
A Simple Fisherman in RWBY

Argenti Ovans is a simple man trying to live his second life peacefully without attracting any trouble in his way. Unfortunately, his plan was quickly shattered as Remnant wasn't an easy world for the weak. Yet, he unlocked an interesting Semblance, which helped him get stronger by…. Fishing? Huh, what is that weird and familiar fruit with swirling patterns? It can't hurt to eat it... Yuck!

Haluo · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 05

A Simple Fisherman in RWBY

Chapter 05

- Argenti Ovans –

"She completely ignored me, huh?" I sighed as I shook my head, and as expected, Mudkip became very famous on the internet if Ruby's reaction was anything to go by. She wasn't very active on social media or anything like that. She was mainly occupied with her disturbing love of weapons.

I entered the house and did not forget to lock it behind me. I walked toward the living room and saw a blonde man sitting on the couch. He turned his head toward me with some surprise. "Oh! Argenti, I didn't expect to see you this early. Anyway, welcome home!"

That man was Taiyang, one of my previous teachers at Signal Academy. I walked toward him and hugged him as he returned one. Taiyang looked around in suspicion. "Where is Ruby? I thought she was the one who opened the door?"

I scratched the back of my head. "Well, she did, but then she kidnapped my baby."

Taiyang looked at me, spooked a little until he remembered something. "Oh, right... What was the name of your blue pet again? Muzkit or something, right? Ruby wouldn't stop showing us how adorable it was. She was practically ready to leave the house to meet you in advance if I didn't put my foot down."

"Yang was also freaking out about how cute it was, and so did Summer."

"Understandable. My Mudkip is the cutest partner ever." I immediately agreed, as there was no contest.

I looked around and saw no trace of the rest of the family, so I asked Taiyang about it. "Oh, well, Qrow went hunting around Patch as there was something about a nest of Grimm around and as for Yang, she shou—"








Taiyang and I looked at each other as we both exploded in laughter. "You got yourself a real lady killer, Argenti."

He then looked at me sharply. "But not my daughters, alright?" I immediately raised my arms in surrender. I knew he was kidding (I hope so), but the protective father vibes he released was not played around.

"Of course!"

Taiyang snorted as he lightly (Hard) patted my back and looked surprised at my bucket full of fish. "Woah, that's more fish than the usual Argen. Did you get even better at fishing than Grandpa Max already?"

I shook my head. "Nope, my fishing skill isn't any better than Grandpa Max. I had help from Mudkip when fishing, and let me tell you! He was a real menace to those fish, and none of them could escape from his sight!"

Taiyang looked very impressed. He hadn't expected the little guy to be so fierce. However, he and the rest of the world were still in the dark about my Mudkip's true potential.

"I want one for my family now, but we already have Zwei... Anyway, you should probably bring those fish to Summer. She should be inside the kitchen and baking her cookies." Said Taiyang as he patted my back and gave me a knowing look.

"I see… then I'll head first," I said with a constipated look. As I slowly walked toward the kitchen, I started to hear a lot of noise inside the kitchen. I peeked inside the kitchen and saw Summer cleaning it as she was baking cookies in the background.

I could see Summer happily humming around and didn't notice my presence. So I should surprise her. "Hello, Summer! How are you?"

Summer was startled as she jumped in place, and then she looked at me in surprise. "OH MY GOSH! Argen! You can't scare me like that!" She pouted at me and then gave me a radiant smile. "Anyway, it's nice to see you again."

She came to me and hugged me as I did the same. She looked at me after breaking the hug and saw the fish in my hands. "Oh my, that's a lot of fish you brought. I guess you are cooking with me again?"

"Of course, Summer! I can't leave you alone in the kitchen after all!" I said unconsciously, smiling as I dropped the fish on the sink. Unfortunately, I didn't notice my big mouth as Summer stopped dead on her track and was silent.

"What's wrong, Summer?" I asked dubiously as I saw her simple, thinned smile plastered on her face. It made me shudder as I unconsciously took a step back. "What did you mean when you said you can't leave me alone in the kitchen, Argenti Ovans? Are you implying that I'm bad at cooking…?" she said as she stared deeply into my soul.

Ah… Fuck

I swallowed my saliva as I thought about how to spin my lies and save myself from such situations. As for those who are confused, it is pretty simple and painful for me and the rest of this household. Before I ever met Summer and the rest of her family, she wasn't the most incredible cook… scratch that; anything she cooked besides cookies was straight up not edible.

I don't know how this family survived before I arrived in their life but started getting better, but holy shit, it took so much time. Over time, Summer can now do some basic dishes without killing another individual with her poisonous cooking.

Of course, Summer took great pride in her "cooking skill," so everyone usually evaded this topic around her, yet I dug up my own grave in this instant.

I looked around and started to feel her negative feelings pouring out of her body as her stare became heavier. But my eyes shined when I saw her husband, Taiyang, looking at me with a grin.

…That pissed me off, and it looked like he wasn't going to save me or interrupt a very angry Summer. So, I did the only thing I could think of now.

I immediately threw the hot potato away from me.

"Taiyang told me that in confidence!" I shouted and pointed at the aghast Taiyang.

Summer's head immediately snapped toward her husband as she let out a terrifying chuckle. "Oh my, I wonder what my lovely husband says to other people behind my back, Hehehe."

Taiyang took a step back as he knew he was fucked. "W-wait a minute, Summer! It's not like that! I-I"

"Don't worry, husband. We shall discuss it at this instant." Said Summer with a smile as she dragged Taiyang away from my vision. I also decided to ignore his plea and focused on the food preparation.

That's what you get for leaving your sexy but very terrifying wife alone with me. Now that I was alone in the kitchen without any troublemakers in my way, I started preparing dinner.

I'm not the most incredible cook, but I felt that I was good enough to make them edible and enjoyable since Summer set the bar very low, if I were to be honest. So their household would eat anything edible if they could.

I pulled my sleeves back and borrowed their apron. I wasn't done as I took out a hair tie to tie my long, beautiful, crimson-red hair into a ponytail. Then, after I was done with myself, I started to think about what I should make with those fish for a whole minute. I would have to make food for the family of five, myself and Mudkip.

I thought about it and decided to make fish porridge since it started getting chilly outside. I could also add some thin noodles to it.

Yup, let's go with that! So I took a big pot from their kitchen and filled it with water. Then, I placed the pot of water to boil. After finishing that, I took a chopping board from their cupboard and put it near the sink. Then, I turned my eyes toward the fish in the sink and grabbed one firmly by the head in my hand.

I placed the fish on the chopping board while still holding the head tightly, brought the knife down by the gills in a single blow, and stunned it. I cut off the fins diagonally and then sliced the fish's belly. I continued to prepare five more fish for a while.

At the same time, I heard footsteps behind me and saw Summer coming with a smile. She looked surprised when she already saw me cooking. She was dissatisfied when she saw I didn't wait for her and pouted. "Aww, Argen! You should have waited for me! I'm sorry for being such a BAD cook."

Yeah, let's not walk into this obvious minefield anymore. I licked my dry lips, thinking of something to distract her since she wanted to cook so badly. I might as well give her something easy.

"Can you help me prepare the vegetables? I need a lot of them for the soup."

Summer's eyes lighted up as she quickly put on her apron and a cutting board. "Yay! I knew you would need me, Argen! So, which one do you need me to cut?"

I thought a few seconds, but my hands never stopped preparing the fish. "Can you start with chopping some green onion, onions, carrots, and garlic?"

"Yes, Chef!" shouted Summer with a smile as she searched the list of vegetables I asked from the fridge. Fortunately, they shopped a day before I came, or I would be disconcerted if I had to cook with an empty fridge.

I also decided to make the sauce while I was free from cleaning the fish. I took a small bowl from their cupboard and started using a good amount of gochujang (Red chilli paste) and doenjang (Soybean paste). Then, I added a generous amount of tuna fish sauce, soy sauce and sesame oil. I searched around the cupboard and found a bag of chilli pepper powder since I really liked spicy food until I froze when I was going to pour a good amount of it inside the sauce.


"What's wrong, Argen?" asked Summer as she came by my side curiously. "I'm currently making the sauce for the porridge, and I was wondering if you guys were fine with spicy."

Summer was in thought as she lightly tapped her chin. "I think we should be fine, but Ruby isn't very good at it… Will it be a problem?"

I let out a smile. "Not at all! I will just put a little amount of chilli pepper powder then." Summer also took this time to say she just finished chopping the vegetables as I glanced at them. I nodded with admiration when I saw them finely cut.

"Not bad. I'll take some of them and mix it with the sauce." I said, taking a handful of vegetables and thoroughly mixing everything inside the bowl with a spoon. After a few minutes of mixing, I scooped the sauce with my finger as I tasted it.

My eyes lightened up as I snapped my finger with happiness. That's some good fucking sauce if I say so myself. "Here, have a taste, Summer!" I said as I took another spoon from somewhere and brought it inside Summer's mouth.


"Great job!" exclaimed Summer as she closed her eyes and concentrated on the spicy taste. She moaned with delight and gave Argen a look akin to a god. "But it's a little salty?" said Summer carefully.

I nodded as I understood her point. "Of course! That's normal! since the sauce would go into the soup!" Also, I looked at the boiling water from the pot and decided to put the green onion ends from Summer's vegetable cutting into the pot.

Summer looked surprised when I added them. I noticed her reaction and explained. "If we boil the green onion ends, it will make a great broth."

"I see… I never knew you could do that." Said Summer as she took note of it. At the same time, I almost forgot about the fish that I left aside and took out another pot to boil more hot water to sieve the fish for the porridge because of the fish bones, and it would be a nasty surprise to find them inside the porridge.

So Summer and I patiently waited for the hot water before we started sieving the fish. Then, we finally arrived at the climax of the cooking after a very long time. We put everything together inside the big pot and stirred the pot.

At the same time, Taiyang arrived inside the kitchen with Qrow in tow. "Hey, kiddo, long time no see." Said Qrow with a gruff smile. I was surprised to see the man as I gave him a hug, which he returned. "You better appreciate this hug, kid, since I'm not the kind of guy who usually hugs another guy if you know what I mean."

I snorted and ignored him. Qrow Branwen was my second teacher at Signal Academy and a very stubborn man, but he didn't hesitate to help me when I needed help. He was also relieved when he saw I wasn't going down the path of a Huntsman since I was awful at it.

"So what are you guys making? It smells delicious, and I'm sure Summer didn't make it." Said Qrow with a grin as he approached the pot to take a look. "Nice."

Summer's face darkened as she immediately snatched his flask filled with beer. "No drinking."

Qrow's eyes popped immediately at this statement, which made an alcoholic like him despair. "W-wait, that's not fair. Summ—"

"You can always eat somewhere else." snapped Summer as she ignored Qrow. He shut his mouth immediately and gave up fighting for it. He knew how to retreat from a losing battle.

Their exchange didn't faze me as I tasted the sauce and tilted my head slightly. I was in deep thought as I started to season the pot with various seasonings that I could find.

My actions, however, were not hidden as Taiyang started to panic. "Wait, wait, wait! Aren't you adding a lot of things without measuring? Do you know what you are doing?"

Summer and Qrow's heads immediately snapped back to me. I held my hand toward the group. "Don't worry, just let me cook on this one."

"Ah.. this.." muttered Taiyang as he looked around. His eyes lingered on Summer for half a second until he glanced at Qrow immediately. He wasn't being very subtle about it since Summer quickly noticed it as her right eye twitched slightly, but she let it go for now.

"Hey, don't look at me. I can't cook for shit." shrugged Qrow.

I tasted it again and decided to add some water parsley into the pot, then closed the lid to let it boil. Qrow also took this chance to look around. "Hey, I meant to ask, but where are the kids? I didn't see any of them or the dog."

Taiyang shrugged in response. "I would be surprised if they were down here with us since they got hold of Argen's pet and stayed in their room. They should be there for dinner, though."

Qrow was utterly confused. "His pet? When did he—"

"MUDKIP! OMYGOSHOMYGOSHOMYGOSH! How could I forget about him!" shouted Summer as she startled everyone inside the kitchen. We watched as she placed her apron aside and left the kitchen quickly with her semblance.

"…That just happened, huh?" said Qrow as he recovered from his small surprise. He then looked at me pensively and embraced me in a one-arm hug. "How about you help your old teacher, kid? How about you find me another Mudkip?"

I rolled my eyes as his purpose was self-evident. "Even if I could find another one, I won't give it to you for impure reason. Get your game up instead, old man."

Qrow immediately kneeled on the ground as he held his heart. "What a ruthless brat…"

I also took this time to open the pot lid as the aroma stuck inside exploded every inch inside the kitchen. Taiyang licked his lips, and so did Qrow, who stopped playing around. I stirred the pot and decided to taste the broth.

I let out a sigh of relief since the broth tasted delicious. Qrow and Taiyang also took their turn to taste it as they were both hooked by the homely taste.

I guess it was almost time to serve the food as I asked Taiyang to call everyone at the table. He furiously nodded in understanding and went to call the girls down. Qrow also helped me bring out the bowl to serve the food, and since the broth was nearly done, I also took this chance to put the thin noodles inside the pot.

We took a few minutes to prepare the table as we noticed the girls arriving in tow. But what astonished me even more was my Mudkip new look.

He was… well, very cool right now as he was wearing a pair of nice-looking shades (Squirtle Squad Leader shade)

"Hehehe! I told you, Mudkip, that Brother Argen would love it! So what do you think?" said Yang, placing her hand on her hips.

I gave her and Mudkip a thumbs-up to show my appreciation. "Looking cool, Mudkip!" I also let out a chuckle when I saw them high-fiving each other.

"Hey, did you girls not see me?" asked Qrow as he panicked. He never expected they would forget about him because of this new blue pet. He never would have thought that his position would be threatened like this.

Ruby and Yang looked at the voice and finally saw their dearest Uncle Qrow beside me. "Uncle Qrow!" shouted the girls as they gave him a heartful hug.

"Sorry! It's just that Mudkip was really cool!" explained Rose with some blushes on her cheeks. "Yeah, you should have seen him, Uncle Qrow. Mudkip did some cool water trick!" said Yang with a smile.

At the same time, Summer was hugging her husband's arm as she jumped in place like an excited child. "I want one, Tai! I need a Mudkip for myself!"

"Even if you ask me that! I don't know where to find one!" said Taiyang helplessly.

I looked at my Mudkip and saw that his shades were from a well-known and expensive brand. "Hey, Yang! Are you sure about that gift to Mudkip? It's from an expensive brand, no?"

Yang waved my worries away. "Don't worry about it! I could always buy another one. It was supposed to be a gift for Uncle Qrow buuuuuut I felt Mudkip deserved it more."

Qrow, who heard it, stood up from the chair. "Wait, what! What do you mean by that? I can definitively wear it better than that thing."

Yang paused and looked back between Qrow and Mudkip, then shook her head and returned to playing with Mudkip.

I patted Qrow's back. "You can't win against the Mudkip."

"Shit... I can't even drink to drown my despair away." cried Qrow as he slammed his face on the table.


[A/N: I honestly don't know how the chapter mostly became about cooking food, so I'm terribly sorry. Hey, at least the next chapter should be on more fishing! Yay?]


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