
A Slime's Ascension To Godhood

Killed by the Church of Light after being deemed a threat, the Ancestral Dragon Alistair who was originally one of the strongest existence in Arcania was reincarnated as a slime. Stripped of all the powers he previously had in exchange for the Divine Ascension System, Alistair found it hard to adapt to his new life as a slime due to his draconic pride –the only thing that wasn't taken away from him after his reincarnation. But despite being reincarnated with a cheat, his future was still hopeless. His system only gave him the potential to reach Divinity but not the strength to achieve it. Amidst his despair, Alistair discovered that apart from increasing his potential the System can allow him to evolve into any creature he desired. Given a chance to once again soar through the heavens, Alistair travels through the dying world of Arcania to achieve the strength he once had and save his previous race from extinction.

Shege · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Pet? Killer?

Author's note- I edited the previous chapter so do check it out.


"Oh right, he was the one who said that," Alistair said to himself, having his soul quietly float in a dark environment that was mostly devoid of light.

Looking at the stars that littered the space he found himself after his death, he pondered. "How many years has it been since then."

Sometimes, it would seem as though time was moving very fast –making several years seem like a few hours, and other times it would be extremely slow –giving a few seconds the impression of several days.

And it was due to Alistair's soul stepping into the Spirit Realm. Well, he was floating between the boundary of the Matter Universe and the Spirit Realm.

Thereby making the already irregular time flow of the spirit realm even worse but due to him being in-between both worlds, he was able to sense those irregularities which was impossible in the Spirit Realm.

Ridding his mind of thoughts about the abnormal time flow, Alistair peacefully floated through the space as he mused. "What did that guy want anyway."

Although it took time, Alistair was able to remember the person who had appeared in front of him, and apart from having a terrifying aura he also seemed to be of the same rank as that angel.

"Whatever it is I'm sure it has nothing to do with me." He deduced, closing his eyes as he slowly drifted into deep thought.


After what felt like several years in that dark space, Alistair felt something wet steak across his skin.


Surprised by what had just touched him since it had been a while since his senses responded to something, Alistair tried his best to open his eyes and look at the place he had found himself in but it was to no avail.

Apart from getting the feeling that he lacked eyes, he also noticed that he couldn't feel his limbs or tail –if he were in his dragon form.

Though he was startled at the start, Alistair found out that if he willed his body to move it would move even though it wasn't smooth.

Unbothered by his mind and body coordination being akin to that of an infant, Alistair spent his days exploring the place he had found himself in while slowly getting used to his body.

"Did they cripple me?" Alistair pondered, still unaware of the fact that the body he thought was his was for a creature at the bottom of the food chain.

Remembering how imposing the angel's attack was, he added. "I doubt that's it. I'm sure I died at his hands."

"And even if they crippled me, am I not meant to feel pain after having my sense organs and limbs chopped off?"

Knowledgeable about how the Church of Light punished criminals by chopping their useful parts, Alistair was sure that they wouldn't let him be unconscious when they were doing it as the pain was a part of the punishment.

"Even if they were good lads and lasses and did indeed leave me unconscious... since I'm older than their ancestors, that wouldn't explain why it feels like I'm back in my younger years," Alistair said, taking some time to shuffle through his memories he added. "Unless it was that forbidden spell Old Man Samy told me about."

Further diving into memory lane, Alistair finally realized what had happened to him.

"It must be that reincarnation spell Old Man Samy was so proud of but come to think of it, he did say it wasn't complete."

"And the question is how was it cast on me." Forcefully suppressing his urge to keep thinking about his current situation, Alistair sighed. "Anyway, I'll find out the truth when I regain my sight."

With nothing left to do, Alistair continued his aimless roaming while still ignorant about where he was.


About a week after Alistair had lost feeling in his limbs and became blind, a small blue fist-sized blob that was covered in mud could be seen moving around aimlessly.

The space around it was rather humid with the floor seeming a little bit muddy and having a few tufts of grass littered about the place.

"That feels better." He said, sighing in relief as he felt a refreshing feeling wash over him.

For some time now, he had felt like he was extremely dirty and the drop of water he had consumed reduced the feeling slightly.

Resuming its journey after absorbing the water drop, the fist-sized slime accidentally covered a blade of grass that wasn't too far away from it and it instantly broke into countless specks of light within the slime.

Gradually, the specks of light moved from the slime's center to all parts of its body making it glow dimly in the rather dark cave.

Pleased, Alistair savored the energy that washed over him as his form seemed to become slightly watery.

In just a few seconds, his slimy body had returned to normal with there being a clear increase in his size as he had grown from being fist-sized to palm-sized.


Staring at Slime who was glowing lightly with amazed eyes, the figure of a purple-haired girl with deep amber eyes kept on staring at Alistair with a small smile on her face.

"Daddy! I want that one!" She demanded, pointing her finger at the slime who had just begun moving.

"Alyeen are you sure you want to keep a slime?" A middle-aged man with black hair and amber eyes asked the ten-year-old purple-haired girl.

"Yes! It's really cute and I feel drawn to it." She replied, smiling as she looked at her father.

"Bring it here." He sighed, looking at the slime's information he added. "Good thing she didn't pick one who passed the experiments that would've been a loss."

Walking up to his boss's side, a man who looked like the black-haired man's secretary asked in a whisper. "Are you sure it's safe to give her such a creature?"

"Apart from its genetic structures being a bit messy, I doubt anything is wrong with it." The man replied after thinking for some time.


Experienced about things that had to do with flight, Alistair was surprised by the sudden feeling of weightlessness that assaulted him as one thought came to his mind.

Just as Alistair was thinking deeply about his situation, he heard the voice before he died say. "The great Ancestral Dragon becoming the pet of a girl who looks to be his killer is quite amusing."

Unbothered by the chuckles that echoed in his mind, Alistair had two words resounding within his subconscious.

"Pet? Killer?"