
A Slime's Ascension To Godhood

Killed by the Church of Light after being deemed a threat, the Ancestral Dragon Alistair who was originally one of the strongest existence in Arcania was reincarnated as a slime. Stripped of all the powers he previously had in exchange for the Divine Ascension System, Alistair found it hard to adapt to his new life as a slime due to his draconic pride –the only thing that wasn't taken away from him after his reincarnation. But despite being reincarnated with a cheat, his future was still hopeless. His system only gave him the potential to reach Divinity but not the strength to achieve it. Amidst his despair, Alistair discovered that apart from increasing his potential the System can allow him to evolve into any creature he desired. Given a chance to once again soar through the heavens, Alistair travels through the dying world of Arcania to achieve the strength he once had and save his previous race from extinction.

Shege · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Curious, Alistair stared at the screen for some time then asked. "What are you?"

Getting no response from the strange screen, Alistair thought for a few seconds before saying. "Accept."

— –

[The host has successfully accepted The Divine Ascension Template.]

[Synchronization would begin in ten seconds.]

— –

Amazed, Alistair stared at the screen with curiosity in his heart and excitement about what this strange screen had to offer.

— –


— –


— –


— –


— –


— –

With the countdown coming to an end, all the screens in front of Alistair abruptly disappeared as another one appeared before him.

— –

[Synchronization complete.]

[Host has been given access to System AI Number 11.]

[Do note that all System AI has different criteria to acknowledge the host.]

— –

As Alistair was staring at the screen with confusion and anticipation welling within him, he suddenly heard a mesmerizing feminine voice in his mind say.

"Good day or evening host, I am the AI assigned to help you in using the system."

Although its voice sounded nice, it was monotonous –making it seem like showing an ounce of its emotion when talking to a mortal was beneath it.

"What are you?" Alistair asked, finally getting a chance to understand the situation he had found himself in.

"Like I said earlier, I am the System AI that was assigned to you."

She repeated, saying a part of what she said the first time she spoke.

Not getting the answer he wanted, Alistair rephrased the question and asked. "What is all this about System, System AI, and System Template?"

A few seconds after Alistair had rephrased the question, another screen materialized in front of him as the System AI said.

"A System can be described as a blessing given by the System god to those he deems worthy. It doesn't matter if the individual is good or evil everyone can be given one. The System basically makes the host's life easier and can also be called a cheat or golden finger."

"A System AI is an existence dedicated to helping the host utilize the System to its full potential. No matter how talented the host is, the host would never be able to use the System to its peak due to restrictions imposed by the Multiverse thereby bringing out a measly 20% of the System's true power and needing the aid of an AI like myself."

"And a System Template is what makes the host's System unique when compared to others who have the System. For example, the System template owned by the host is called the Divine Ascension Template while my previous host had one called the Great Tank Template."

Rounding up its explanation in only a few minutes, Alistair had excitement in his tone as he said. "In all three thousand plus years I spent alive, I've never seen anything so magical."

Amazed, Alistair added. "By the way why do you call me host Alistair works just fine."

"Because I have yet to acknowledge the host." 

Eleven replied, keeping her words brief.

"I see." Laughing dryly, he asked. "So anything else?" 

"If the host wants to see his current information he should say status."

"Status," Alistair said, looking at all the screens which suddenly got replaced by a single screen.

— –

[Name: Alistair

Race: Slime

Subrace: None

Bloodline: Chaos Devouring Slime

Existential Rank: Grade 0

Level: 1

Exp: 0/150


STR- 2

AGI- 4

INT- 11

WIS- 7

CHA- 5

Total- 29]

— –

As if she had read Alistair's mind, Eleven said.

"First I'll explain what a bloodline is so the host can have a deeper understanding of it. A bloodline can be described as a legacy of some sort gotten from beings who are above the Existential Limit of the world its inheritor is from."

In simpler words, Eleven was saying that bloodlines are gotten from beings who could destroy low-tiered worlds without breaking a sweat.

Such beings may include gods, mythical beasts, or regular individuals who are just very strong.

Though the individual they got the bloodline from is strong enough to eliminate a world without breaking a sweat, they can't achieve that level of strength as it depends on the individual's bloodline purity.

To be as powerful as the bloodline owner, a purity above 90% is required which is impossible for any individual to possess.

'But if that's the case, how can we get bloodlines when we aren't related to those individuals?' Alistair asked, slightly confused about the concept behind bloodlines.

A few seconds after a screen had appeared in front of Alistair, Eleven immediately put an end to his curiosity.

"The host's Existential Level is too low to get the full information about bloodlines."

'Alright, so what's the main advantage of having a bloodline.' Alistair thought, burying his curiosity about the origin of bloodlines for another time.

After a few seconds passed, Eleven replied.

"Although it wouldn't give them strength immediately as it would take some time for their power to increase, comparing their strength and foundation to those without one makes the difference akin to a chasm."

Fairly satisfied with Eleven's answer, Alistair asked. 'So how about those things called Exp?'

"Exp is the short form of Experience Points which the host needs to level up. The System would give the host Quests so he could use the rewards to grow stronger and also gain Experience Points from said quests so that he could level up."

Not waiting for Alistair to ask her what quests were, Eleven continued.

"Quests are missions or tasks given by the System to the host for a specific reward. Some Quests may come with punishments for failures and can either be optional or compulsory. There are also different types of Quests and each Quest gives different rewards."

Proceeding to ask Eleven about other things on the screen, Alistair absorbed everything she told him like a sponge while looking forward to when he would be capable of using his System to its best.


"Damn it!" The being that resided within Alistair's subconscious cursed, having rage fill his voice as he stared at the blue screen in front of Alistair.

"Even in this low-tiered work that blasted System god is still ruining my plans." He cursed, remembering the face of a regal-looking old man.

Angered at his plans becoming a lot harder, the being gritted his teeth and said. "Hopefully, he wouldn't be able to use the System he received to its best."

He knew that not all System holders were able to utilize their Systems to their peak due to failing to meet certain conditions and he hoped that's how Alistair turned out.

No matter how good the car was if the driver was wack it'd performance would also be shitty and it was the same with Systems.

Trying to find a silver lining despite his plans was going to take a long time before its completion, he added. "Well, his System would soon become mine if I successfully fuse with his soul."

Slowly regaining his calm, the being spared one last glance at the system and said. "I just hope that bastard doesn't spoil my plans for the second time."

As the image of those who had brought him to his current state flashed through his mind, the being clenched his fist as he swore. "I'm going back to the Center and no one is stopping me."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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