
A Slave To My Vengeful Lover

[Warning: This noval features Mature Content] She wanted love, but he wanted revenge! "Okay.., Thanks for saving me.." (I said, and turned around to leave his room) Mark: "It's better, If You Remove Your Undergarments".. (A sudden shrill electrified my body when I heard those words. I turn around to look at him. He is just doing his work on his laptop very casually. I didn't respond and turn to reach the door.) Mark: "Your wound will heal soon, so..." Anna: "Okay..." (What I just say? Did I actually agree to remove my undergarments? It's embarrassed me. I just rush out of his room in a hurry, but when I unintentionally imagine his words, my heart starts racing.) _________ Anna is devastated when her best friend Ria dies mysteriously. Whereas Mark, who is Ria's older brother wants to find the culprits, who are responsible for Ria's death.... Both Anna and Mark teams up to find the facts regarding Ria's case but they don't know that they fall in love to eachother... They feel like they can't live without eachother... On one fine day, both of them confess their love to eachother and their relationship leads to marriage... However, there are secrets behind Ria's death that will threaten the fragile romance blossoming between Anna and Mark and it leads Anna to be his slave... Mark wants to take strong revenge on Anna by entering into Slave aggrement... But Anna always trusts that love always Wins over revenge, so she always enjoys his sexual intense punishments out of love towards him... But to his surprise, he starts to find himself falling in love with Anna again. Revenge Wins? or Love Wins..? No matter how many fights you may get into, if you truly love someone it should never matter in the end... Love Always Blossom... Follow the book for further details... Hope you will enjoy it... _______ In the first 100 chapters Mark behaviour is a kind of Pervert and tease Anna in all possible ways... After 100 chapters, he realised his love towards her and started giving values to her wishes, He replaced Anna's nightmares with dreams, Anna's worries with happiness, and her fears with love... (Just bear his pervert behaviour of first 100 chapters and see how he will change step by step towards Anna...) _______ Anna's wish: I wish to wake up everyday to the feel of your breath on my neck... The warmth of your lips on my skin... The sound of your heart beating with mine... ---------- Once, you were my salvation My light My peace Now, you are my prison My captor My king Your once warm eyes, Are now, cold as ice... You once took my heart in both hands, Calling me the finest in all the lands... But now your stone cold, dagger-like stare, Makes me want to run away like a startled hare I’m no pet to be kept, No exotic beast to be bound... Even with all this rage against you that I hold, What am I to do except do as I am told... {By SOL (beloved reader)} ----------- Special Thanks to my content editor, ISLINDA, Who supported me in all the possible ways... I am blessed to find you as my CE... and as always a special thanks to Webnoval for giving me such a Great platform by pooling of readers and authors... And a special Thanks to my beloved readers for supporting... And a special Thanks to the co authors who always supported me and teach me many lessons... _______ Join Anna and Mark in there sweet Revenge journey of Love and compassion... Please buy me a coffee at https://ko-fi.com/annamark

AnnaMark · Teen
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751 Chs

Big.. Big.. Teddy

Anna's Pov:

I came to my room..

Tears are rolling from my eyes. I tried to hide my tears from Mark but after I came to my room, I can't control them anymore, I sat on my bed, and I started crying..

I am happy before Genie's visit but when she said, "I don't give answers to the one who can't afford a dress."

Her dagger words stab into my heart, it hurts me a lot. Yes, what she said was true. I can't even afford a dress. I lost everything in my life and now I can't even afford to buy a slice of bread at least.

If Mark asks me to get out of his house, I have to sell my body to fill my tummy.

No Anna, no, no...

You should not lose your character, if it comes to the point of my character, it's better to die than losing my character.

My mom, she is the only one who cares about me.

My mom personally takes care of my dresses and I don't even know how to select my own dress. She always prefers best for me even in hard times too and I don't know how to live my life without my mom..

Mark, he really takes excellent care of me but I can't depend on him like this..

After Ria's case gets closed, I should leave Mark, after that I am alone. No one is there in my life.

Tears are rolling from my eyes, and I am taking deep sobbing in between my thoughts. I didn't even touch my mom for one last time but I feel better if Mark takes me to my mom's final rituals..

But he didn't..

When I ask him about my mom, he said he would take me to her grave, I really feel bad but it's ok to visit the grave, at least...

I close my eyes, I got flashes of what Genie said about my clothes. Yes, she is right...

My mom always says, If I am not afforded for it, then I don't have a right to enjoy it..

I can't afford for a dress of 2.2 Million, so I should not accept it and I don't go to the party too.

Tomorrow morning, I will inform this to Mark. Meanwhile, Nanny entered into my room to sleep, I clean my face with my hands, and I said, "Nanny, You can sleep at your place, I can manage myself.."

Nanny: it's ok, beta, I should take care of you..

Anna: Nanny, I am fine, I went to outside for shopping too and I am not a patient anymore.

(I convinced her because she is suffering to sleep here by leaving her family. I don't have family, at least Nanny can spend some time with her family members.)

Nanny: ok, beta, call me if you need anything else..

Anna: "ok, Nany..."

She left my room, I didn't turn off the light, and I am scared to sleep alone but I should get habituated to live alone and sleep alone.

After a few minutes, I closed my eyes and went to sleep..

I got the same old nightmare that I am falling from the cliff. I just closed my eyes to give up my life but someone holds my hand to pull me up. I opened my eyes, it was blurry; I can't see him clearly. He lifted me above the cliff and I hugged him tightly...

I am happy...

I really feel eternally happy...

I just give him a kiss for saving my life.

I sensed him very softly...

Very soft as a toy, I hold him more tightly and feel secured..

On the next day morning, I slowly opened my eyes, it was around 8 a.m. I want to release my hands..

Wait, I am hugging something..


I am hugging the teddy bear of 4 feet?

I suddenly got up and checked again and it's a teddy bear of 4 feet lay beside me. It's a Big Big Teddy, and it's in pink in color. I immediately grab it and hugged it tightly and kiss to that..

I love Teddy's a lot...

In my room, there are so many teddies of different sizes, when I saw a Teddy in Angel's hand, I feel like I should have one but I didn't express this to anyone. I looked at Teddy again, it's similar to the same Teddy in Angel's hand but Angel's teddy is small compared to mine.

Mine is a big, big teddy..


I scream in happiness and hugged it tightly.

Wait, I will keep a name to this Teddy..



It's my bubluu...

I keep it near to my pillow, and I went to the washroom for freshening up, and today I am done with my bathing myself without Nanny's help. My bruises are better than yesterday. Meanwhile, Mona came to my room..

Mona: Hi, Anna, Good morning.

Anna: Good morning, Mona..

(She checked and dressed up my wound.)

Mona: Excellent Anna, wounds are really healing fast. I will keep small bandages, so, it will help your dress for today's evening party.

Anna: That's ok, Mona, but I am not coming to the party..

Mona: Why?

Anna: I don't want to come, I don't like to attend and I am not worth to attend a party and a costly dress. So, please don't make me force to come.

Mona: Did Mark accepted it?

Anna: I need to inform to him.

(I can see a smirk on Mona's face)

Mona: You both decide about it, and what about your Bruises?

Did you get anything new?

(she asked me with her narrowed eyes.)

Anna: They are better than yesterday and didn't get any new.

(I acted casually.)

Mona: Hey, it's Big Teddy and this exactly looks like Angel's Teddy, right Anna?

But this one is very big...

(I smiled by looking at Mona's excitement.)

Anna: Yes, I don't know who keeps this, I saw this on my bed in the morning, maybe Nanny must have kept it because she didn't sleep with me last night.

Mona: that was great!!!

She is taking good care..

Ok then, Let's meet you at the party..


Anna: I told you I am not coming.

(Mona looked at me with a smile on her face.)

Mona: You don't know about Mark, if he thinks to happen, he will make it to happen...

either one way or the other...

Anna: what do you mean..?

Mona: see you at the party, ok?

Anna: ok then let's see...

Mona: ok bye

Anna: bye...

then I think to myself why he wants me to come to the party..?

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