
A Slave To My Vengeful Lover

[Warning: This noval features Mature Content] She wanted love, but he wanted revenge! "Okay.., Thanks for saving me.." (I said, and turned around to leave his room) Mark: "It's better, If You Remove Your Undergarments".. (A sudden shrill electrified my body when I heard those words. I turn around to look at him. He is just doing his work on his laptop very casually. I didn't respond and turn to reach the door.) Mark: "Your wound will heal soon, so..." Anna: "Okay..." (What I just say? Did I actually agree to remove my undergarments? It's embarrassed me. I just rush out of his room in a hurry, but when I unintentionally imagine his words, my heart starts racing.) _________ Anna is devastated when her best friend Ria dies mysteriously. Whereas Mark, who is Ria's older brother wants to find the culprits, who are responsible for Ria's death.... Both Anna and Mark teams up to find the facts regarding Ria's case but they don't know that they fall in love to eachother... They feel like they can't live without eachother... On one fine day, both of them confess their love to eachother and their relationship leads to marriage... However, there are secrets behind Ria's death that will threaten the fragile romance blossoming between Anna and Mark and it leads Anna to be his slave... Mark wants to take strong revenge on Anna by entering into Slave aggrement... But Anna always trusts that love always Wins over revenge, so she always enjoys his sexual intense punishments out of love towards him... But to his surprise, he starts to find himself falling in love with Anna again. Revenge Wins? or Love Wins..? No matter how many fights you may get into, if you truly love someone it should never matter in the end... Love Always Blossom... Follow the book for further details... Hope you will enjoy it... _______ In the first 100 chapters Mark behaviour is a kind of Pervert and tease Anna in all possible ways... After 100 chapters, he realised his love towards her and started giving values to her wishes, He replaced Anna's nightmares with dreams, Anna's worries with happiness, and her fears with love... (Just bear his pervert behaviour of first 100 chapters and see how he will change step by step towards Anna...) _______ Anna's wish: I wish to wake up everyday to the feel of your breath on my neck... The warmth of your lips on my skin... The sound of your heart beating with mine... ---------- Once, you were my salvation My light My peace Now, you are my prison My captor My king Your once warm eyes, Are now, cold as ice... You once took my heart in both hands, Calling me the finest in all the lands... But now your stone cold, dagger-like stare, Makes me want to run away like a startled hare I’m no pet to be kept, No exotic beast to be bound... Even with all this rage against you that I hold, What am I to do except do as I am told... {By SOL (beloved reader)} ----------- Special Thanks to my content editor, ISLINDA, Who supported me in all the possible ways... I am blessed to find you as my CE... and as always a special thanks to Webnoval for giving me such a Great platform by pooling of readers and authors... And a special Thanks to my beloved readers for supporting... And a special Thanks to the co authors who always supported me and teach me many lessons... _______ Join Anna and Mark in there sweet Revenge journey of Love and compassion... Please buy me a coffee at https://ko-fi.com/annamark

AnnaMark · Teen
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751 Chs

Anna's Mother

Mark's POV:

I take a nap and wake up at around 10.30 a.m...

The first flash I got is Anna, I recall my memory with her, how she holds my hand, how she felt comfortable by catching my hand, and how I changed the pillow replacing my hand,

But I can't remove the memory of her beauty spot mole from my mind..

Why am I so passionate about her?

Anna... Anna... Anna...

It's been not more than 24 hours that I met her...

Why am I daydreaming about her?

But she is different from the other girls as far as I met..

She looks soo cute and innocent, and her eyes...

Stop..!, stop thinking about her.

I am Mr Mark, and I should be strong, and I should not fall for girls..

Especially Anna..!

There are so many girls who pleaded me for love, date, sex, etc..

Why should I fall after Anna?

In between my thoughts, my phone started vibrating; it's Doctor Mona. I immediately lift the phone.

Mark: What happened, doctor? Why did you call me this early morning?

Dr Mona: Hey, Mark, Do you think this is early morning?

It's around 11 in the morning.

Mark: Really, I didn't check the time. Sorry..!

Dr.Mona: Stop kidding, I just called you to follow up on my patient, tell me, how is she?

Mark: Patient? Who?

Dr.Mona: Are you mad?

It's Anna, I gave treatment to her last night, and you were more worried about her...

Is that clear?

Mark: I didn't worry for anybody, I just take care of her just because she is the only witness for Ria's case, and I don't even see her after you left.

I ask Nanny to take care of her if she needs anything and can you please, if possible, send any nurse you know, who takes proper care of Anna because I don't want Nanny to do babysitting for her.

Dr.Mona: It's ok, Romeo, I will send a nurse by tomorrow..!

Even I am thinking to appoint a nurse because her wound is to be cleaned regularly and proper dressing is to be done on the damage to avoid infections, and I am sure Anna can't do it by herself.

So I will send the best nurse who will take good care of your Anna, Ok?

Mark: very funny..!!!

You just said your Anna..!

I don't even look at her face in my life once Ria's case gets solved.

Dr Mona: It's ok Mark, I am just kidding; I guess after your sister; I feel like she is the only woman you care the most...

Mark: Can you please stop...!!!

Dr.Mona: Ok, Jokes apart, I will visit now and check on her...

Mark: As you wish, and I need to talk to you about a confidential matter, make sure to keep some time slot for me...

Dr Mona: Sure, ok then, bye.

(It's very tough to pretend not to care, Anna, particularly before Mona...

Later, I called to my Personal Assistance and ordered her to cancel all my appointments.

After a few minutes of my calls, I went to Anna's room to check whether she is fine or not. After I reached the room, I slowly open the door and looked around; Nanny is taking a nap on the chair...

I went near to Anna's bed to look at her, she's in her deep sleep and still holding the pillow. My face turned to smile when I saw her childish behaviour...

"What's funny in watching her face" a female voice interrupted me, and I turned around to check on her.

It's Dr. Mona...

She is smiling at me with her smirk face to tease me, Ohh God..! I don't think I will book redhandedly, but I acted normally.

Mark: What did you say?

Dr Mona: Nothing, I just came to check her wounds..

Mark: I know that, Can you stop teasing me and stop looking at me with your weird expression.

Dr.Mona: Ok, then, tell me, what are you doing here?

Mark: I just came here to check on you, but you came late than I expected.

Dr Mona: Hoo, okk, Here I came...

So can I start my treatment?

(By finishing her words, she took the injection and filling it with some medicine.)

Mark: What's that injection for?

Dr.Mona: Its antibiotic, Mark, we should give this to her for the next five days, it's a course, so we should not skip them, and it will help to get disinfected the wound because the wound she got, maybe with a rusted knife..


(By saying that, Mona went near to Anna and pulled down her bed sheet and make her t-shirt slip side to expose the hand. It's a clear view of her collarbone. Meanwhile, Nanny waked up and helped Mona.

I just stare at Anna, whether she will wake up to that needle pain but I didn't get noticed that Mona is observing me when I am staring at Anna. She came in front of me to disturb me with her smiling teasing face.

Dr Mona: My job is done, you said you need to talk about something?

Mark: Yeah, when she will get conscious?

Dr Mona: Maybe evening, because I gave some medicines which make her sleep.

Mark: ok

Dr Mona: That's it?

I stared at Mona by raising one of my eyebrows and said, "come to my room."

(After we reached my room we started to discuss about the confidential matter.)

Mark: Last night Anna called me and told me that his brother with 3 of her friends was attacked Ria, but at your postmortem report, it says that five distinct persons were attacked Ria

So who can be the 5th person?

Dr. Mona: Yes, Mark, we find five unique types of nails digging on her body; all of them are perverts. I mean they will enjoy their life if someone is suffering from pain...

(My heart is filled with pain the moment I heard from Mona about my sister.)

Mark: I don't leave any of them alive, and for the one who is responsible too, I will give appropriate punishment to each and every one.

Dr. Mona: Is that true what Anna told you?

Or there may be a chance of 4 other friends, instead of 3..

Mark: That's the reason I need to get clarity on this; she needs to get consciousness...

Dr. Mona: Mark, Don't ask her today itself. Let her set free for 3-4 days, she is in a very depressed state and crying the whole time when I am giving the treatment to her by saying the words.

"Mom, please come back..

Why did you do this to my friend..

Ria, I miss you... etc.."

That's the reason I gave her some sleeping medicine, so her mind will stabilize first, and most importantly, she will heal only when her mindset is free from fears. So, after a few days, we can handle her...

And one more important thing, if you do not take proper care of her, she may attempt suicide to overcome her depression as Ria did..

(My body is filled with shrills for the thought of what if she attempted suicide, no, no, I don't let her die...)

Mark: ok, then we will discuss this with her after she stabilizes with her emotional trauma.

And one more thing she told me last night, that her brother tried to kill her, but her mother sacrifices her life to save Anna, and her father helps her to escape from her brother and finally, she thinks her mother is dead...

Dr. Mona: What do you mean..?

Mark: I immediately called to the cop, who is investigating Ria's case exclusively and gave the information after Anna hangs the call, he immediately went to check her house, but they found only Anna's mother's body...

She is still fighting with her life and not dead..!!!

They joined her in the hospital off the record because I instructed them to keep it as secrecy about her mother's death.

It may help to find Ria's death mystery, but unfortunately, she is in a coma and if it is possible, can you please take care of Anna's Mother in your hospital?

Dr Mona: Definitely, Mark, I will take care of her mother.

But will you say this to Anna?

Mark: No, Anna already decided that her mother is dead both mother and Anna's condition is critical.

It's better; Anna believes that her mother was dead. If her mother was out of danger, we could inform her about her mother.

(Mona looking at me with her brief smile on her face.)

Dr Mona: So you already started to taking care of Anna, and it's useless to say any instructions to you about Anna.

I think you are far better in taking care of her...!!!

Mark: I am serious, Mona, I told you so many times that all this is about Ria. We can interrogate he mother and Anna individually so we can know the truth. Before that, we need to catch Anna's father, too..

Dr. Mona: Why do you need her father?

Mark: I think he is a stepfather to her. I can remember when Ria told me about her friend Anna.

So we should find him to find the facts.

And one more thing, I didn't inform any of this discussion with anyone except you. Please maintain this secret; particularly Anna should not know about her mother...

Dr. Mona: Ok, sure.., I will arrange an ambulance and bring her mother to my hospital..

Mark: ok, Thanks, and take this cheque..

Dr. Mona: wow, 2 Million?

Mark: not enough?

Dr. Mona: it will be the expenditure of her mother for one entire year, Mark...

Mark: No, it's for a month, it is very risky in this situation, so take proper care of her..

I will give a monthly overtime check, Ok?

Dr. Mona: it's ok, I will manage, you take care of your Juliet

(she laughs and stand.)

Mark: how mean you are?

Dr. Mona: ok, byeeee..

Mark: Byee..

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