
A Sleeping Dragon

Nustara Kingdom, was known as the land of heroes. This kingdom always produced great adventurer that had great influence in the world. However, there would always be a failure even in such kingdom. The one who was known to be a Rank E, the lowest rank of adventurer. He didn't have any gift which was given by the god to everyone. But no one knew. No one knew, who was the real dragon out there.

earthreturnee · Fantasy
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10 Chs


When Keiman went to Takari Forest, the other adventurers also tried to complete their own quest.

Some went to the plain west of Jahne Town just before Kuriya Forest.

There were also those who went challenging dungeon located north of Jahne Town.

The dungeon located north of Jahne Town was only a rank D dungeon.

Dungeon was also ranked the same way as adventurer.

The monster inside it were only goblins and orcs but if someone was lucky, they could find treasure there.

On the plain named Jiban Plain, many adventurers was fighting the horned rabbit or green-tail deer.

As for Kuriya Forest, there were only few peoples who went there in the first place.

Many adventurers preferred Jiban Plain as this place had horned rabbit or green-tail deer which were famous for their meat.

Meanwhile, there were only orcs and goblin in the Kuriya Forest where nothing could be gained from killing them.

At most, adventurer would go to the Kuriya Forest to periodically decreased the population of orcs and goblin.

This time, the adventurer guild had sent someone with the fastest leg in Jahne Town, Franco.

Franco was a thief who was also a rank C adventurer.

Franco was sent to confirm what Keiman was saying yesterday.

Right now, Franco had arrived at the Kuriya Forest.

He walked carefully while sharpening his senses.

Franco didn't want the same this as Blue Ocean happened to him.

Even a rank C adventurer could die if attacked by orcs horde.

"Well, I can run if that happen, but it is just in case."

As a rank C adventurer with thief job, Franco boasted the fastest speed in the Jahne Town.

No one could rival him in speed.

Franco believed he could run away from an orcs horde if he wanted.

However, he didn't know, that something more dangerous awaited him deep in the forest.


"There is really a pile of orc corpses here."

Franco kept walking for half an hour before he finally arrived at the place where Keiman was fighting before.

The corpses had started to rot.

There were even corpses that were not intact anymore.

Probably they were eaten by the wolf in this forest.

Franco searched around this place.

He also found the corpse of the orc shaman.

Its body was pierced by a cane right at its heart.

"Guess this is enough."

The adventurer guild only asked Franco to confirm the orcs horde and brought back the ear of the orc shaman as a proof.

They didn't ask Franco anything else.

When Franco was cutting the ear of the orc shaman, it was at this moment that he heard a rustling sound from the bushes behind him.

Franco quickly stood up.

Holding his dagger, he looked at the bushes while sharpening his senses.

"What the..."

What appeared from the bushes was a giant orc.

It was an evolved species of orc, orc champion.

But different from ordinary orc champion, this one wore armor and also wielding a sword.

Even if that equipments were an old one, orc who only have intelligence similar to that of a child couldn't possibly know how to used it.

Franco couldn't believe his eyes.

It was something unexpected.

But as expected of a rank C adventurer.

Franco quickly came to himself.

Franco observed the orc champion while looking for an escape route.

A few moments felt like a few hours.

Then the orc champion began to move.

It moved quickly even though its body was almost three meters.

The orc champion reached Franco in an instant.


But Franco didn't just stay silent either.

He jumped to the side to avoid the orc champion's sword.

Franco didn't even think to fight the orc champion, he couldn't defeat it in the first place.

It was better to tell the adventurer guild about it.

With that in mind, Franco tried to escape.

Right, he tried.

But he couldn't.


When Franco tried to escape, there was an arrow aiming at him.

However, there was not only one arrow, but few of them.

Franco quickly dodge the arrow or hit the arrow if he couldn't dodge it.

But there was one arrow that still hit him.


It hit Franco on his shoulder.

He fell to the ground from the impact.

The orc champion didn't miss this chance.

It swung its sword at Franco.


Franco could only avoid it by a thin margin.

But his back was still grazed by the sword.

At this moment, the next volley of arrows came again.

Three arrows hit Franco this time.

(I'll die if I stay here!)

Not minding his wound, Franco ran with all his might.

Even when the orc champion's sword hit his back again, Franco still ran.

Or when more arrows hit him that made him looked like a porcupine, he still ran.

But just before his escape, Franco saw something that could only be described as disaster.

Behind the sea of trees, Franco saw an orcs horde.

And the number of orcs wasn't something to joke about.

From what Franco saw, at least there were two hundred orcs.

But that was not the most important thing.

Behind the orcs horde, there was one orc that was almost five meters tall.

It wore a wooden crown on its head and also wore a cape.

That was orc lord.

The highest species of orc.

"I need to tell the adventurer guild quickly!"

With much effort, Franco could finally escape.

The orcs didn't follow him either.

That was because the orcs was still approaching no matter what.



Franco finally came out of the forest.

His body was near the limit.

He then shouted at the nearest adventurer from him.

"Hey, are you okay!?"

Seeing how Franco looked like, the adventurer became worried.

"Don't worry about me! Just go to the adventurer guild and tell them that there is an orc lord approaching!"

"Orc lord!?"

To subjugate an orc lord, several rank A adventurers party was needed.

Or even rank S adventurer party depending on the number of orcs the orc lord gathered.

It was a disaster-level danger that could annihilate Jahne Town and the surrounding town.

"Bu, but how about you?"

"Just go to the adventurer guild! You can tell the others to fetch me on the way later!"

Passing this information to the adventurer guild was the most important thing to do.

Franco didn't care about his life as long as this information was passed.

"Okay then if you say so!"

The adventurer then ran to Jahne Town.

He also didn't forget to tell the other adventurers to went to where Franco is to help him.

After hearing this information, the adventurer guild fired the requesting help firework.