
A Slime's Ascension To Godhood

Killed by the Church of Light after being deemed a threat, the Ancestral Dragon Alistair who was originally one of the strongest existence in Arcania was reincarnated as a slime. Stripped of all the powers he previously had in exchange for the Divine Ascension System, Alistair found it hard to adapt to his new life as a slime due to his draconic pride –the only thing that wasn't taken away from him after his reincarnation. But despite being reincarnated with a cheat, his future was still hopeless. His system only gave him the potential to reach Divinity but not the strength to achieve it. Amidst his despair, Alistair discovered that apart from increasing his potential the System can allow him to evolve into any creature he desired. Given a chance to once again soar through the heavens, Alistair travels through the dying world of Arcania to achieve the strength he once had and save his previous race from extinction.

Shege · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Perfect Host Constitution

"So what are you going to name it?" Mr. Clifford asked, walking to where his daughter stood with a smile on his face and hands behind his back.

"Hmmm... Let's see." Thinking deeply, Alyeen had a bothered expression on her face as she thought about which name would best fit her new pet.

"How about Slimy?" Mr. Clifford suggested, having a smile on his face as he looked at Alyeen.

Looking at her dad from the corner of her eyes, Alyeen said. "Alistair, I'll name him Alistair."

Unaware of his horrible naming sense, Mr. Clifford asked looking slightly displeased. "Why not Slimy? It rhymes with his race."

Barely controlling her urge to say her father had a horrible naming sense, Alyeen tilted her head as she responded. "I thought it was better and Alistair means man's defender which sort of rhymes with my dream to become an Imperial Knight."

"I see." Mr. Clifford said, giving up on changing his daughter's mind he added. "Let's get going, you still need to go to school."

Startled, Alyeen's open mouth could fit an egg as she stared at her father with wide-open eyes and asked. "Isn't it already too late?"

"Doesn't matter, you've been skipping school a lot lately, and if you keep doing that it may affect your dream of becoming an Imperial Knight." Mr. Clifford said, having a stern expression on his face as he looked at Alyeen.

Subconsciously thanking whichever god that made him purchase -How To Father A Child For Dummies-, Mr. Clifford walked out of the underground facility with his daughter.


Meanwhile, in Alistair's subconscious the light chuckles of a voice that carried pride could be heard as it said. "I wonder how you would react when you see the face of the person who is your new owner."

Amused, the owner of the foreign voice continued. "Apart from that the names are the same and it was from the same person hahaha..."

Slightly confused, Alistair asked. "Who exactly are you and who is this person that you have been talking about?"

"It's kinda rude to talk in someone else's mind without bothering to introduce yourself," Alistair said, pissed at the fact that the voice's owner had kept on talking to him without bothering to introduce himself.

"Since we're gonna be each other's partners for an awfully long time, I think it's best we get along." The being said, after a few seconds he added. "As for a name, just call me anything you choose it doesn't matter."

Deciding to take control over what they discussed, Alistair asked. "So who is this person you kept mentioning?"

Slightly raising his tone, Alistair had serious radiating off every word he spoke.

"Sorry, but I can't tell you that, and besides you'll find out sooner or later." The being replied, unbothered that Alistair raised his tone.

Undiscouraged, Alistair asked. "How did you gain access to my subconscious?"

After his death, Alistair had become more cautious of everything and since the soul could be easily accessed through the subconscious he was a little bit hostile to the being who appeared out of nowhere.

Sensing Alistair's hostility, the being said. "Chill, I have no plans to hurt you at least for now anyway I was able to gain access to your subconscious when that guy allowed an Angel to possess him."

"Due to the Angel getting summoned to your world, it created a rift in spacetime which I passed through." After a while, he added. "Those rifts can't be seen by beings of low existence."

"So what's your goal?" Alistair asked, ignoring the part where the being said he didn't plan to hurt him anytime soon.

Taking about a few seconds, the being said. "The reason why I choose your body is because you have a special constitution that is great for those who take over your body and I'm currently weak so I need to gradually get stronger."

"And your body just so happens to be almost a hundred percent ideal for my soul." The being added, having a trace of pride in his voice when he spoke.

Unsatisfied with the answers he had received, Alistair continued asking the being questions in the same stern tone. "Explain the constitution that I have and why are you currently seeking refuge in my body?"

A little bit angered by Alistair saying he was seeking refuge, the being said. "I'm not seeking refuge I'm gradually growing stronger within you after I had a battle with an extremely overpowered Vampire who almost killed me."

"And the constitution you have is called the Perfect Host Constitution or rather the one your new body. It's useless to you but useful to those who plan to possess your body." Although he was pissed, the being was still able to keep his tone calm.

As his anger gradually subsided, the being added. "And Constitutions aren't found in Slime's you're just an anomaly born from countless experiments."

Intrigued by the being's words, the hostility in Alistair's voice reduced as he said. "So you're simply hiding in the body of a young Slime cause you're afraid of the person who bullied you."

Comprehending what Alistair said a bit too late, the being's voice finally revealed its anger as it yelled. "Yes, that's co– No! I said I'm gradually growing stronger!"

Unbothered by the being's anger, Alistair asked. "Which experiments made my body what it is now?"

"You've asked enough questions for today." Tired of answering Alistair's questions, the entity added in a serious tone. "Just because you've died doesn't mean there aren't things to still live forward to."

"Things like what?" Alistair replied, having his mind occupied by the being's last words and other things he said.

Falling into deep thoughts after not getting a reply from the being, Alistair wondered what he had meant when he said 'Just because you've died doesn't mean there aren't things to still live forward to'.

Unaware that the being was afraid of Alistair throwing away his life thereby killing him since their souls were connected, Alistair's mind slowly drifted into a pool of thoughts as he pondered on some answers that the being hadn't given him.