sky!" The figure yelled, signaling for the people that surrounded the Dragon to bind it.

Booomm!! Booomm!! Booomm!!... 

Continuously controlling thunderbolts to strike around him after he felt something wasn't right, Alistair stared at the white armored person for a few seconds before proceeding to eliminate the man's subordinate.


In just a few seconds, more than half of the man's subordinates had died in Alistair's hand and more were still meeting their end.

"Proceed onto the next step!!" The man roared, staring into the sky he held the necklace he wore and prayed. "In exchange for my life, give me the power to smite all adversaries!"

Simultaneously, a beam of light fell on the man's body as countless light chains that were as thick as two fully grown trees bound Alistair in place.

Gradually, the light dimmed as the figure of the man appeared before Alistair but this time he had twelve angelic wings behind him.

"You may have been one of the strongest in this world but when compared to those up there, you're nothing but dirt." The man said, having pride and superiority evident in his tone.

"Have a taste of my power. If it weren't for this vessel being weak, your corpse wouldn't be left even if I use my weakest move." The man bragged, unbothered that the people around him were barely restraining the Dragon.

"Celestial Crucifixion." The man said, raising his hand in the air.

Above Alistair's form, a cross made from light slowly descended, stabbing into Alistair's body with little to no resistance.

The Dragon scales he was so proud of stood no chance against the might of a Divine being.

"That's the difference between a mortal and a Divine existence."

Just before he lost his soul, Alistair heard a voice say in his mind –sounding different from that of the being that killed him yet still similar as they both held immense pride.

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