
ASS 14

~Part 1~

"What. Did. I. Say." After each word, Will tapped Erza on the nose as she laid on top of him, her lips pursed in a pout. "About. The. Situation. With. Mira?"

"That we can talk with her later?" Erza replied, staring at him with puppy-eyes before asking with a stutter. "D-Did I do something wrong?"

'I did say that, didn't I? I probably should've phrased it better,' Wil thought before shaking his head.

"Ah, well, you did nothing wrong, but," he wrapped one arm around her while he stroked her hair with the other, "I would've preferred if we discussed it before you asked her to go on a date with us."

A part of him wished he was the one to ask her out, while another wanted to be there when Erza did it. That would've been a sight to see and also explained why she needed one of his suits.

"Do you not like Mira?" Erza asked, biting her lower lip and looking at him nervously.

'Is that a trick question?' That was the first thought that passed through his mind. Then he remembered how straightforward Erza was. She wouldn't try setting up a trap like that.

"Well, yes?" Will replied, and Erza smiled at him in return, but his following words made her light up like a Christmas tree. "I do like you more, though."

"I'm in the lead," she giggled with a self-satisfied smile before snuggling against him.

"Yes, you are," he stroked her hair. "Now, I believe it's time to sleep. We have a big day," he paused and shook his head. "Or three coming up tomorrow."

Will looked forward to using the tickets since that would answer quite a few of his questions. This would be nothing more than a test run to better understand how the World-Travelling function worked for future references.

Would he be able to still buy items from the Fairy Tail world while in another world? That was important to know as it would drastically change how he viewed the function. Because if he could, that opened up the possibility of setting up a shop as he would be able to do it fairly quickly. Though he would still be hard pressed to earn back the credits he used to travel there.

But if he couldn't buy items from the Fairy Tail world through his system store, then chances were the same would apply to the items from that world as well, and he would only be able to buy them while there. In that case, he would need to stockpile a large number of credits before even considering traveling in the future.

For such reasons, this was nothing more than a test run, which would hopefully also help him figure out what prices to expect in the future.

Will also hoped to find some new and interesting ingredients to experiment with. Fairy Tail was a magical world filled with incredible flora and fauna, but it lacked ingredients and potions that gave instant major benefits.

Most of the medicine he saw in the system shop boosted the physical or magical growth, and only a few were the ones that provided an immediate gain but only a minor one. Those ones also had a limit as they could be consumed only once a day.

Erza didn't reply at first and just fidgeted in his arms. Shortly, she looked at him with pleading eyes. "Can we, umm?"

Will flipped her over so that he was on top. "Just once, okay?" He waited for her to nod before slowly lowering himself while leaving a path of kisses along her body.

"Okay, those here are made with Wyvern blood and are much stronger than the regular potions I sell," Will said as he handed over two dozen Health and Magic potions, both types having a darker and richer color than the regular ones due to the reagent they were made with.

"How much stronger?" Erza asked, looking at them curiously for a moment before storing them in her pocket space.

"Well," Will scratched his head. "They should be about two times stronger."

"So the Magic Potion should restore about half of my reserves then," Erza nodded.

Will just stared at her with a twitching eye. The potions he was currently selling were pretty much considered inferior ones, but one was still enough to restore him to full capacity. However, the same potion barely recovered one-fourth of Erza's magic power. The difference between the two was simply staggering.

"I think this should be everything we need," Will said in a moment, deciding not to dwell on that thought. In time, he would catch up... hopefully.

He did one last check on his own pocket space, confirming once again that it was indeed filled with potions and a little bit of food and water, alongside one item he always kept in there. Afterward, he grabbed the two tickets.

They were as mundane as they could be; a simple white color, a dotted line on each side, and a serial number written in the middle. On one side, it said, "Pull here to travel," and on the other side, "Pull here to return."

They could always use the ticket to return back if the situation was dire, but Will was confident in Erza's capabilities. Unless they were put in some truly dangerous world, she would be able to pull through. Though... he couldn't say the same about himself, but at least he had the option of running away.

The serial number was the last thing on the tickets, but the number 199999 didn't really explain much to him, so he didn't put much thought into that.

"Let's do this on three," Will said as both held onto their tickets. "One, two... three," they ripped the tickets at the same time and waited with bated breaths. Five, ten, fifteen seconds passed, but nothing happened.

"Umm..." Will looked around in worry.

"Did it work?" Erza asked with concern.

"I'm not sure?" He couldn't understand what was going on. They ripped the correct side on the ticket, so why were they still in his house?

"It shou-" Mid-sentence, both of them blanked out, their vision replaced by a blurry white light. To Will, it seemed as if he was moving at the speed of light, similar to the spaceships that used FTL in most sci-fi movies.

The moment his vision cleared, he was assaulted by two different sensations. The more noticeable was the one knocking against his Super Archive, feeling like a ping as if someone or something was trying to connect with him but not quite.

Will clamped his mental defenses, which were unfortunately rudimentary at best. Being mind-controlled was one of his greatest fears, and he had tried to set up a malware of sorts with Super Archive, but he didn't stay long enough in college to learn how to do that.

His current plan? Well, it was failsafe more than anything else. He'd set it up so that if anyone tries to mind control him, memories of his time with Erza will start playing on a loop. He wasn't sure how well it would work, but he hoped for the best.

The second thing Will noticed was the air as it was dirtier than Earthland and... heavier? It was rich in Etherano, or magical particles, but it was nothing compared to the one he had gotten used to as of late.

And the last thing was the noise, one he was very familiar with, the sound of a honking car.

"Get out of the road!" What could only be described as a hillbilly yelled out from within his pickup truck. "What the hell is wrong with all the whackos today!? Use the fucking sidewalk!"

"Sorry," Will apologized before grabbing Erza by the hand and pulling her to the sidewalk.

"There are... a lot of wizards around here," she noted, seeing all the number of cars on the road, looking calmer and more composed than him.

"Those aren't magical vehicles," Will told her, his brown orbs darting back and forward as he studied the surroundings. His eyes quivered in a mixture of emotions, judging they had arrived on Earth.

However, it was definitely not his home planet, and he assumed that much due to the magic in the air. As far as he was aware, magic just didn't exist on his Earth. That information made him feel happy as there should be magical ingredients for him to take back, but it also made him feel dread. Some of the Earths with magic he knew of weren't very nice places.

"Those are cars, and they don't require magic to be driven," he explained in a moment after getting his bearings. "They use fuel, and even civilians can drive them. They are kinda like the trains from Earthland as they don't need a wizard's magic power."

"So, all of them are powered by a Lacrima?" Erza asked in wonder, taking a closer look at the cars.

"No, not really," Will shook his head. "No magic at all is involved, just pure science."

"Interesting," Erza muttered. "I might have enough space to bring back one with us."

"That probably isn't a great idea. We will need to bring a lot of fuel back with us as well. Otherwise, it would be nothing more than a relic we won't be able to use," Will sighed as he really wanted to bring a car back with them. Unfortunately, that just wasn't feasible.

"I understand," Erza nodded before proceeding to look around, checking out the various buildings. Though her eyes did jump back to the cars on occasion, a glint of desire flashing through them.

"You should also swap out of your armor," Will said before quickly placing a hand on her shoulder. "But not here. Somewhere where people won't be able to see," he added since he wasn't sure how the locals would react to magic.

Hell, they already brought attention to themselves with Erza wearing her armor. Plus, they appeared in the middle of the road, and he wasn't sure in what way they did. Even if they didn't cause a light show with their arrival, they still appeared out of thin air, so they might've been caught on camera.

"I... okay," Erza accepted his suggestion, though she was obviously confused why she had to hide her use of Requip.

"Give me a moment to figure this out," Will said, taking a deep breath. The easiest way to find out where they were was through his system shop. He immediately noticed that not a single item from Fairy Tail was available for him to buy, so that was one lesson learned already.

At first glance, he didn't gather much from the offered items, but when he checked the most expensive ones...

"Oh shit," he muttered.

"What?" Erza worriedly asked.

"We are either in a very dangerous place, or if we are lucky, in a not so dangerous world," Will replied, his eyes glued to the six items, all worth over seven digits. The Infinity Stones.

For a brief moment, he considered simply buying a few things before ripping the ticket so they could return to Earthland. Marvel just wasn't a place to mess around with, considering how many powerful entities existed there. There were just too many dangers despite the many opportunities in that world.

However... there was also a chance they were in the cinematic universe, and that gave him some hope. Survival was much easier there, and they could get some benefits depending on the timeline. That was something he had to confirm and figure out their current location.

The dry air and the hot weather indicated they were somewhere in the South-West, and he knew of one event that took place there. New Mexico was the state in which the first Thor movie took place, and if they were indeed there when it happened... well, the only question was, how do they take advantage of that?

"Okay, okay," he repeated, licking his lips in greed as he looked at the cheaper items in his store and started scrolling up.

'What? Why is this so cheap?'

[Heart-Shaped Herb - 50 credits: A herb with magical properties that is shaped like a heart. Provides a small boost to the physique of whoever consumes it. Can only be eaten once a week.]

From what he knew, that just didn't make sense. The Heart-Shaped Herb was supposed to be what made the Black Panther, The Black Panther. So then, why was it so lacking? It was still good, and he would grab a bag or two with its seeds, but he expected more out of it.

A bit disappointed with the magical herb, he continued looking, finding a few more interesting ones as he scrolled up. The Moon Lily was the one that caught his attention as it was the same cost with a similar effect, though focused on improving the magical reserves of whoever consumes it. Now that was one he really needed.

His eyes lit up in excitement soon after, seeing something that greatly enticed him.

[Super Soldier Serum - 1450 credits: A serum that, when injected, enhances and perfects the recipient's physiology as well as emphasizing key personality traits.]

The serum was something he really wanted as, from what he knew, it would improve his physique and mind. However, he held off from buying it, deciding not to rush since he wasn't sure how the latter part of the description would work with him.

[Vibranium-Infused Heart-Shaped Herb - 2350 credits: A magical herb whose effects have been further magnified by Vibranium. Greatly enhances and improves all physical and magical capabilities of the one who consumes it to the Super-Soldier level. Consuming more than one would have no further effect.]

'This...' Will gulped loudly. This was exactly what he needed since it would fix both of his current problems; his weak physical and magical capabilities. However, it would cost him almost all of his credits, and he wasn't sure if he was willing to spend them all.

Shaking his head, he tried to suppress his greed as he thought over this new information. The herb - in its basic form - was already pretty good as it provided a small boost when consumed. However, its effect was magnified tremendously due to Vibranium, and that was something he could potentially try to replicate. In fact, he could even try to improve other types of ingredients in this manner.

There was just a small problem with that. One kilogram (2.2 pounds) of Vibranium cost 800 credits to purchase from his system. Will just wasn't sure if that would be enough to recreate the enhanced form of the herb. From what he knew, Wakanda was built around an entire mountain of the magical metal, so more than likely, he needed a lot more to replicate the herb on his own.

The thought of Vibranium made him check the other two known metals. Adamantium, the nearly indestructible steel alloy, was priced at 850 credits per kilogram, while Uru was just a bit more, sitting at 900.

Uru was the most expensive since it was already incredibly strong in its base form, but it could grow even more powerful when in the hands of a magical user. It could sustain an innumerable number of magical enhancements, growing more powerful with each placed on it, but one could also just feed the metal magical power to fuel its growth.

'I need to get Erza an Uru weapon,' Will's first thought was of Erza when he saw the magical metal. It would take him a long time to get proficient with a weapon, and he couldn't see himself picking up one in the near future. But Erza... if she got her hands on such a weapon, she would become a monster. Well, a bigger monster than she already was.

"Okay, okay," he breathed out as his mind started working in overdrive. "I think I might..." He paused as he suddenly noticed he was all alone.

"Erza?" Will asked out loud, his head swiveling left and right, but she was nowhere to be seen.

'There's no way she ripped her ticket to return, right?' Will thought as he gingerly activated Super Archive to check. The pinging sensation hadn't stopped, and although it didn't feel malicious, he still kept his guard up.

Very carefully, he checked the connection he formed with Erza while they were still on Earthland. It was still there, he confirmed as much, but it felt like it was blocked in a way. Or maybe she was too far away? He didn't even know how that was possible as she was next to him moments ago.

'Is the pinging sensation messing with my magic?' He wasn't sure of that, but there was only one way to check. Taking a deep breath, he prepared to start playing his memories with Erza on a loop as he dropped his mental shields just a bit.

Will let out a sigh of relief when he wasn't attacked mentally. After confirming that the pinging sensation wasn't malicious, he warily let it connect to him. It didn't try to communicate with him in any way, but instead, it... opened a path for him.

'Holy fuck,' he cursed in his mind as he followed the path, his eyes growing wide in surprise. 'Super Archive is busted,' was the only thought in his mind as he granted access to something he had dearly missed in his time on Earthland. The entire World Wide Web was laid bare for him, allowing him to search up anything he wanted to.

'Find Erza first, play with the internet later,' he shook his head, focusing on the more important task. Will rushed to the nearest alley, and after making sure there was no one nearby, he activated one of Super Archive's spells.

'Real Time Search.' A large blue orb made out of squares appeared in front of him, immediately searching and detecting magical energies nearby. Potentially, he could search an entire planet with the spell, but he was limited due to his magical power.

The spell immediately detected five - not counting himself - in the town he was in. None of those were Erza's as he was familiar with hers. Plus, those five he found were way weaker than hers in comparison.

'Thor, Sif, and the Warrior Three,' he deduced, which made him feel a small amount of dread. If those five were here, and the town looked fine for the time being, then that meant that the Destroyer would soon be arriving.

He'd prefer to be nowhere near the automaton when it appeared as it was a force to be reckoned with, and Will also didn't consider himself a hero. He just didn't have the selfless qualities of jumping headfirst against any danger to protect the weak.

Sure, Will enjoyed helping others with his potions, as long as he was standing safely behind the counter. Plus, he rarely gave them away for free, and he did so only to those he truly cared about, which was only Erza at the moment. However, this wasn't the time to think about his morals. He had to find Erza, so he pushed his magic to his limits, expanding his search even beyond the small town.

'That must be Mjolnir in the distance, I suppose,' he deduced after locating the powerful magical energy, but he still hadn't found Erza, which worried him greatly.

How and where had she disappeared to without making the slightest of noises?

And then he sensed it, a powerful magical surge that appeared just outside the town.

"Oh, fuck!" His only thought at that moment was to run as far as possible from the Destroyer, having no desire to fight the automaton. The ticket appeared in his hand, summoned from his pocket space, and he clutched it hard.

Returning to Earthland was on his mind, but he had to figure out what happened with Erza. A small part of him also wanted to see Thor in action and possibly get his hands on the remains of the Destroyer. He definitely couldn't store it in his pocket space, but even grabbing just a little bit would be enough.

'What do I do?' Will struggled to make a decision at that moment. He didn't know how long he stood there indecisively, but soon he heard an explosion in the distance, the Destroyer already having reached the town.

Will mentally opened up his system store as he clutched the ticket in his hand. He could just buy whatever he wanted and return back to Earthland. There was a delay of about 30 seconds before the transportation - if it acted like it did the first time - so Will had to make his decision now. However, the fact that he didn't know what happened with Erza weighed on his mind.

"Will!" He turned to the side, seeing the redhead staring at him with an urgent expression.

"Erza!" He yelled, overjoyed that she was safe. "Where were you? What happened?"

"No time to waste! We need to save the people from the metal monster," Erza declared with a hardened expression as she activated Requip, replacing her standard Heart Krutz armor with one that made her look like an armored fairy, alongside two silver blades in each hand.

The upper part of her armor reminded Will of the standard fantasy equipment for females as it covered just too little. It consisted of a small, revealing breastplate that extended along her hips, composed of feather-shaped plates pointing upwards with a large metal flower on the front, leaving the tops of her breasts exposed, as well as her stomach.

Two pairs of large metal wings, seemingly made of silver blades, sprouted from her back, giving her the fairy appearance. And her waist was circled by large, decorated plates reminiscent of feathers that lay on a long skirt.

Without another word, Erza took off, flying towards where the explosions were coming from.

"Fuck," Will cursed. Fighting the Destroyer was something he really wished to avoid, though he also couldn't just leave Erza on her own. However, he was useless against the automaton as that was an enemy he hadn't prepared for. All the poisons he had in his pocket space were meant to be used against beings that were, well, alive.

"Fuck!" Will repeated once more before taking out a Magic Potion and drinking it. With shaky legs, he ran after Erza, not even bothering with taking out his gun since he knew it would be useless.

The closer he got to the explosions, the more uncertain and nervous he became. How was he supposed to help in this situation? Erza was at least an S-class mage who had fought numerous monsters, while Will was practically deadweight and worthless against the Destroyer. Hell, he had never even thrown a proper punch in his life.

And then he finally neared the combat zone, but Will wished he had stayed back in the alley at that moment after seeing the automaton that was at least twice as big as him. Its body looked like one big suit of armor with a menacing helmet that glowed yellow.

Erza was fighting head-on against the Destroyer, fluttering around it like a fairy while swords floated around her. The automaton was slow, and its attacks were telegraphed and easy to dodge for someone like her.

She was flying circles around it while slashing with her swords at every given opportunity. However, her attacks didn't seem that effective as they bounced off its body or just passed through it, hitting the empty space inside since it was nothing more than a suit of armor.

Thor - tall, bulky, and blonde - was off to the side with his gang, the Warrior Three alongside Sif and another woman who could only be Jane Foster.

Will couldn't even fangirl over seeing an Avenger in the flesh as his eyes focused on something else. The town hadn't been empty when the Destroyer arrived...

People were running around, their screams dwarfed by the sounds of the explosions caused by the Destroyer firing its beam attack. Those unfortunate to be hit by the automaton were vaporized in place, leaving nothing more than a body part of two behind. Others were crushed under debris, flung from the destroyed buildings.

Will froze in place, his breathing hard as he bore witness to the people dying or being severely injured due to what was going on. This was the first time he witnessed such a scene, and it would be one he would remember for a very long time.

"Will!" Erza's voice boomed in his mind as he had unconsciously opened up his connection with her, transmitting the emotions he felt at that moment. "Snap out of it!"

"We need to get the civilians away from this thing before it hurts anyone else!" Erza said as she continued fighting against the Destroyer, having replaced her armor with a spiked black one that covered her entire body. She held a massive spiked mace, already figured out that piercing and slashing attacks were useless against the automaton.

Smashing her mace against the Destroyer, she was doing her best to keep it focused on her while pushing it away from the civilians. However, the automaton had a mission, its attention directed at the one it was sent to eliminate, prepared to fulfill its task no matter what.

As for Thor and his friends? They were gawking at Erza, who was fighting against the Destroyer on equal grounds, unable to believe what they were seeing.

"Fuck!" Will cursed out loud as he took a shaky step. "Fuck!" He took another step. People were suffering, and no one was doing anything to help them. "Fuck!" His steps turned into a jog and then into a sprint as he rushed towards the nearest injured person.

Will was no hero. He wasn't the one that would selflessly jump to fight the enemy no matter what, but... he could at least try to help those that needed it. He couldn't leave them to suffer when he had the chance to help them, and most importantly, he didn't want to disappoint Erza.

The first person he rushed to was trapped under a car. Will didn't have the strength to lift it, but that's why he had magic for. Creating a flat-screen under the vehicle, he lifted it in the air, freeing the man underneath it.

"Quick, drink this," Will summoned one of his Health Potions and practically force-fed it to the man as his legs weren't in a pretty state. "Now run!" He helped the man up and pushed him away.

Will's entire body trembled in fright, but he sprinted towards the next in need of help, making sure to keep an eye on the Destroyer. He wasn't sure if his flat-screens could take one hit from it, so he had to avoid its beams no matter what.

"Do something! Help the civilians!" Will yelled at Thor and the others as he passed by them, noticing that all of them looked beaten up and injured. "Drink those! They will help you recover!" He threw the four injured a potion each before continuing on.

The Warrior Three and Sif drank them without hesitation, gulping down the potions in one quick swig. He would've pointed out how quickly they drank a mysterious liquid without questioning it in a normal situation, but he didn't have much time to waste. People were suffering, trapped under debris or wrecked cars with no one to help them.

A hero he may not be, but he couldn't stay idle when he at least had the chance to help.

Gagging and fighting down the liquid from his stomach, he ran with shaky legs. He reached a woman trapped under a giant piece of rubble that was pressing down on her.

"My baby, my baby," she repeated, her face bloodied and tears streaming down it. "Please help her! She is still in there," the mother pointed at the building in front of her, completely ignoring her dire situation, worried solely for her daughter.

"I will," Will reassured her as he summoned a flat screen, deciding to quickly help her first. He then huffed, trying to lift the massive piece of rubble, but his shield struggled to push it off her.

"Come on," he heaved, pushing his magic to its limits, lifting the rubble just a bit, but not enough to let her escape. He needed at least another shield, but right before he was about to create one more, a pair of bulky hands grabbed the debris, pushing it up with ease, and allowing the woman to crawl out.

"There's a girl in that building," he pointed out, briefly catching a glimpse of Thor. The Asgardian prince may be immature and crude at this point in his life, but he had a good heart. There was no doubt about that as he sprinted towards the pointed building without hesitation, rushing to save the daughter.

Will meanwhile force-fed the woman two potions, a Health and a Regeneration one, two speed up her recovery. She was shaky and obviously hurt, but her eyes were glued to the building Thor ran in.

"My baby," she yelled once she saw the Asgardian come out with her daughter and rushed to him to get her off his hands.

"Go, run!" Will urged her to get away, giving her a light push as he quickly looked around. Thor's companions were on the move, rushing to help anyone they could, and Erza was still battling the Destroyer, doing her best to keep its attention on her.

~Part 2~

The only words they shared were simple instructions such as, "Lift here. Help that person," and the likes as they did their best to rescue as many people as they could. Will had to suppress the bile coming up his throat multiple times after seeing the gruesome scenes, using his magic to push back and lock the memories for the time being.

As they moved about, he couldn't stop himself from taking a peek at Erza. He trusted in her abilities, but he still worried about her.

Seeing her in action was really something else. Erza was swift on her feet, dancing around the Destroyer like a ballerina while smashing it with her spiked mace whenever she got the chance. However, she was forced to overextend whenever the automaton charged its laser, simply aiming it in a random direction. Nevertheless, the Destroyer's attacks were telegraphed, and she still avoided them with ease when it tried to bait her in.

"Will," Erza called out to him in his mind, reminding him he was still connected to her, which continuously drained his reserves. "Do you have any ideas on how to damage this thing? My attacks have barely dented it," she asked him as he drank a Magic Regeneration Potion.

Will focused on her, noticing that her mace was more damaged than the automaton. It was never confirmed what the Destroyer was made of, but if it was created with Uru and powered by an extremely powerful magical energy such as the Odinforce...

"It's nearly indestructible. The guy next to me has a hammer that should, in theory, be able to destroy it, but it's in the middle of a facility just outside of the town," he informed her before turning to Thor.

"Why haven't you summoned Mjolnir already?!" His question came out as a yell, frustrated that this debacle was still going on. All Thor needed to do was summon the hammer and smash the Destroyer to pieces.

"You think I haven't tried?!" Thor yelled back, just as frustrated, probably even more. "I couldn't even lift it!" He continued, his eyes quivering with disappointment in himself, the failure of being unable to lift his very own hammer weighing down on him.

"The Destroyer is an automaton, and Erza can hold it off for only so long before she runs out of energy! Get your shit together before that happens!" Will shouted, gripping the taller man by his shirt.

"The Goddess of War is doing remarkably well against it," Thor deflected, avoiding eye contact with him and looking at Erza, who punted the Destroyer at that moment with a yell, sending it flying into a nearby building that was still standing. Despite the heavy hit on the automaton, it was her weapon that took more damage, and the mace broke apart in her hands.

"Well, uhh," Thor stumbled over his words. "See, she is doing fine," he then said after seeing her equip another weapon from her pocket space.

"That's not the point!" Will took a breath, trying to calm himself. "That thing," he pointed at the building the Destroyer was walking out of. "Is here..." he paused, noticing something off about the automaton's movement.

So far, the Destroyer acted like a robot, and its actions were mechanical in nature. However, there was now a distinct change, and its movements were akin to a human's.

"Loki..." Thor also noticed that and quickly deduced the reason behind it.

"Erza, be careful," he called out to her, even though she was probably the first to notice the change in the Destroyer as she had been fighting it for the past half an hour.

The automaton sprang, leaping with speed that frankly shouldn't be possible for something its size and weight. Erza braced herself, prepared to fend it off, but the Destroyer charged its laser midair. However, instead of firing at her, it shot at the ground, catapulting past her, straight towards Will and Thor.

"Oh, fuck!" Will muttered at the impending doom flying his way. Time slowed down to a crawl for him as he watched the Destroyer cock his fist back, prepared to slam into the both of them.

The automaton never reached them, however. It froze in the air just before it slammed into Will and Thor, Erza holding it in place with her Telekinesis, catching it at the last moment.

"Come on, Thor!" Will yelled as he sprinted away with the Asgardian. "I know you have it in you! So please, for the love of god, summon your damn hammer!"

"I'm trying!" Thor screamed back while Erza slammed into the Destroyer from behind, sending it tumbling to the side.

"Try harder!" Will roared and let out a sigh of relief, seeing that the automaton turned its attention on Erza, figuring out she was the biggest threat.

'It's controlled remotely by Loki,' Will thought as he observed the fight. The Destroyer moved faster and had more fluid movements, but it still had a hard time competing against Erza. She dodged or parried all of its attacks while constantly getting hits in. The only thing she lacked was a way to actually damage the automaton without breaking her weapons in return.

"It's not working!" Thor yelled, a hand raised in the air, desperately trying to summon Mjolnir.

'How did he do it in the movie?' Will wondered, quickly pulling the memories with his magic. 'He got punched and was nearly killed by the Destroyer, but Jane's tears helped him summon it?' He turned to the Asgardian, who looked constipated as he tried his best to call his hammer.

'Should I kick him into the Destroyer?' He didn't know how else to replicate that scene, especially with Erza aggroing the automaton.

"Come on, I know you can do it," Will tried to encourage him since he didn't have the guts to kick him into the fray, fearful that he just might end up killing him instead of helping.

He kept glancing at the Destroyer, watching in wonder as Erza avoided its beam attacks with ease, moving away at the last second. Its kicks, punches, and swipes she dodged swiftly or parried away with practiced ease. She was absolutely incredible, showing off why she was an S-class mage, though she lacked the damage to smash it to pieces.

Loki, who was in control of the Destroyer, realized he wasn't beating Erza. She was just on another level, so he changed his strategy. Since the automaton couldn't defeat her head-on, it started firing its beam wildly, trying to hurt everyone nearby. And one of those attacks was aimed right at Thor.

"Fuck," Will yelled as he dived, pushing the Asgardian out of the way, feeling a sweltering heat on his back from the beam.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit," Will rolled on the ground as he felt a fire licking his bare back, his clothes burned from the proximity of the attack.

"I almost had it!" Thor raged as he got up before turning towards the Destroyer. His eyes widened in horror, seeing it charge its attack, aimed right at his mortal love. "JANEE!"

Will looked up, seeing that Erza was out of position to stop the laser as she had overstepped earlier while doing her best to ensure the beam hadn't hit him. Jane was going to die since even if Thor summoned his hammer, he would be too late to stop the attack.

"God damn it!" Will yelled as he materialized the globe made out of blue screens. "Real Time Link!" Seeing no other way to stop the Destroyer at that moment, he established a connection with it. Taking control of the automaton was out of the question, but he hoped his action would give Thor enough time to get his shit together and for Erza to push the Destroyer away.

Will's magical reserves had grown since his arrival on Earthland thanks to the Etherano rich world, though they were mediocre at best. They were also half exhausted due to him having to use his magic to help the people in need, but he believed he would be able to stagger the Destroyer for a few minutes.

He was very wrong to think that, and he realized that quite quickly. Will wasn't fighting for control over the automaton with just Loki, but he was also up against Gungnir, the spear that controlled the Destroyer, and the Odinforce, its energy source. A tiny stone trying to stop a raging and unending stream, quite simply an impossible task. That was his current situation.

If Will was just against Loki, he believed he had a chance, no matter how little it was. Maybe he could've fully taken control of the Destroyer even before his reserves ran out. Alas, that wasn't the case.

The immensely powerful energy known as the Odinforce was definitely something he wasn't prepared for, but maybe he didn't need to fight it directly. Loki had just gotten command over it, so he shouldn't have complete control over it. All he had to do was disrupt it and make him lose focus.

His mind bathed in the Odinforce, struck and batted by the magical energy, Will pushed through, searching for the one in control. A second felt like an eternity as the raging stream fought against him, hammering him two steps back for every step he took forward.

All he had to do was get to Loki and give Thor the time he needed to summon his hammer. Will believed in the Asgardian prince, trusting he would pull through in the end. Thor had done it in the movie, so he hoped he would do it now as well.

His reserves kept dwindling as he struggled on, not even realizing that he had already disrupted Loki, as the Asgardian was forced to focus his attention on him to prevent him from taking control of the Destroyer.

Blood gushed out from his nose, followed by a piercing headache assaulted Will. However, he continued on, pushing and pushing until he was met with a cold sensation, feeling as if the tip of a very sharp weapon was pointed right against his mind.

The pain increased tenfold, but he held on, believing that Thor would pull through, or even Erza. He trusted she would've already punted the Destroyer away, but he didn't stop his magic, hoping to give them just a few seconds more.

Blood spewed out of his mouth, his mind on the verge of breaking, but he reached the one in control. His reserves were nearly empty at that point, and there was nothing much he could do. However, he had enough energy to give Loki a light mental slap, alongside leaving him a brief message. "Fuck you."

Will's entire focus had been on his magic, but the moment he let go, he heard the sound of thunder, followed by another of metal hitting against metal. His struggle had not been for naught, and Thor had managed to pull through.

"Fucking finally," he muttered, feeling a pair of hands pull him up. "Took him long enough."

His blurry vision slowly cleared itself, and Will noticed something very peculiar. The one that helped him up was none other than Thor, but the sound of someone smashing against the Destroyer still rang in his ears. So if it wasn't him holding Mlojnir, then...

Will looked to where the battle was happening, only to see Erza absolutely destroying the Destroyer, turning the automaton to scrap with a hammer in her hands, lightning dancing around it excitedly.

"So that's a thing..." He stared in wonder, barely hearing Thor say something from beside him but not quite catching what it was.

Erza was wielding Mjolnir, and... it wasn't that surprising. Out of everyone there, she was probably the most worthy one, though he had no idea how she ended up with it. He did have to admit that the hammer did fit quite nicely in her grasp.

A Health Potion was something he was in desperate need of at that moment, but sadly he had no magical power to take one out. That was probably something he had to consider in the future, finding a different way to store his potions for such cases.

When the booming sounds quieted down, Thor turned to him with an emotional look in his eyes. "I don't know what you did, but you have my gratitude for saving Jane."

"You're welcome?" Will didn't quite catch what the Asgardian said, but he figured he was being thanked, judging by Thor's expression. Will supposed he did deserve it since hed did save Jane, though he did it for selfish reasons.

For one, he hoped Thor would snap out of his funk when he saw Jane was in danger. And for two, he didn't want to let someone die in front of his eyes. Will already witnessed too many dead people on this day, which would weigh down on his mind for a long time, and he didn't want to add another person to that list. If it wasn't for his magic pushing back and locking those memories, he would've broken down by now.

"Will!" Erza dropped down, looking sweaty and exhausted, taking long and deep breaths. "Are you okay?" She stepped closer to him, gingerly touching his face, worried more for him than anyone else.

"I need a Health Potion," he murmured, "and a hug." Erza quickly took one out, ripping the cork and feeding it to him before gently embracing him.

"I.. umm, I didn't know there were other gods on Midgard," Thor awkwardly said, his gaze on Erza, searching for his valued weapon.

"Ha," Will huffed, the potion somewhat helped, but he still felt as if someone was piercing his brain with a scorching hot knife. "Erza's not a god. If anything, she's closer to a dragon than a god." The redhead in question looked at him inquiringly with narrowed eyes.

"Dragon? I thought they went extinct a long time ago. At least that's what I remember from mother's lessons," Thor mused, looking thoughtful with a hand on his chin.

"You should've paid more attention to those lessons," Will said, the headache making him grumpy and a bit delusional, to say the least. "Maybe you would've learned how to use your powers without needing a crutch if you had."

Thor was one of his favorite Marvel characters, though he grew up reading the comics, and the one from the MCU was nothing like his counterpart. Especially this one who was yet to mature, not having experienced the many hardships that awaited him.

The Asgardian growled, his face twisting in anger, but he reigned in his rage before letting out a sigh. "You... are not wrong," he replied, looking down in shame.

"This is yours, I believe," Erza then interjected, summoning Mjolnir from her pocket space and offering it to him.

Will felt like crying seeing her kind gesture. She should've just kept it in her pocket space and not revealed it in his opinion. Erza more than deserved it. Tears swelled in his eyes as he saw Thor grab the hammer from her, lightning flashing around him as his damaged clothes transformed into ornamental armor.

'Of course, he lifts it without any problem after the battle!' Will couldn't lie that a small part of him wished Thor wouldn't be able to lift it, then he would have no other option than to hand it back to Erza. Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be.

"Thor!" The Warrior Three, alongside Jane and Sif, called out as they ran over. An older man ran after them, followed by a few men in black suits.

The Asgardian Prince flashed them all a smile before looking down at Mjolnir. He stared at it for a very long moment, seemingly deciding what to do with it.

'Give it back, give it back!' Will cheered in his mind, already having decided that the hammer was Erza's. Thor, however, only tightened his grasp on Mjolnir as a look of determination appeared on his face.

"Oh, come on! You had no problem giving it to Cap," Will grumbled as Thor turned to him with a tilt of his head, obviously confused by that statement. "Stormbreaker fits you better anyway, go get that one," he continued before he gasped. "Oh! And when you meet the one with a ballsack for a chin, aim for the head! Remember that!" Everyone stared at him with weird expressions, wondering what the hell he was on about, not realizing how much trouble he saved them with that one piece of advice.

"Okay?" Thor replied before shaking his head and turning towards his companions. "We must go back to the Bifrost site. I will have words with my brother."

"Excuse me," one of the men in black suits walked over, a very shiny forehead distinguishing him from the rest. "I don't think you've been completely honest with me, Donald," he continued, shooting nervous glances at Erza.

"Son of Coul\Coulson!" Thor and Will said at the same time.

"Do I know you?" Coulson worriedly asked, taking a step back as his men walked over.

"No, but I know you," Will chuckled and opened his mouth to continue. However, before he could say another word, reality shattered in front of his very eyes, shortly reforming to a world mirroring the real one.

"Ohhh," he uttered, recognizing it as the Mirror Dimension used by the Sorcerers on Earth.

"Why did you not help?" Erza, who was brought alongside him in this mirrored world, seemed undisturbed. She looked left and right as if searching for someone.

"Because my intervention was not needed," a woman's voice echoed, and moments later, a bald-headed lady stepped out seemingly out of thin air. "This should've been a test for the Asgardian," she said with a pointed look. "One he was meant to overcome on his own."

"That's why you allowed people to suffer and die?" Erza asked, her fists clenched tightly.

"Death is but a natural part of life," the Ancient One, Sorcerer Supreme and leader of the Sorcerers on Earth, calmly replied. "Thousands of people die every day, am I supposed to save each and every one of them?"

"Do you know each other?" Will asked, looking back and forward between the two.

"She brought me to this place shortly after we arrived," Erza replied, taking a deep breath.

"Huh, so that's why you disappeared," Will nodded, figuring out why he wasn't able to reach her since she had been in a different dimension. Then his face turned ashen as he finally realized precisely who was standing in front of him.

"Very interesting," the Ancient One said as she took a step closer with an inquisitive look dancing on her face. "When I sensed two magical signatures appear on Earth out of nowhere, I assumed the more powerful of the two would be the more dangerous one."

"And you were correct to assume as much," Will nodded, fully agreeing with her.

"Yet I was wrong," the Ancient One continued as she stepped right in front of him while Erza protectively moved to stop her.

"I don't agree," Will replied, a bit unsure where this was going.

"Oh, in terms of pure magical power, you are nothing compared to her," the Ancient One said, looking at Erza with a smile before turning her attention back to him. "But you... you have knowledge, and knowledge is power in the right hands."

"Uhu," Will dumbly nodded.

"What was it that you said to the Asgardian? Aim for the head? That's an interesting piece of advice," the Ancient One continued, a hand reaching for the gold necklace around her neck, making Will's eyes open wide in surprise.

"Interesting," she muttered, playing with the ornament on the necklace that resembled an eye.

"Why have you come here?" The Ancient One then asked, her tone turning grave as her expression hardened.

"Honestly? I just so happened to get my hands on a pair of magical items that could transport us to a different world for a short period. We didn't come here by choice," Will replied, deciding to be honest about it. No point in lying to the centuries-old magical user.

"Oh?" The Ancient One uttered in response but said nothing else.

"I kinda wanted it to be like a vacation between the two of us," Will looked at Erza. "To get some alone time and see some new sights, but we ended up coming here." Erza turned back, a soft smile on her face, but she quickly returned her focus on the old lady in front of her.

"And what are your plans now?" The Ancient One continued with her interrogation.

"Find some medicine for mind... mental injuries? I think I pulled a brain muscle," Will rubbed his temples, though that didn't help much with the pain he was feeling.

"Trying to fight something like the Odinforce head-on..." the Ancient One shook her head. "Not the brightest of moves I've seen, though it was admirable," she chuckled as she continued, "and I have to admit, that magic you displayed was very intriguing and one I'm not familiar with."

Will shrugged. Her not knowing about his magic wasn't surprising since it was a type of magic from an entirely different universe. The Ancient One may have studied as many different types of magic as she was old, but there was no way she knew of Super Archive.

"Well," she said after not getting a response. "I suppose you two would be looking for a place to stay while you are here," her lips spread into a smile. "I might know of one such place."

"The temple?" Will questioned in surprise.

"You are correct to assume as much," she replied with a very satisfied smile.

"So you can keep a closer eye on us," Will nodded, and despite the painful headache, he quickly went through the pros and cons of them staying there.

On the one hand, they would be staying at the place with the most tomes of magic in the entire world. If he was allowed to skim through even the most basic ones, then that would be a great boon for him.

On the other hand, they would be closer to the Ancient One, but as long as they... behaved, that wasn't really a con. Plus, she could always just locate them wherever they were and teleport to them in a second.

'Portals...' Will thought greedily. If he could learn a type of transportation magic like that for free, then this would be worth it. Not to mention that the portals had other applications, and one could use them both defensively and offensively.

"Yes," the Ancient One confirmed his suspicion. "And I just might have a concoction that could help relieve your pain."

"Will we be allowed to study some of the tomes there?" He asked and quickly added as her expression turned grave. "Nothing dangerous, just the basic things. Like making portals, for example," he said, waving his hand in a circle. "You do offer to teach to those that are willing to learn, right?"

"Yes... we do," she nodded in a moment, though there was a glint of suspicion in her eyes.

"Will, are you sure?" Erza asked as she turned to him, understanding he was about to accept her offer.

"Yes, it will be worth it," he told her with a gentle smile as he reached out to grab her hand comfortably.

"I don't trust her, someone who would allow people to die without even trying to help them, but I trust you," Erza nodded, accepting his words despite having an unfavorable opinion of the Ancient One.

"Understandable," the bald-headed lady replied without concern before waving her hand and creating a portal. "Shall we go?"

"Wait!" Will suddenly said, looking at Erza. "The automaton! What happened to the remains of the metal guy?"

Erza already missed on getting Mjolnir, so if they missed on getting the Destroyer as well… that would just be the worst outcome.

"I stored it in my pocket space in case it gets powered up again," Erza replied simply.

"I... you are the best, you know that, right?" Will said with a loving smile as he stared at her. "Hug?" He raised his arms and asked, and Erza embraced him without a word, matching his smile with her own. Will's head slammed against her metal armor as she pulled him close, and that was the final straw, his vision going black as he passed out.

~Part 3~

Opening his eyes, Will was greeted by a red curtain, his head resting on some very soft thighs while dexterous fingers played with his hair. His head still throbbed, but...

"Umm, I like this," he muttered as he turned around and wrapped his arms around Erza's waist. "I wouldn't mind waking up like this every day," he murmured afterward.

"I'll do my best," Erza declared, and his eyes opened wide, having forgotten for a moment how she took words at face value at times.

"That's not..." Will paused, thinking that maybe it won't be that bad. "Wait," he then suddenly got up, a look of panic in his eyes as he scanned the room they were in. It was a simple wooden one, having only a table with two chairs and bare of any technology whatsoever.

'Okay, we still haven't returned,' he noted and turned to her. "How long was I asleep?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes and temples.

"About two days," Erza simply answered.

"Oh, shit!" Will exclaimed, slightly panicked he might've missed the chance of getting some goodies. If he had stayed asleep for just a bit longer, he could've kissed goodbye the amazing herbs he saw in his system store. Not to mention anything else he could've gotten from this world.

"I see you've finally woken up," the door to the room opened, and the Ancient One walked in with a steaming cup in her hands. Erza glared daggers at her, but she didn't seem as angry at her.

"Drink this," she handed Will the cup. "It should help with your headache."

Will glanced at the murky green liquid and sniffed it a few times before gulping it down. The taste was bitter at best, but that was something he'd gotten used to from all the potions he had drunk. His headache didn't get cured immediately, but it had a calming and relieving effect, making him feel slightly better.

"Huh," he uttered, staring at the cup for a moment before looking at the Ancient One. "Don't suppose you would be willing to share the recipe?" He figured a medicine that could help with mind-related injuries would be useful to have on hand.

"Of course, I am," she replied with a nod before her lips spread into a smile. "Though I wouldn't mind if you shared your recipes with us. Those medicines you handed out to the civilians certainly did their job. Healed most of their injuries, with slight exhaustion being the only side effect. I am impressed."

"Well," Will scratched his head. "I wouldn't mind, to be honest, but I don't think the ingredients for them exist here."

"Such a shame," the Ancient One replied, though she didn't look too bothered by that.

"Would you mind if I have a private word with your companion?" She then turned to Erza. "I promise I won't try to steal him," she added cheekily.

"Yes, I mind," Erza replied, not budging from her spot.

"I think I will be fine," Will told Erza, giving her shoulder a squeeze to reassure her. If the Ancient One wanted him dead, then he would've already been ten feet under, especially since they were in her sanctuary.

"Are you sure?" Erza asked, a small frown on her face.

"Yes," he nodded, placing a gentle kiss on her lips. "I'll be fine, and I can contact you if I need your help."

"A few of the Masters are in the courtyard," the Ancient One said as Erza got up. "I heard they are looking forward to a rematch."

Erza ignored her as she quietly walked out, shooting one last look at Will before leaving the room.

"She's an incredible Sorcerer," the Ancient One said. "Humbled all the Masters after sparring with them one after the other without even taking a break."

"Yeah, Erza's pretty special," Will replied with a prideful look.

"That she is," she agreed with him before gesturing towards the table and sitting down on one of the chairs. "What did you say? She's closer to a dragon than a god?"

Will just shrugged his shoulders as he took the other chair, his gaze moving to the necklace around her neck, more specifically, the object hanging from it. The Time Stone, one of the six most powerful objects in the MCU, was right within his grasp. Anyone capable of holding or using it was essentially considered a god-like entity in this universe. However, it was practically useless outside of this reality and would be nothing but a pretty gemstone on Earthland.

"So," he started, a bit nervous despite his reassuring words earlier. "How many times have we had this conversation already?" He asked, believing the Ancient One had used the Time Stone to have this talk with him hundreds, if not thousands of times already.

"Would you be surprised if I say zero?" She asked with a glint in her eyes.

"Yes?" Will replied, not really believing her.

"Interesting," the Ancient One mused before waving her hand. A portal appeared right above the table, from which a teapot alongside two cups gently fell out. "Tea?"

"Sure," he agreed, watching the teapot fill both cups without her even touching it.

"You didn't appear in a single instance," she said, her tone serious despite the calm way she sipped from her cup.

"Really?" He asked in surprise, not having expected that. The Time Stone couldn't perceive him? There was only one reason he could think that might've caused this, and that was his system. Unless, of course, the same happened with Erza.

"You sound surprised," she stated, tilting her head sideways. "And genuine? Interesting."

"You mentioned that I didn't appear, but what about Erza?" Will asked, eager to figure this out. The Ancient One just smiled in response as she sipped from her cup.

"I'm assuming it's because of your magic," she said in a moment, confirming that she had used the Time Stone on Erza with that. "To see the past and the future... that's one very powerful type of magic in the right hands."

"Yeah," he replied awkwardly. "You would know, wouldn't you?"

"Maybe," the Ancient One hummed as she placed her cup down.

"On the topic of magic," Will said, deciding to change the subject. "I don't suppose I would be allowed to read through a few of the tomes here?"

"I do believe you have just a bit over a day left here," she replied, confirming once more his earlier theory. "I don't think you would be able to learn much in such a short time."

"You would be surprised," he countered, the bald-headed woman raising her eyebrow in response. "I could memorize anything I've seen and slowly study it on my own."

"Learning magic without supervision is dangerous," the Ancient One said, though she didn't refuse him outright.

"Well, yes," he replied while quickly going through the memories he had of the Sorcerers. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that because your type of magic relies on drawing energy from various dimensions and beings to cast spells?"

A lightbulb flashed in his head after asking that question, remembering the problem the people of Edolas had. They couldn't use Caster Magic since their bodies couldn't hold Etherano inside them. Though they had no problem using Holder Magic, and in theory, they should also be able to use the type the Sorcerers here used.

If Will reads and figures out how they draw energy from different dimensions and beings to fuel their spells, he could potentially solve Edolas' problem. Of course, he could also get a significant sum for offering them this suggestion, which would hopefully increase his credits as well.

"You are correct," she nodded before adding, "for the most part."

"Well, what if I used my own energy to cast those spells?" He asked, a hopeful smile on his face.

"Hmm," she closed her eyes for a moment. "That will certainly lessen the danger, but it will make the spells much weaker," she replied and added. "Especially with your low magical reserves."

"I don't mind," Will replied since he already had one solution of increasing his magical reserves, even though it was very costly. "I just want to learn the basic stuff."

"I see," she said with a look of appreciation. "That's a good mindset to have when learning magic."

"And, umm," he looked around nervously. "Can I also have a Sling Ring?" He asked a bit embarrassingly. "I really want to learn how to make portals. That's one of the basic things you teach here, right?"

"It is," the Ancient One confirmed. "Though the main feature of the Sling Ring is to channel dimension energy to open gateways."

"Oh," Will deflated, disappointment clearly written on his face.

"But you may have one," she added in a moment after savoring his expression. "Since it is the safest way to use dimensional energy."

"Really?" He asked, hope sparking in his eyes.

"Yes," she replied with a chuckle at his antics. "And I do have to warn you that a lot of the tomes here aren't written in English."

"I have a solution for that, so no worries there," Will replied as he remembered that feature of Super Archive he discovered, which reminded him he had to make use of that as well.

The Internet was simply a goldmine for someone like him. He could learn, well, get dictionaries for all languages. Not to mention the guides he could download for programming, and those would be incredibly helpful for improving Super Archive. Will had so many things to do but so little time left. Thankfully, he had some Stamina Potions left to help with that.

He also needed to purchase one of the enhancers from his system. The Super-Soldier serum was the cheaper one, but the Vibranium-infused herb was a lot better for him specifically. However, that would cost him almost all of his hard-earned credits. But maybe there was a way to get it for free?

"Sooo," Will interlocked his fingers as he rested his elbows on the table. "Is there any way I can convince you to grab me one of the Heart-Shaped Herbs from Wakanda?"

"No," she shot him down without hesitation.

"But why?" Will deflated, figuring she could've been convinced. "You can just grab one with one of your portals, and they won't even notice."

"First of all," she started with a pointed look. "They will notice. Second of all, Bast is someone I would prefer not to deal with."

Will wasn't sure, but he thought he heard a bit of resentment when she spoke of the Cat Goddess. Maybe the two had some history? He didn't know and decided he was better off not asking.

"So that's off the table?" He still had to ask, receiving a slightly annoyed look from her.

"Okay, okay, no herb," he raised his hands in defeat. "But what about the recipe from earlier?" The Ancient One just hummed without saying another word. "I could give you a Health Potion for it," Will took out one of the inferior ones from his pocket space and placed it on the table.

The bottle levitated in front of the Ancient One as she took a closer look, carefully studying the mystical liquid. A slip of paper shortly fell out of a tiny portal right in front of Will. He quickly stored it in his pocket space, deciding to check it out later when he's about to purchase from his system store.

"That's quite the magic," the Ancient One noted, turning her attention back on him. "Dimensional in nature?" She mused to herself. "Your companion makes excellent use of it, summoning and storing objects in a split second."

"I could maybe write a book about it," Will said, sensing an opportunity there, hoping to leverage it for a herb.

"Not happening," she shot him down immediately. "Getting into a confrontation with Bast for that is just not worth it."

"Maybe we could figure out something else?" Will wasn't ready to give up. There were plenty of opportunities here, and he could potentially gain a lot from a trade with the Ancient One. She made a gesture with her head for him to go on.

"Well," he paused, thinking hard. "What about some Vibranium?" He then quickly added before she could shoot him down. "Not all of it fell on Wakanda, and it shouldn't be under Bast's protection, right?" Will figured that if anyone knew where Vibranium could be located, it would be the bald woman in front of him. Of course, not counting Wakanda, which had a monopoly on the mystical metal.

The Ancient One stayed quiet, but she didn't immediately refuse him, so he saw hope. Getting some Vibranium would be incredibly useful. If he could outfit Erza with armor made out of it and the metal from the Destroyer... That reminded him he still wasn't sure what the automaton was made of.

"What if I write a book about my other magic?" He asked as he looked it up on his system.

[Destroyer - 50 000 credits: A unique automaton made out of Uru. Requires a potent power source to function.]

Uru, it was made out of Uru. Combined with Vibranium, it could make one of the strongest armors, and Erza would become a true monster. And if she also gets a weapon made out of the two as well?

"Essentially, it turns your brain into a magical computer. Helps with memorization and has a few other benefits like creating light screens. It's also not very magically taxing since even I can use it," Will rambled on, trying to sell Archive to her. He was going to write the basic form of the magic, keeping the one he stumbled on for himself.

"Ah, I see." the Ancient One nodded. "That sounds like a very useful one indeed."

"Soo?" Will asked, hoping for the best.

"I might know of a small piece in the ocean," she said in a moment.

"Great, get me two books and a pen," Will said, eager to write them both down as quickly as possible. After all, he had no time to waste as he needed to check the library as well. His request was granted with the objects gently falling in front of him.

Will was slightly disappointed when he walked out in the courtyard since Erza had finished her sparring. She looked a bit winded, but the various Sorcerers there were huffing and puffing with bruises all over them.

"Did you have fun, princess?" Will asked as he approached her.

"It was enjoyable," Erza nodded. "They fight so differently than the wizards back home. Their magic is... unique, but they all use the same one, so it's easy to get used to."

"Want to tell me more as we take a stroll?" Will asked, offering his hand for her to take. The Ancient One said they were free to walk around the temple, and he was eager to see the sights of Kamar-Taj.

"Yes," Erza happily replied as she gingerly laced her fingers with his. "I don't think they were going all out or trying to seriously injure me," she started as they began their stroll. "One of them managed to snap one of my weapons in two with their portals, but they never tried that on me."

Will listened to her, asking a question here and there while his magic worked in the background. Before he could read the tomes he was allowed to, he needed to download some dictionaries to help him with that. He also used this chance to get some other stuff from the Internet that would be helpful for the future.

Their stroll lasted for about an hour, and it ended up with them standing in front of the library.

"There's quite a bit I want to read here," Will said, a greedy glint in his eyes as he stared at the library. "Would you like to keep me company?"

"Yes," Erza replied with a smile.

Entering the vast library, they were greeted with rows and rows of bookshelves, all filled with various tomes that were clearly written a long time ago judging by their state. An Asian middle-aged man sat behind a desk with a book spread in front of him.

"Hello, Wong," Will greeted him, recognizing the Sorcerer from the movie.

"The books you are allowed to read are over there," Wong pointed at a desk with tomes stacked on it.

"Thanks," Will shot him a thumbs up, noticing the writing in the book Wong was reading was very familiar.

"Well, this would take a while," he muttered after reaching the desk. "I should've brought my glasses," he sighed, but he hadn't considered that he would've needed them.

'At least I have Stamina Potions, so there's that,' Will thought as he sat down before patting his lap and looking at Erza. She got the gesture and jumped on his lap, sitting down and wiggling herself in a comfortable spot. That got a reaction out of him, but... he had to stay strong and resist. They could have plenty of fun when they returned.

For the most part of the next 24 hours, Will read every book available to him. He also didn't forget to make use of Super Archive and download anything useful from the Internet. Movies and series were included in that list, figuring that Erza might enjoy watching them with him since he could create a light screen that displayed them.

As it got closer and closer to their departure from this world, Will brought up his system store, his eyes opening in surprise. The first thing he noticed was Super Archive, which had increased by quite a bit, probably due to him using it during the encounter with the Destroyer. However, the second, and more important thing, was his credits as they were much more than when he last checked.

'Why do I have 8 500 more credits?' Confused, he asked himself before quickly coming to a conclusion. 'The only trade I made was for the Vibranium… I can gain credits if I get paid with precious metals as well?' That was a useful piece of information, one he would've liked to know beforehand.

Nevertheless, he was now able to buy what he wanted without spending all of his credits. Everything he got was quickly stored in his pocket space, and he felt quite satisfied with his purchases. This trip turned out to be more fruitful than he ever imagined with how much he gained. He even managed to earn over 8 000 credits due to the 10kg of Vibranium he got paid for his magic.

Their time soon came to an end, and under the watchful gaze of the Ancient One, the two of them disappeared in the same manner they arrived. Will and Erza returned to the same spot they ripped their tickets, with barely any time having passed on Earthland. Their pocket spaces were filled with various goodies they brought back, and it was now time to make use of those.

Next chapter