
A Simple Cultivation

Every empty book and paper has potential for a great story, it is the job of the writer to discover it. This story is a test and experiment for me, discovering the story as I go.

DaoCommoner · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 9: Fighting Duo

"Aish, how the hell did we get here?! Woop! Haha!" There were currently five unconscious men under the gate. 

Old man, how did we get to this position? 

I shook my head, "what did this little girl do?"


"I have drunk too much for my old health. Let us find a nice shelter to sleep in." 

You need to take better care of your health. This is not the way to live. 

Don't nag this old man. I want to have a nice retirement before I go.

The little girl helped me up the stairs and walked me to my room. I saw the wooden straw bed in the corner and wiped out on top of it. 

The little girl's eyes lingered on my back as I passed out and gave me a small smile. 

She turned around, walked down the hall, and entered the washroom. She began to get ready to take a bath. But was stopped by a group of ladies. 

"The esteemed Lady Qing is taking a bath, and you must leave." The little girl only stared at them with a blank face. The ladies stood tall and laden with muscles. 

Another woman spoke, "This one is ignoring us. Does she think all women are pushovers?"

"She is a woman too." 

"Shut up the both of you," the woman in the front turned away and stared at the little girl again, "I'm going to ask you again. Take your belongings and leave."

And yet again, the little girl did not move, and the woman shook her head lightly. 

Her leg shot out, aimed for the little girl's face. She blocked with a straight kick to the supporting leg's thigh. The tall women toppled like a tower. And she was soon met with a knuckles to the jaw. 

"Damnit, Older Sister was caught off guard!" The other women ran forward and attacked. 

But they were not a match for the little girl, kicks to the ribs, inner thigh kicks, liver punch. Soon, the rest of them were on the floor, some clutching their heads and some their stomachs. 

The little girl walked past them into the baths. It was a vast room covered in all kinds of masonry and marble. And in the large hot bath, women sat alone. She turned to stare at the little girl who walked in with messy hair, torn skin, and bruises starting to form. 

"Can I assume you are an assassin?" The woman asked.

The little girl did not speak again. She moved into the water and sat down a few metres away. 

The woman stared and got up from her spot. She wrapped herself in a towel and moved. "I do not care about you wanting to enjoy a bath, but those leeches who attacked you in the changing room will come for you again. Be careful.

The little girl only stared at her eyes and nodded slowly. 

The women gave a small smile and walked into the change rooms. 


"Whoo! What a wonderful and restful sleep," little girl, did you cause any stir while I was asleep?

The little girl shook her head.