
A Slave To My Vengeful Lover

[Warning: This noval features Mature Content] She wanted love, but he wanted revenge! "Okay.., Thanks for saving me.." (I said, and turned around to leave his room) Mark: "It's better, If You Remove Your Undergarments".. (A sudden shrill electrified my body when I heard those words. I turn around to look at him. He is just doing his work on his laptop very casually. I didn't respond and turn to reach the door.) Mark: "Your wound will heal soon, so..." Anna: "Okay..." (What I just say? Did I actually agree to remove my undergarments? It's embarrassed me. I just rush out of his room in a hurry, but when I unintentionally imagine his words, my heart starts racing.) _________ Anna is devastated when her best friend Ria dies mysteriously. Whereas Mark, who is Ria's older brother wants to find the culprits, who are responsible for Ria's death.... Both Anna and Mark teams up to find the facts regarding Ria's case but they don't know that they fall in love to eachother... They feel like they can't live without eachother... On one fine day, both of them confess their love to eachother and their relationship leads to marriage... However, there are secrets behind Ria's death that will threaten the fragile romance blossoming between Anna and Mark and it leads Anna to be his slave... Mark wants to take strong revenge on Anna by entering into Slave aggrement... But Anna always trusts that love always Wins over revenge, so she always enjoys his sexual intense punishments out of love towards him... But to his surprise, he starts to find himself falling in love with Anna again. Revenge Wins? or Love Wins..? No matter how many fights you may get into, if you truly love someone it should never matter in the end... Love Always Blossom... Follow the book for further details... Hope you will enjoy it... _______ In the first 100 chapters Mark behaviour is a kind of Pervert and tease Anna in all possible ways... After 100 chapters, he realised his love towards her and started giving values to her wishes, He replaced Anna's nightmares with dreams, Anna's worries with happiness, and her fears with love... (Just bear his pervert behaviour of first 100 chapters and see how he will change step by step towards Anna...) _______ Anna's wish: I wish to wake up everyday to the feel of your breath on my neck... The warmth of your lips on my skin... The sound of your heart beating with mine... ---------- Once, you were my salvation My light My peace Now, you are my prison My captor My king Your once warm eyes, Are now, cold as ice... You once took my heart in both hands, Calling me the finest in all the lands... But now your stone cold, dagger-like stare, Makes me want to run away like a startled hare I’m no pet to be kept, No exotic beast to be bound... Even with all this rage against you that I hold, What am I to do except do as I am told... {By SOL (beloved reader)} ----------- Special Thanks to my content editor, ISLINDA, Who supported me in all the possible ways... I am blessed to find you as my CE... and as always a special thanks to Webnoval for giving me such a Great platform by pooling of readers and authors... And a special Thanks to my beloved readers for supporting... And a special Thanks to the co authors who always supported me and teach me many lessons... _______ Join Anna and Mark in there sweet Revenge journey of Love and compassion... Please buy me a coffee at https://ko-fi.com/annamark

AnnaMark · Teen
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751 Chs

"Tell me if you find any Bruise"

Anna's POV:

After he pulled me towards his chest, I immediately grab his shirt and hide my face, and started crying.

When I am asking him "Why Ria left me alone" in-between my sobbing, his right shoulder is around my back and grips my right hand near the shoulder, to pull me more close towards him. His grip is becoming tight, and with his left hand, he holds my chin and raised my head a little..

I didn't open my eyes yet, but after a few more seconds, I can sense a kiss on my forehead. The kiss I feel secure and promising...

I slowly open my eyes, and he is waiting to look into my eyes. His eyes and face were red in colour, and his eyes are filled with tears. I am just shocked by looking into his eyes, and I feel like I lost my world by looking into his eyes..

Mark: "You will be safe with me; I will be with you.."

I felt a sudden shrill all over my body the moment I listened to him.

Is this a promise?

We both lost our world by looking at each other in both of our eyes. One of his tear is fallen from his cheek and rolls down and fall on my chin...

I sense his love towards me by looking at his tears. I feel very warm in his hug, and I don't let him cry again.

Anna: " Thank you."

I said by looking into his eyes for his promise. He gets distracted with my thank you and slowly releases both of his hands on me..

I get sit straight and smoothening my right arm with my left hand, the place where he holds me tightly, I feel a little pain for his tight grip. He doesn't know that he's been pressing me hard..

I think he saw that, but he didn't react, even I didn't respond anything, we both sit straight in silence for a few minutes. My mind was blank, and my heart feels relief, after a few more seconds we heard someone is calling us and we both turned backwards to check who might it be, It's Nanny...

She is calling us from the door, which is far away from where we sit; she is asking us to have dinner. We both get up from the ground..

I follow Mark, and in the hallway, Nanny interrupts me and asks me about my lunch. I said I woke up late, and I had coffee. She requested me to have dinner...

Meanwhile, Mark went upstairs towards Ria's room..

Anna: "I will be back in 10 minutes, Nanny; I need to freshen up."

By finishing my words, I went to my room and washed my face. I make my hair to high pony and still sense the brief pain in my arm..

I saw there, and my skin turned to reddish pink with four fingers print, it was clearly visible because my t-shirt is sleeveless. I just take some talcum powder and cover it, so it's better than before. I feel free now and smile to myself; I don't know why I feel eternally happy. Is this just because of the kiss or his promise or the moment I share with him?

I saw the clock, and it's around 7 pm.

I feel starving, I went to downstairs to have some food. Mark already arrived and sat near the dining table, opposite to the staircase, and staring at me with his sharp eyes. I feel embarrassed by looking at his staring eyes; I just put my face down and reach the same chair I sat in the breakfast...

Nanny placed a bowl of mushroom soup, after that she served me the pasta. I have two spoons of my food; meanwhile, he breaks the silence...

Mark: If you don't mind, may I know the school name you studied for a week in your childhood.

(I am shocked by listening to his question. I didn't ask him why I just tell him the school name and where exactly it is located by staring at my plate. He didn't ask me any further questions, and I didn't ask him for the reason.

After 2 minutes, he left and went into his room; I completed eating my pasta and reached my room. I feel tired. Nanny came to my room and accompanied me; she slept with me...

I wake up at 7 in the morning, I didn't find Nanny in my room. I freshen up and taking my clothes from the wardrobe; meanwhile, Nanny entered my room and asked me to take a bath..

I lock my room door and Nanny, and I went to the washroom, she is helping me to take the bath.

In between, she asked me, "Anna beta, What's this?"

She is staring at my waist, and there was a minor bruise on the left side of my waist...

I got a flash that yesterday when I am fighting against injection, Mark hold my waist very tightly and pressed it hard to get a grip on my waist. I smile at myself by visualizing his close move on me and act normally because Nanny is staring at me.)

"I don't know Nany..." I said, and checked it casually.

Nanny: You don't know?

She touched the bruise and looked at me again, and I scream in pain at her touch on my bruise.


She immediately left the bruise

Nanny: Maybe it caused because of the reaction of the medicine, beta.

I smiled to myself and told, "Maybe..."

And I finished my bath, dressed up, and went to have breakfast. I looked around for Mark; I didn't find him anywhere. I had my breakfast and reached my room..

After a few minutes, someone knocked on my door, I opened the door, and it's Dr Mona and Nanny.

 Anna: "Good morning, Mona.."

Mona: "Good morning, Anna, how do you feel?"

Anna: Better...!!!

(Mona smiled at me and she dressed up my wound with hydrogen peroxide, while Nanny stands beside me and holds me. I know, now they are going to give me the injection.

My heartbeat increased, my hands became wet, and my eyes are teary. Meanwhile, Mona gave me the tablet and asked me to swallow it, I did what she said, and she is about to leave my room..

Nanny interrupted and asked her about the injection. She turned around, looked at me with a smile and said, "A small gift from my side to Anna, No injection for you, But make sure you should be regular in tablets."

 (My face immediately lightened up and went to her and hugged her.)

Anna: Thank you, Mona...

Mona: You better say thanks to Mark, he is the one who convinces me to change your treatment to tablets..

I nod my head as okay.

Anna: "When did he say to you about injections?"

(I want to know, I guess he may be called her last night or this morning because he got to know about my past on yesterday evening and I feel happy that he is taking care of me.

Mona looked at me with a brief smile.)

Mona: Yesterday morning..!

Anna: What?

Mona: yes, baby, after I am done with your treatment, I went into his room to clean up his wound, there he convinces me..

(I am shocked by listening to Mona, Did he really convinced her yesterday morning?

But he knows the actual story in the evening then why he took this decision?

Whatever it may be, I am happy because of no injection from now on. Meanwhile, Nanny interrupted us.)

Nanny: It's good to take off the injection because Anna beta got allergy for the injection.

(I stared at Nanny and understood that she is going to book me red-handed before Mona.)

Mona: Allergy?


(Nanny tried to raise my t-shirt near my waist to show the bruise, but I just pulled my shirt down and turned to Mona and said, "it's just a small rash, not a big issue, Mona."

Mona: "Let me check.."

(Mona came close to me and checked the bruise by raising my t-shirt and stared at the bruise.)

Mona: I think it is not a medical reaction, Anna.

(she immediately looked at my blushed face. I feel nervous and biting my lower lip and looked on the ground to avoid her glare. After she looked at me, she smiled a bit and turned towards Nanny and said, "Nothing to worry Nanny, it will heal."

I feel relief that she didn't identify that the bruise is caused because of Mark..

Mona: "Is there any other Bruise on the body?

I am moving my head horizontally as No, while Nanny said, "Yes.."

Mona stared at me, and I stared at Nanny, I didn't understand what the hell is going onn?

Nanny immediately grabs my right hand; I immediately pulled my hand back and shocked how she knows about my another bruise?

She didn't even ask me about it, Mona came close and checked my arm.

Nanny: "I think it's a small Rash than on waist."

(I stare at Nanny and thinking, Why the hell in this world she saw that and why she should tell to Mona?

She will definitely identify the fingerprint on the bruise, what should I answer if she asked me who did this?

While Mona is checking my arm, all these thoughts are running in my mind, and I feel nervous. But Mona smiled at me again and looked into my eyes with her narrowed eyes. Maybe she identified why it causes.

Mona: It's okay, Anna, nothing to worry..

Nanny, No need to worry, the bruise will heal soon and tell me if you find any Bruise further..."

By finishing her words, she winked at me with one of her eyes and left my room, I take a long, deep breathing and feel relieved.)

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