
A Simple Cultivation

Every empty book and paper has potential for a great story, it is the job of the writer to discover it. This story is a test and experiment for me, discovering the story as I go.

DaoCommoner · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 6: The Sect

"I suppose I am getting too old for this," I walked around the sect and observed the development. Soon, a young man ran up to me with a loosely organized stack of papers. 

"Grand Elder, the donations and charity department are running smoothly. Currently, we have fed and clothed approximately 25,000 commoners. Those numbers are rising as the fame of the department continues to rise. Many other sects and clans are praising us and have sent gifts to help the cause!" 

"That is indeed good. Go on now." The young man gave a deep bow and ran off. I continued to walk around the sect. 

The charity work was being held outside the main gate, and as I walked through, I enjoyed the symmetry of the sect architecture. 

The White Hall on the left, where the newest sect members stayed. On the right, the Wood Hall, where the saplings had developed into young trees. I continued forward along the marble tiles.

Tap, tap, tap. On the left again, Mirror Hall. The alchemist practitioners. On the right, Cliff Hall, where the Blue Sword masters live. 

Tap, tap, tap, step, step, step. I walked up a short set of stairs and looked at the temple before me. The sect did not dictate what God or Gods peoples wanted to believe in. I glanced over the many people in the temple.

Some prayed with beads as they stood with their head bowed. I did not hear, for he did not speak. But I managed to read his lips, giving praise to the jewel in the lotus.

I saw a man with a soft rug under him as he bowed his head to the floor. "Oh, most merciful. Will you grant me strength so that I may protect the weak that exist in this world and shine your light on evil." 

A woman holding a booklet in their hands clasped to their chest. Their eyes closed and their mouth muttering, "God if you are there. I pray for a plentiful year, I pray my technique and skills reach a new level. And I can further provide for my ill parents." 

I did not intend to eavesdrop as I stepped through the temple. Those words flowed into my ears as a plum blossom down a river when the time for stillness arrived. 

I moved to an empty spot in the temple, "I remain sharp, I will not dull. And if I rust, I will ensure my patina does not spread to others. And they learn from my mistakes." 

I opened my eyes and walked out to the other side of the temple. Dozens of disciples filled the yard. 

Some practised their sword skills. The air slashed, cut, jabbed. Combinations flew everywhere, and their feet left stamps into the ground. 

On the other side, disciples held books and spoke with each other in close contact. They shared their self-study notes and preachings. 

"Senior brother Lin, we are currently in the third generation of agriculture! There are techniques being used by these large farms that destroy the land around and poison the waters!"

"Bah, unbelievable. How could you think that nonsense? Those farms are what is holding the country together!" 

I walked along the edge of the courtyard and continued past the disciples. After a few minutes of walking, there stood five pavilions. 

Great House, for disciples who had matured and helped manage the sect.

Sun Light House, where the disciples trained closer to that of a scholar and philosopher.

Dawn House is where the best swords masters live in the Sect. 

Roots House is the residence of retired sect masters and elders. 

And the final pavilion, White Feather. 

I looked toward the door and saw my little disciple standing there with a smile on her face.