
A possible path

Li min path is practically destined, and his family from the moment he was deemed to have a shattered soul cut him off from all possible resources. Rumours around town is a dog father begets a dog son.

The name sunset valley is coined from the many mountains that surround the area and the myth that the sun sets across one of the many hills. Li min decides that since he is not deemed to be a martial artist he could at least pick any of the many surrounding occupations like formation, pills , inscription forging, but alas with a shattered soul he is doomed to never walk on any of those parts.

He attempts the registration procedures of all available occupation with belief in his mind that at least one will be possible, but in all of the occupations he fails. Been born with a shattered soul signifies that on communication with the heavens he will never receive response just like calling a number on airplane mode.

The path to dao begins with a step and that step is to be able to communicate and receive response from the heavens, even tbe least talented receives response it just will not be at the level of the most talented.

The talent structure across all paths are split into

SS rank: Most talented

S rank: better than most

Then from A rank to E rank.

The cultivation level are body cultivation, qi condensation, spirit soul, origin core, nascent soul, profound establishment, void returns, dharma characteristics, conjoint body, mahayana realm, emperor realm.